avoiding sugar causing me to not eat enough calories...

Any advice? I'm on a no-sugar diet/yeast-free diet recommended by my doctor due to yeast issues which essentially means that I eat a ton of veggies, lean proteins, occasional apple here or there. My grains are usually rice or oats but many yeast free diets don't even allow those...just a couple so I try to only eat them lightly or occasionally. Essentially, little to no dairy. Sometimes I'll have aged cheddar.

So...at the end of every day... I find I have 300-500 calories still to eat out of my 1200 calories for the day. I don't want my body to be in starvation mode but I don't know what else to eat. I do eat nuts or almond butters.

Anyone else cut out all sugars and have this problem?


  • manny_bee
    manny_bee Posts: 62 Member
    i am doing very poorly at eating low sugars because i never cook, but yes! by avoiding things with lots of sugar (and lots of fats) i cant meet my goal! i just live with it. im losing weight and im not starving and im getting muscle tone.
  • milaxx
    milaxx Posts: 1,122 Member
    Peek at my diary. I'm ovo-vegetarian, but I eat limit gluten, and as clean as possible. Take advantage of the summer fruits instead of apples, they are lower in sugar. Sweet potatoes are good, beans it you eat them. Try some new grains like quinoa or cous cous. Filling but yeast free. i also make my own salad dressings with olive oil, lemon, limes, balsamic vinegar avocados and even eggs yolk. if you don't have a cholesterol problem whole eggs are fine.
  • nayagan
    nayagan Posts: 13
    You can't eat meat either? Beef/Mutton/Pork/Chicken/Turkey etc.

    Make a double hamburger without the buns --> its good for 500 calories.
  • AKosky585
    AKosky585 Posts: 607 Member
    Oh yes...I am trying to stay below 100 carbs a day and low sugar (under 30g a day) and I find it is so hard to get 1200 calorie minimum...and forget exercise calories. I am lucky to get in 900 before exercise, and feel like I am eating a ton. All healthy, but not enough!

    How do people do it? Meet their calorie goals while still eating healthy?
  • melaniecurrier
    melaniecurrier Posts: 3 Member
    Glad to know I'm not alone.

    (I do eat meat- Lots of it! lol)

    I was eating 4 hard boiled eggs a day (2 for breakfast and then 2 more on my salad at lunch but my protein at the end of the day was so high, I cut back).

    I'm rarely ever hungry. I just researched "popcorn and yeast free diet" and while there is conflicting info, there seems to be several sites that say it is okay. I think I'm going to have some with real butter. That should help (at least for today).

    But I agree. I eat so healthy all day but with so many veggies and veggies being so low in calories, it is really hard to get my calorie count up.

    Oh...and I LOVE avocados! Just wish they weren't so expensive. I'm growing my own avocado tree right now but it takes up to 7 years to bear fruit!
  • lizzil0
    lizzil0 Posts: 181 Member
    I do low carb and low sugar and am eating a ton- check out my diary for ideas. For example tonight's dinner was buffalo chicken- a cut up chicken breast, dipped in egg then breaded with parmesan cheese and fried. Served with blue cheese franks hot sauce and green beans- it's one of my fave dinners.