How many minutes per week do you work out?



  • blueriotgirl
    blueriotgirl Posts: 151 Member
    I do about 45-75 minutes everyday. I get up early and go down into our home gym. Its my time away from our 2 boys and a nice time to destress and gets me ready for the day.
  • sijomial
    sijomial Posts: 19,809 Member
    edited September 2015
    Varies enormously but if there's such a thing as a normal exercise week for me it would be 8 hours for average of roughly 69 minutes a day:
    3 x 60mins weight/strength training
    2 x 60mins indoor cardio of some description
    1 x 180mins cycling

    Most exercise minutes in a day was 524 (very long cycle).
    Most exercise minutes in a week was 1404. If I had realised at the time it was so close to 24 hours I might have tried harder! :wink:

    Not at all effective for weight loss as I'm maintaining not losing - which underlines the need to look at your calorie balance and not your exercise in isolation.
  • kwtilbury
    kwtilbury Posts: 1,234 Member
    I lift six days a week - anywhere from 45 to 90 minutes.
    I do usually cardio four days a week - mostly 60 minutes but sometimes 90 minutes or more.
    I'll often throw in a 20 minute HIIT session for good measure.

    Ten hours is a good estimate.
  • alfonsinarosinsky
    alfonsinarosinsky Posts: 198 Member
    I do 3 hours of strength training a week at the gym (doesn't include my daily squats at home). Then I do 7 hours of cardio weekly. That might sound excessive on the cardio but I love cardio
  • tyediri
    tyediri Posts: 183 Member
    I do a minimum of 4.5 hours of exercise a week, although mostly cardio.
    2 hours of zumba
    45 min express Body Combat
    45 min express Body Pump
    1 hour of Spin or Body Combat

    I also walk at least 40 mins a day to and from work, but don't usually log it as I don't do it for exercise. I some times swim or run in addition to this, but these are my basic, weekly classes.

    I have set my goal to 0.5kg a week as I only have a little to lose, and I seem to be hitting that pretty consistently. I mostly work out for fitness, although I do appreciate the extra calories to munch on.

    I want to do more strength training and some stretch classes, but I love my zumba and Combat too much to sacrifice any of those classes.
  • patrikc333
    patrikc333 Posts: 436 Member
    edited September 2015
    at least 20 hours walking and ~11 hours running per week

    it does work really well if you want to lose, if you want to eat a lot maintaining, and if you want to get rid of fat (at least in my case)
  • Willbenchforcupcakes
    Willbenchforcupcakes Posts: 4,955 Member
    However long it takes to get my programming done. 1-3 hours a day, 5-6 days a week. Most days run 90-120 minutes.
  • ald783
    ald783 Posts: 688 Member
    Exercise doesn't really correlate with weight loss for me. I've been working out 4-5 days a week for the past 6 or 7 years so it kind of just sets a baseline and then how I eat that week affects my weight.

    I'd estimate I do on average, 240-330ish minutes per week. Most days I work out for an hour, Saturday is usually a bit longer. Usually 2-3 days a week are primarily running (so maybe run for 40-45 minutes, then abs or strength for 15-20) and 2-3 days a week of classes that tend to be a mix of cardio and strength intervals.
  • mummyzena
    mummyzena Posts: 259 Member
    300mins powerlifting and the accessory work so strength/weight training and once kids are back at school will add my cardio back in. Which will be about 150 mins a week.
  • unrelentingminx
    unrelentingminx Posts: 231 Member
    I do running 2-3 times per week at around 40 minutes per session and strength training another 2-3 days at about 60 minutes each.

    I find I seem to be losing more weight due to the running rather than the strength training, but the strength training has definitely made me stronger and, in turn, a better runner.
  • Need2Exerc1se
    Need2Exerc1se Posts: 13,575 Member
    For me it varies greatly based on how active I am outside of "working out". Also, whether it's cardio or strength training varies based on my daily activity. I don't have a set routine, other than walking on my lunch hour which I do most work days.

    All of this allows me to eat more while losing weight, but since I was also doing it when I gained weight I don't give much credit to the exercise for weight loss. Diet is responsible for that.
  • ShandaLeaS
    ShandaLeaS Posts: 136 Member
    Typically around 10 hours a week running
  • Noot30
    Noot30 Posts: 54 Member
    I'm doing about 3 x lifting workouts of about an hour each, and 4 runs of about 30 mins (4 miles) each run.
    So about 5 1/2 hours a week. Plus walking to and from work, but I dont really count that as exercise...
  • dizzieblondeuk
    dizzieblondeuk Posts: 286 Member
    edited September 2015
    I was doing more cardio minutes up until last week, but I've switched to HIIT workouts for a couple of sessions. Instead of 45-60 mins of steady state cardio, I'm doing 20-25 minutes max of HIIT. I also have upped my strength training - previously it was about 20 mins per session, now I've switched to free weights and am doing at least 30 minutes (depends on how many squats I can manage!).

    I'm at the gym or in classes 5-6 days per week: 3-4 cardio/weights mixed sessions of ~60 minutes, plus one 60-min pilates class and a 60-min cardio class (spinning, Boxfit or similar). Total is 5 or 6 hours per week.
  • youtastelike
    youtastelike Posts: 17 Member
    hi, according to my sports tracker i do 13-22 hours per week, but it's important to know that most of it is walking (I'm experimenting to go to work/go home after work on foot - 10 kms) and that i aim for extreme cal burns in order to be able to eat whatever i want. it's far more than normal or usual but i can gladly report that it works out well for me - i feel great and sporty and can eat 2000 cals a day :)
  • granturismo
    granturismo Posts: 232 Member
    In a good week;

    2 hours stretching
    1.5 hours running
    1.5 hour weights
  • 7lenny7
    7lenny7 Posts: 3,498 Member
    My workout time has been increasing steadily as I ramp up my miles. For each of the last two weeks I've had about 375 minutes of running and 50 minutes of walking (warm up & cool down to running). For me it's been hugely effective for weight loss. On non running days it's hard to hit my deficit, but on running days I often have a 1000 kcal deficit or greater. I now starting to let some of those big run-day deficits carry over to the non running days.

    Last night I ran 8 miles from 9pm to 11pm, burning 1440 kcals. I ate until I was full and still had a 1100 calorie deficit on top of the 500 calorie deficit that MFP sets up for me.
  • Hornsby
    Hornsby Posts: 10,322 Member
    300 minutes a week strength training. 3-500 minutes on cardio.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    Kimbot88 wrote: »
    I am curious, how many minutes per week do you work out? How much of that is cardio vs. strength training? And is that effective for you as far as weight loss goes?

    8-10 hours per 480 - 600 minutes. i exercise for fitness and use my diet for weight management...this is to say that I've pretty much done the above for about 3 years now...I've lost weight, maintained weight, and gained weight doing that; the difference being how much I was eating.

    I generally ride 60-80 miles per week, sometimes more...I lift 2-3x per week....this also depends on season...I ride a lot less in the winter and hit the weight room a lot more. I also cross train with a 5K or interval runs once per week and do some hiking and swimming.

    diet for weight control; exercise for fitness...setting some fitness goals that are independent of weight management can really open up a whole other world as exercise goes.
  • christianlee100
    christianlee100 Posts: 745 Member
    I workout 30-40 min 5-6 times a day. Its about intensity. Moderate weights + high intensity/reps= results with less time in gym.