Feeling very discouraged

Hi everyone! I’m 5’2” and 131 pounds and looking to lose weight. I’m having trouble because I’m a pretty picky eater and I’m having trouble doing low carb because I run out of options quickly. I’ve been making different chicken recipes with salad for dinner. I have a salad for lunch with chicken, usually a smaller portion than dinner. I’m really struggling with breakfast. I used to LOVE breakfast, lately I gag just thinking about it. I used to eat egg whites, but just the thought of an egg white omelette makes me sick. I also tend to not stay full for very long. I have no idea what is up with my body but I used to never have to snack like I do. My meals only keep me full for about 3 hours even if they are high in protein. Any meal ideas, especially breakfast?

Regarding exercise…I’m extremely out of shape. Walking a mile around my neighborhood makes me feel like I’m going to die. I feel lightheaded and weird and start to panic. Don’t worry, I’ve been to a doctor and I was Ok’d to exercise. I don’t know if I’m feeling like this because I’m out of shape or what. So for right now, I’m starting small with just walking.

I used to work out with a friend a few years ago and I never lost a pound. I have NEVER seen results which is why I always give up. I eat salad every day for lunch and GAIN 2 pounds. It makes no sense. I drank a ton of soda for years, totally gave it up and lost maybe 4 pounds. I have a ton of belly fat (I’m talking “abdominally obese” here) that just never budges, but people tell me I’m skinny all the time! I’m not. I guess I could be considered skinny fat while wearing clothes? What can I do to lose this belly fat? I need to lose weight in my arms and legs too, but my belly is my main problem area. I know everyone says “abs are made in the kitchen” but I’m finding low carb dieting to be very restrictive and I find myself hungry most of the time which in turn causes me to binge eat snacks I have in my desk at work.

I would like to lose at least 20 pounds. Please give me some tips and tell me that I can do this because at this point it feels absolutely impossible.



  • leooftheyear
    leooftheyear Posts: 429 Member
    how many calories are you eating per day and have you considered looking into a strength training program like New Rules of Lifting?
  • SingRunTing
    SingRunTing Posts: 2,604 Member
    You don't need to do low carb if you don't want to (except if you have a medical condition like diabetes). If you find that too hard, just try straight calorie counting for a while.

    Put your stats into MFP with a goal of losing 0.5lb a week (you shouldn't be aiming for more than that at your height/weight). Weigh all solids and measure all liquids that you consume. Stick to the calorie goal given.

    If you exercise, put that in and eat back at least half of the calories it gives you.

    That's it. You can even eat treats as long as you are in your calorie goal.

    If you want to get picky, try to hit the macro goals that MFP gives you (protein, fat, carbs). This is for nutrition and satiety (feeling full), not weight loss.
  • SingRunTing
    SingRunTing Posts: 2,604 Member
    how many calories are you eating per day and have you considered looking into a strength training program like New Rules of Lifting?

    I'm adding to my comment above to say, ditto this.

    You'll probably be happier with your results if you include strength training into your exercise regime.
  • ColinsMommaOC
    ColinsMommaOC Posts: 296 Member
    edited September 2015
    Are you on Low Carb for medical reasons or because you think it is the best diet for losing weight? If you don't like eggs and cannot think of things other than Salad & Chicken to eat all the time, then Low Carb might not be for you. I have been doing LC for a month now and have yet to stumble into your problem, but I love eggs, meats, and veggies, so it works for me. There are a lot of great recipes out there but if you are as picky as you say, then they wont help you much.
    As for the exercise, you might want to go back to the doctor and give them an account of how you feel when you walk. Just because they gave you the "OK" to exercise, does not mean that they will say that what happens when you actually exercise is OK.

    ETA: Get rid of the snacks in the desk, or just keep enough to fit within your goals. Keeping enough to "binge" on in your desk is asking for trouble IMO.
  • judywoody
    judywoody Posts: 49 Member
    edited September 2015
    The problem with low carb is, that it gives you no energy. Been there, got the tshirt. The reason why low carb works is that you also lose your appetite. Your brain runs on Glucose so it needs carbs. Don't believe the hype.. it's also not good for the environment.

    Eat more veggies and at least some carbs in form of rice or potatoes. Veggies should be your main staple, not protein, fat ot carbs alone.

    Regarding exercise, I know what it's like to be unfit. but being on a low carb diet makes it even worse due to the lack of energy. One reason why you are not losing is because you don't have that much more to lose. Patience is the most important thing now and recording every bite you put into your mouth. At your height it's easy to overeat. Once you get some energy back, try and go to the gym and walk on the treadmill on an incline for a while to lose the fat. When you get fitter you might want to look into strength training or even high intensity interval training to build muscle. Muscle will help to speed up your metabolism and lose that extra bit of flab.

    But remember, the quality of food is really important..fresh,water rich food is the best for weightloss with some added carbs and protein.

    as a last resort get your thyroid checked:-)
  • AngelaH1225
    AngelaH1225 Posts: 9 Member
    Hey, jordwise8! It definitely is a first step to ask for encouragement and help. You can make this happen, because you have the first part down - choosing to make a difference in your life. At the beginning of July I weighed just at 300 lbs, which is the heaviest I've ever been. It took a wonderful trip to India to change my perspective and get me on the right track to disciplining myself in all areas of my life - and I started with the diet and exercise. I found a program that is working well for me and I feel satisfied with what I'm eating. Must be working because I weighed myself today at 268.5. If I can do this (Miss Couch lump who hates salads), you can do this!

    I don't believe in following all the fad advise of dieting; low-carb, no-carb, fat free, gluten free, taste free, don't eat eggs, eat eggs, and so on and so on. It's just noise. The discipline program I'm on focuses on the nutrients rather than the fads, and, surprisingly, even though it's about 1200-1300 calories per day, I am satisfied, as mentioned, and full. I'm happy to share it with you.

    As for breakfast: I try different things, such as oatmeal and a hard boiled egg, or 1/2 cup cottage cheese (protein powerhouse) and fruit, or an omelet (full egg is very nutritious), or a piece of ham with some boiled potatoes or sugar free yogurt with granola and peanut butter on celery. Different things each day.

    Anywho, this is the discipline plan I'm using (each item per serving). And you can mix and match to your schedule. (Note: I've added an additional starch because I know myself well enough. :) )
    Breakfast: 1 protein + 1 fruit
    Lunch: 1 protein + 1 veggie + leafy greens + 1 taste enhancer (like dressing or butter) + 1 fruit
    Afternoon Snack: 1 protein + 1 fruit or veggie
    Dinner: 1 protein + 1 starch/grain + 2 veggies + leafy greens + 1 taste enhancer
    Evening Snack: 1 starch (usually popcorn)

    I can empathize with your struggle and I wish you great success! You can do this! If you'd like to add me as a friend, I'd be happy to send an encouraging word. :smile: Hope this helps.
  • ColinsMommaOC
    ColinsMommaOC Posts: 296 Member
    judywoody wrote: »
    The problem with low carb is, that it gives you no energy.

    Regarding exercise, I know what it's like to be unfit. but being on a low carb diet makes it even worse due to the lack of energy.

    Well, I must be an anomaly then because my energy has doubled since starting LC.
  • tayloralanj
    tayloralanj Posts: 137 Member
    Drink water.
    Eat protein.
    Avoid processed foods.
  • allaboutthefood
    allaboutthefood Posts: 781 Member

    Well, I must be an anomaly then because my energy has doubled since starting LC.

    When you are one a hard core low carb diet, people are eating no more than 20 to 30 grams of carb, so your diet wouldn't really be viewed at low carb. I am on a low carb site and I was trying to keep my carbs between 50 and 100 thinking that was low carb, but was told NOPE! 20 to 30 grams is what they consider to be low carb. Now I don't really care if I reach over 100 cause all I need to do is eat in a deficit and I have lost 54 lbs in just over 5 months.
  • rsclause
    rsclause Posts: 3,103 Member

    This is what has worked for me but I am far from an expert. Forget about "Low Carb" and think reduce carb. I have limited or eliminated breads, pastas and potatoes. On the other hand I have added oatmeal, fruits, nuts and veggies. Once again it the slight deficit that counts so don't starve. I noticed you eat a lot of salads. When I did the math salads proved to not be the answer. I found that I can eat a grilled chicken sandwich at a fast food place and stay below what the salad clocks in at. I also do better with some chicken in a low carb wrap and add some guacamole from a costco single serve container. Exercise is also key for me, start slow and build. Pick a walking distance and go out and back. Each day go a little further but it doesn't have to be much. I had a 50 pound beer gut and it took time to get rid of it but as I approached my goal it started shrinking fast. Beware because it was the last to go and the first to come back when I slaked off a bit. Good Luck.
  • glitzy196
    glitzy196 Posts: 190 Member
    I love carbs, LOVE them. I also have never had a salad or an egg white..like in my life.
    count your calories. you will lose, you will just lose slowly. GOOD LUCK.
  • WBB55
    WBB55 Posts: 4,131 Member
    @jordwise8 what DOES sound good to eat, then? Can you just eat that, but control the portion of it so it fits in your calorie goal?
  • middlehaitch
    middlehaitch Posts: 8,485 Member
    You are 1 inch and 1 lb taller and heavier than I was (and it sounds like at a similar fittness level) when I started.
    It took about a year to get down to 105lb ( 25lb loss),
    The first 5-7 lb came off at about 1lb a week, but after that it was .5 lb or less a week.

    Because of your height and weight it is going to be slow going, there is no way around that.

    MFP is probably going to start you on 1200-1300 cals a day. Make sure you eat all of them, plus 50-75% of any exercise calories. Eat what you like to eat, no need to go low carb, or avoid foods you like. You may decide, along the way, to change the foods you eat to get more filling and nutritiously rich food, but that is up to you.
    I can't emphasize enought to eat as much as you can while still losing; too few calories and you will start feeling tired and ill.

    As you lose weight your belly fat will go down too, but if you are like the majority of women, it will be the last to go.
    It will go though, ( my avitar is me now, if you look at my profile page there is my before pic. I look 8 month pregnant!) it just takes time.

    Exercise is important for your health. You sound about as fit as I was. Start with baby steps.
    I was never interested in walking or jogging, so my first ever type of exercise was aqua fit. It was gentle and I could go at my own pace, which ment as I progressed I could up my effort. There is less chance of injury for the unfit person too as it is low impact. Just an idea of something you might like to try. Because you are in cool water it keeps your heart rate a little lower, so you may avoid the adverse effects you have had walking, water walking may be interesting too.

    Some kind of resistance training would be really beneficial for your bones and muscles.
    Don't get scared at the mention of heavy lifting, like I did. All it means is lift what is heavy for you, and keep progressing, challenging your muscles. Most of the tried and true programmes that people talk about on this forum can be adapted to hand weights. There are also body weight exercises you can do, Nerdfitness.com is my favourite.

    Don't overwhelm yourself by trying to do everything at once.
    Baby steps.
    Get calorie counting sorted first, then start adding in exercise, slowly.

    Sorry this was so long, you just had a lot of info in your OP that I identified with.

    Cheers, h.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    First thing - you don't have to eat low carb. Protein and fat are more filling however, but there's nothing wrong with carb (especially whole grains and complex carbs because they have fiber)

    Second - if you're not hungry for breakfast, don't have breakfast. Meal timing doesn't matter, and I know that the later I eat breakfast, the easier the day is going to be for me.

    Third - weight loss isn't linear. If you're eating less than you burn, you just can't gain fat. But you can gain water weight. It just doesn't last. Bottom line is that you have to trust the numbers... If you're logging accurately and are under your goal, you know you're doing things right, and you WILL lose.. it might just take a while.

    Fourth - you can't spot reduce unfortunately so you'll have to lose fat to lose your belly.

    Fifth - when I started exercising, I couldn't even go through the warm up of my exercise DVDs. You'll get there.. one step at a time. You probably want to consider some kind of strength training too though.

    Cliff notes - 1) Set a reasonable deficit (half a pound a week or one pound a week to lose 20 pounds). 2) log accurately. 3) Eat back half your exercise calories. 4) Lose weight.
  • Ashf6539
    Ashf6539 Posts: 6 Member
    Are you on Low Carb for medical reasons or because you think it is the best diet for losing weight? If you don't like eggs and cannot think of things other than Salad & Chicken to eat all the time, then Low Carb might not be for you. I have been doing LC for a month now and have yet to stumble into your problem, but I love eggs, meats, and veggies, so it works for me. There are a lot of great recipes out there but if you are as picky as you say, then they wont help you much.
    As for the exercise, you might want to go back to the doctor and give them an account of how you feel when you walk. Just because they gave you the "OK" to exercise, does not mean that they will say that what happens when you actually exercise is OK.

    ETA: Get rid of the snacks in the desk, or just keep enough to fit within your goals. Keeping enough to "binge" on in your desk is asking for trouble IMO.

    I tried low carb because I always hear people talk about how great it is. I've decided to try calorie counting instead. Also, I've seen a cardiologist about my issue. The way I felt when exercising was actually my reason for going and he gave me the all clear and really encouraged me to keep exercising. I'm hoping its just because I'm really out of shape.
  • disasterman
    disasterman Posts: 746 Member
    Are you logging? If so, maybe open your diary so people can give feedback.
  • Ashf6539
    Ashf6539 Posts: 6 Member
    Hey, jordwise8! It definitely is a first step to ask for encouragement and help. You can make this happen, because you have the first part down - choosing to make a difference in your life. At the beginning of July I weighed just at 300 lbs, which is the heaviest I've ever been. It took a wonderful trip to India to change my perspective and get me on the right track to disciplining myself in all areas of my life - and I started with the diet and exercise. I found a program that is working well for me and I feel satisfied with what I'm eating. Must be working because I weighed myself today at 268.5. If I can do this (Miss Couch lump who hates salads), you can do this!

    I don't believe in following all the fad advise of dieting; low-carb, no-carb, fat free, gluten free, taste free, don't eat eggs, eat eggs, and so on and so on. It's just noise. The discipline program I'm on focuses on the nutrients rather than the fads, and, surprisingly, even though it's about 1200-1300 calories per day, I am satisfied, as mentioned, and full. I'm happy to share it with you.

    As for breakfast: I try different things, such as oatmeal and a hard boiled egg, or 1/2 cup cottage cheese (protein powerhouse) and fruit, or an omelet (full egg is very nutritious), or a piece of ham with some boiled potatoes or sugar free yogurt with granola and peanut butter on celery. Different things each day.

    Anywho, this is the discipline plan I'm using (each item per serving). And you can mix and match to your schedule. (Note: I've added an additional starch because I know myself well enough. :) )
    Breakfast: 1 protein + 1 fruit
    Lunch: 1 protein + 1 veggie + leafy greens + 1 taste enhancer (like dressing or butter) + 1 fruit
    Afternoon Snack: 1 protein + 1 fruit or veggie
    Dinner: 1 protein + 1 starch/grain + 2 veggies + leafy greens + 1 taste enhancer
    Evening Snack: 1 starch (usually popcorn)

    I can empathize with your struggle and I wish you great success! You can do this! If you'd like to add me as a friend, I'd be happy to send an encouraging word. :smile: Hope this helps.

    Thank you so much for your encouraging words! I've been tracking everything that I eat for the last few days and I was shocked when I realized how many calories I was consuming :( I'll definitely give your plan a try. I think a lot of my problem is that I fill up quickly so I don't eat large meals which explains why I'm hungry in a couple hours.

  • Chabela53
    Chabela53 Posts: 130 Member
    judywoody wrote: »
    The problem with low carb is, that it gives you no energy. Been there, got the tshirt. The reason why low carb works is that you also lose your appetite. Your brain runs on Glucose so it needs carbs. Don't believe the hype.. it's also not good for the environment.

    Well, I have been low carb for 5 weeks, and I have NEVER felt better! The first 4 days were tough, tired, and airheaded. That has subsided, and I am amazed at my energy.

    Why is it not good for the environment????
  • Chabela53
    Chabela53 Posts: 130 Member
    sorry I did that wrong ^
  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    Chabela53 wrote: »
    sorry I did that wrong ^

    Regarding your question about the environment: this person is probably referring to the environmental impact of eating more meat/eggs/dairy as opposed to plant foods.