Love exercising, but binge eating and stress/depression have reversed all progress

toesinarow Posts: 17 Member
edited September 2015 in Introduce Yourself
Hey there.

I'm not new, so let's say, new this time around. I've gained 75-85 pounds in the last 8 years, and hoping to reverse that and then some. I've never been "slim", but used to train in boxing and at 5'9" and 185 pounds I was lean and mean! (Too bad i didnt realize it at the time...ahh, hindsight.).

Me, I'm female, 35 yrs, 5'9" and 256.8 pounds (down from all-time high of 269 thanks to a recent bout of stomach flu - nature's diet aid). I figure I've got about 80-90 pounds to lose.

As mentioned, I've struggled with job/career stress and binge eating that started to negate my 5-6 day training regimen in boxing, and really started to weight me down, literally and figuratively. Just getting that under control and back to working out, looking for like-minded people, absolutely no judgment - 100% support all round.

Into - boxing, running, swimming, dogs, knitting (goes well with the boxing huh?), yoga, meditation, nerdy sciency stuff, reading the classics, playing nerdy video games, cooking and yes EATING (healthy - although I had pringles today, don't judge ;)

Let ME be YOUR friend ;). Go team!


  • midlifesally
    midlifesally Posts: 26 Member
    Hi. You sound like me but I"m older than you. Suddenly gained 40 pounds after my divorce and I am dealing with job/career stress and binge eating. I'm ready to stop.

    My hairdresser started boxing and she looks fabulous these days so it's a great exercise.
    Sent you a friend request. I woudl love to talk binge busting ideas
  • xxItsViviBaby
    xxItsViviBaby Posts: 24 Member
    Same. I've never technically been overweight but I also struggle with binge eating. I gained 15-20 pounds over the course of almost 2 years and I've been yo-yoing over the past year trying to get it off. I started at 140 and am currently at 133 (though I have gotten to 128 and alas, binge eating). I'm really trying to break the habit and have had the urge to binge a few times but told myself I'm better than that and put the food away. It was super hard but I want to make substantial progress this time around and quit the back and forth on the scale. Good luck! :)
  • rebeccaz101379
    rebeccaz101379 Posts: 6 Member
    Yup, I'm the same way but teeter with ten pounds or so, I own a small restaurant and we are known for our cupcakes, and sweets are my downfall (diet wise :-) funny story, with my youngest son while pregnant I hated sugar..... I ended up almost 20 pounds thinner a week after having him then what I weighed right before getting pregnant! I've now since gained that weight back plus about five pounds (a little over two years ago), tried the whole eating clean paleo style diet and that's where the other five came from.....if I have one bite of a cupcake or a chocolate bar I am eating five....there is no moderation :-p......I have noticed to go with carbs though.....protein doesn't fill me up and makes me crave sugar more, now I eat high fiber gluten free items (I have celiac, and make loads of gluten free desserts, which my taste buds love but my hips are beginning to protest) :-p veggies, about a tablespoon of good fats, 2 servings of fruit and one serving of beans a day and am super full, satisfied and have large amounts of energy....hope this helps a bit, and good luck xoxo
  • MamaGemini123
    MamaGemini123 Posts: 20 Member
    This was my introduction

    on a mission to find the old me... goal as of now 40lbs!!

    September 2, 2015 11:32PM in Introduce Yourself
    Ive gone from one extream to the other and i want out from both. From my early teens to my early twenties i was anorexic. But the min i found out i was pregnant i snapped into reality. I was taking care of my self!

    But after my second at 28 I got sick and with meds packed on the pounds. I gave up! I let depression and anxiety take over.. well that just added more pounds..

    Ive tried to lose the weight I did. But to others every time i tried it was a joke.. not to mention and wont lie i hit the bottle! Yep booze and food.. well doing this for a few years(not proud) but self medicating in wrong ways. Still not happy..

    But Im back on more then one mission!! Get off the bottle and find the old me for i was there at a small time frame but i was there..

    Im now 35.. 5'3 and yep 190!! And yep all belly!! Ive been asked countless time when im due lol...

    Now today ive been at eating healthy and being active for a week. I know it dont sound like much but.... the light bulb has been turned on! Not to mention ive tried before but people around me always took it as a joke.. today ive finally got the moral suport!! And yep treated the fam to fast food(we dont eat out much that no lie!) Hubby and kids pigged out and yep i watched what i ate happy and with out being ridiculed. Actually got hey good job for a change..

    My goal now for i want to be realistic is to lose 40lb by the end of jan! Been doing less the 1200 cal a day and working out and burning a min of 3-400 cal a day..
    One week in lost 5lbs!!! Heck yeah im happy!! I know it dont sound much but for me im learning life change not diet!! Slow and steady and even whennibget to my goal this is a life change not a temp change!

    P.s sorry for taking up so much of your time if your reading this hehe. Wow hounestly thay felt so good to let it out.

    So yep i will be support we can do it together!
  • toesinarow
    toesinarow Posts: 17 Member
    Thanks all, love hearing your stories! It's always nice to know you're not alone on this journey! Good luck to all.
  • PinkPixiexox
    PinkPixiexox Posts: 4,142 Member
    You can totally lose the weight gained and be your healthy active self again :)
    It certainly sounds like you have the determination and positive attitude - stick with it and you'll go far. Best of luck on the start of a new you!