is it possible to loose 5 pounds in a month?

is it possible to loose 5 pounds in a month? new here


  • heidio2
    heidio2 Posts: 110 Member
    Absolutely! My 1st month I made major lifestyle changes and lost 12 lbs. (Under a Dr care) now I average around 3 a month.
  • pamelalabs
    pamelalabs Posts: 26 Member
    really?? woah! that's amazing! ur such an inspiration :)
  • heidio2
    heidio2 Posts: 110 Member
    pamelalabs wrote: »
    really?? woah! that's amazing! ur such an inspiration :)

    Oh I so needed to hear that. I've been surrounding myself with motivating people, glad I could help motivate someone else.
  • shadowconn
    shadowconn Posts: 141 Member
    Depends on how much you have to lose. If you only need to lose 5 pounds . . . maybe not. If you need to lose a lot . . . then yes. I lost 10 pounds in 2 weeks in June. Ran out of healthy food money. Maintained. Then lost 12-13 in the last 26 days.
  • pamelalabs
    pamelalabs Posts: 26 Member
    really? that's so awesome! ohh i wish i could loose up to 5 pounds in 3 weeks
  • Endless_Journey
    Endless_Journey Posts: 136 Member
    Depends on how much you want to lose. I was averaging 9lbs per month but I needed to, to get my life back on track. Hey good luck on your journey to a healthier you.
  • pamelalabs
    pamelalabs Posts: 26 Member
    thank you!! you inspire me to loose more
  • PAV8888
    PAV8888 Posts: 13,821 Member
    It depends on how much weight you have to lose and how far off the bottom of your healthy weight range you are currently at.

    Your profile pic appears to be that of an individual who is well within their healthy weight range.

    As such you might not be looking to lose weight for health reasons; but, might be doing so in order to achieve a certain "look".

    If that is the case it may be more appropriate for you to concentrate on building up your strength while eating at maintenance, as opposed to trying to lose weight.

    Even if you decide to go ahead and lose weight, in order to maximize the preservation of lean mass during weight loss, you would be advised to lose the weight quite slowly, probably at a rate of half a lb a week. You don't appear to have enough fat reserves to sustain a much faster loss rate.
  • pamelalabs
    pamelalabs Posts: 26 Member
    @PAV8888 -> yeah.. i guess your right.. i jst realized that im trying to loose weight to look good.. but i guess thats better coz im feeling good now.. i guess im not yet contented ..that's why i wanna loose more pounds.. im 55kg now.. i wanna be at 50kg.. im 5"4 . and 23yrs of age