new and trying my best

Hi! I'm just trying to keep everything I do and eat in order since usually I go off into munchie mode if I don't. Hopefully this will work out really great, I've heard good things


  • Lady_mabel
    Lady_mabel Posts: 4 Member
    Good luck, I've been here before, but starting afresh after going AWOL. be disciplined with tracking, it works!
  • sasham1991
    sasham1991 Posts: 12 Member
    I'm trying its weird to suddenly track everything, sometimes I almost forget
  • AndreasEvans
    AndreasEvans Posts: 35 Member
    It only works if you are true to yourself (and don't forget) by logging everything you eat & drink...that's why it's so hard to do...but it is worth it AND there are plenty of people in the same boat who will be happy to help inspire, chide and congratulate you...if you want. Happy to help if you like...just click my name and friend me.

    In any event...good luck.
  • sasham1991
    sasham1991 Posts: 12 Member
    It only works if you are true to yourself (and don't forget) by logging everything you eat & drink...that's why it's so hard to do...but it is worth it AND there are plenty of people in the same boat who will be happy to help inspire, chide and congratulate you...if you want. Happy to help if you like...just click my name and friend me.

    In any event...good luck.

    Thank you for your inspiring words!
  • mirandagirl2
    mirandagirl2 Posts: 160 Member
    Welcome! Best of luck to you in your journey ☺ I know that you can be successful ☺ Feel free to add me
  • PinkPixiexox
    PinkPixiexox Posts: 4,142 Member
    MFP is a brilliant way to stay on track so drop by as often as possible :)
    Best of luck!
  • Bassma2015
    Bassma2015 Posts: 13 Member
    Logging food Is the most effective and useful change you'll ever do so good luck.
  • pamelalabs
    pamelalabs Posts: 26 Member
    yeah,, were all on the same boat.. and we all have jst 1 goal.. to loose weight.. im new here too! hoping to achieve my desired weight :)
  • monicajdavies
    monicajdavies Posts: 1 Member
    hi, can anyone tell me if I can log foods that I normally eat on the database to check off when I need?
  • sasham1991
    sasham1991 Posts: 12 Member
    Thanks everyone for the good vibes, hope you all make your goal weights too!
  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    Welcome! Counting calories work wonderfully if you do it correctly. Finding the right level of order and restriction has been important to me. I've been in maintenance for almost eleven months now. The MFP forum is great for information and motivation.
  • christywinkle
    christywinkle Posts: 15 Member
    I forget sometimes too but I am trying very hard to stay on track. Good luck to you :)
  • Richie777pr
    Richie777pr Posts: 2 Member
    Hola solo llevo 15 dias soi nuevo en esto pero funciona usar esta app mas ejercicios ya eh bajado 9 libras ;) saludos