Getting serious about toning up

Hey. I've been mostly focused on losing as much weight as possible since December, but now that I am at a pretty healthy normal weight, I really want to tone up. I'm getting really serious about it this summer and willing to change my diet and exercise routine up as much as necessary. I really want to look like this one day:


I know it's going to take a long time and a lot of hard work, but that's okay.

I am 5'4.5, 120 lbs.

As of now my carb/protein/fat ratio is set to 40/40/20 and calories are set to 1200

I'd like someone to maybe message me and help me plan out something to get my butt started with this, offer me advice and help me change up my diet. I am sure it'd be more helpful than google.

So if there are any currently "muscular" people that will help me get to be that way, I'd be very appreciative, thanks guys!

I'm not really interested in p90x or anything, I rather go to an actual gym.


  • mgreen10
    mgreen10 Posts: 229 Member
    Awesome body, butter face :P
    I want to look like that too...but her pic reminded me once again why its important to concentrate on relaxing the facial muscles while lifting weights....
  • monylove311
    monylove311 Posts: 251 Member
    ooh.. me too. me too. : )

    Good one MGreen!!! She looks constipated. : )
  • AUPerry
    AUPerry Posts: 166
    She's at the gym, I don't thinks he's too worried about looking pretty... and no offense but that is totally unrelated to my post. I think it's rude to comment on somebody like that, because no matter what, that is a person. No need to be call names even if you are joking.
  • RDH0513
    RDH0513 Posts: 245 Member
    She's at the gym, I don't thinks he's too worried about looking pretty... and no offense but that is totally unrelated to my post. I think it's rude to comment on somebody like that, because no matter what, that is a person. No need to be call names even if you are joking.

    I agree.

    Anyway- Are you lifting weights now? Your ratios are great! You could try to change them up them every now and then to see what effect it has on your body- lower carb/ higher fat and protein. Good luck, and I think your inspiration LOOKS AWESOME
  • AUPerry
    AUPerry Posts: 166
    She's at the gym, I don't thinks he's too worried about looking pretty... and no offense but that is totally unrelated to my post. I think it's rude to comment on somebody like that, because no matter what, that is a person. No need to be call names even if you are joking.

    I agree.

    Anyway- Are you lifting weights now? Your ratios are great! You could try to change them up them every now and then to see what effect it has on your body- lower carb/ higher fat and protein. Good luck, and I think your inspiration LOOKS AWESOME

    I don't really have a weight routine right now, and I actually don't do weights besides my body weight too often, which is why I posted this and need help. I might post this again tomorrow and if not, just try to figure out a routine through using google. And thank you :)
  • bizco
    bizco Posts: 1,949 Member
    I highly recommend checking your local library (or Amazon) and reading one of these books:

    "The New Rules of Lifting for Women" by Lou Schuler, it's like $10 on Amazon
    "Body for Life" by Bill Phillips

    I just started doing the "New Rules" program plus there's a MFP thread of other ladies who are doing it. Great support network!

    You need a solid plan before embarking on a strength training program and it helps to have a resource (book) you can refer to again and again. The "New Rules" book includes a nutrition plan along with the weight lifting program.

    Good luck. You've made a wise decision to include strength training as part of your overall fitness plan.
  • funfitfoodie
    funfitfoodie Posts: 630 Member
    Sorry I don't know how to help you really :noway: I've seen a lot posted about New Rules of Lifting for Women so maybe give that a try?

    I also know abs are mainly about nutrition so maybe Google that?

    I love this girl! I want her body as well so I'm interested in the replies too :wink:
  • CassandraD82
    CassandraD82 Posts: 71 Member
    I thought I'd chime in with my experiences but keep in mind: I'm no expert!

    I've been a gym member for close to 10 years now and most of my experience comes from gym staff and friends who have worked in the fitness industry. One of the things that took me a very long time to understand is this one:

    There are two types of muscle strength. Ideally you want a combination of both for true strength and endurance.

    The first type is built up (and puffs your muscles up - like body builders) by using difficult weights in very short sets. This is the type of muscle you see guys working on when they go to the gym: 3 sets of 8-10 bicep curls with huge weights in hand.

    The second type of muscle strength is more about endurance (this is more like what you'd expect a farmer or worker to develop by working hard every day using their muscles - think toning opposed to muscle bulk). To achieve that kind of strength you need lighter weights and lots of reps. This is what Body Pump classes are designed to work on.

    On three occasions throughout the last 10 years I've tried to really achieve some strength building - not for weight loss but just for strength - and the most success that I've seen is through a combination of weight lifting (short sets, very intense) and weight lifting classes like Body Pump (low weights, long sets 3-6mins).

    Without one I don't see much improvement in the other: if I don't go out and spend at least 1 session a week trying to increase my short set weights, then I don't get through my Body Pump class as easily. If I just do Body Pump on its own, I am never really able to increase the weights and seem to maintain the same strength.

    Ideally I would advise doing Body Pump at least twice a week and weight lifting in the gym at least once a week. But never go back to the gym until your muscles have stopped hurting from your last workout (remember, they are hurting because they are repairing and rebuilding to be better than before!).

    So if that means that you put your weights up in the gym, then need 4 days recovery before your next Body Pump class, then wait 2 days before the next class, then wait 3 days before the next weight session in the gym .... wait until you stop hurting :D

    I'll stop rambling and good luck!

    (ps I can't recommend Body Pump enough - so good for weight loss)
  • kr3851
    kr3851 Posts: 994 Member
    Personally, I'd be going to a gym and employing the personal trainer there, even if it's just for one or two sessions before going out on your own. Firstly, they can check your form on all the machines or free weights, and then secondly, they can draw up a routine for you targeting all the areas that you want to target. My housemate and I had our first session this week, and are going to continue for a month or so with the trainer, once a week. We're not sure if we'll continue with him long term, mainly because of the cost - but if we can learn from him and then implement that ourselves (making sure to spot each other and make sure we do things properly) we may just get on track. Luckily the trainers at our gym are not employed by the gym, so we can give him a call for a one-off session any time, and he always says hi when we're there for our regular sessions if he's there, along with giving us tips!