Need Some advice

So I've been using my fitness pal for about 3 weeks now, and have loved it! I've been pretty good about staying under and around my calorie goal. THe problem is most days I'd rather eat less to avoid putting a workout in. does anyone know how I can get motivated? The Gym bores me, I've recenly been playing DDR, or using a rebounder (mini-trampoline) because they're fun! the thing is, when it comes to doing it, sometimes I just dont want to start. any advice for getting into a weekly routine? or Ideas for other fun ways to excercise? :]


  • TiDinzeo
    TiDinzeo Posts: 309
    I don't like the gym either often I exercise using my Wii. DDR counts as exercise as it's raising your heart rate. To get into exercise, you have to find something that's fun for you to do.
  • murf19
    murf19 Posts: 453 Member
    What do you like to do? Walking, Biking, hiking, Do you have friends you could exercise with? Play some tennis, take a class etc...
    If you really want get fit, you'll be motivated to do so, then this site helps by keeping you motivated and helping guide you to your goals. You can do anything if you put your mind to it!

    I turned myself around right in my basement using Beachbody Dvd's. It's all about the want! What do you want? How are you going to get it?
    good luck
  • schaapj2
    schaapj2 Posts: 320 Member
    Try soooo much fun,,,,,its like going club dancing....if you habve a Wii, they make Zumba for it and its a GREAT workout!
  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    I don't exercise and have lost 30 lbs. No motivation what so ever. I would rather eat less. I don't care so no one has to comment.
  • FryingPanda
    FryingPanda Posts: 99 Member
    That is a common problem, dealing with it myself for one of my active hobbies that I do. My suggestions would be looking at classes at your local rec center, or seeing if there are any community sports leagues you can join, like softball or something. Maybe some kind of group sport where it isn't too serious and fun. I also find when it is something more team orriented you don't want to let the team down so it kinda gives you a bit more of a kick in the bum.
  • electricnarwhal
    Find something that's fun! Do you like to ride a bike or go swimming? Those can be fun, if you don't think of it as exercise. That's what I try to do. :laugh: I also play a lot of dancing games for my Kinect, and I just think of it as playing around rather than exercising. And I try to beat my previous scores and typically an hour flies by without me knowing. OR another thing, do you own a dog? Taking it to the park and playing would be fun, or just playing around in the backyard, etc.
  • WWhitaker
    WWhitaker Posts: 309
    You just go! It had been 4 years since I'd set foot in a gym as of 2 months ago and I was terrified, but I overcame my fear because I knew every single person in that room has a similar get healthy. Now, it seems with you it's more of a motivational issue vs. an insecurity issue. Have you tried rewarding yourself? And don't reward good behavior with bad behavior! And start small. Tell yourself if you exercise for 15 minutes then you will treat yourself to a nice, relaxing bubble bath, or lipstick, or something else of the like. There are some days like today, I really didn't want to go just because I didn't feel like getting sweaty. (I go on my lunch breaks from work) But I went anyway. I only did about 25 minutes in the gym, but I went. And I feel so much better for having gone. You'll get an exercise high and you'll love it.
  • SammaBread
    SammaBread Posts: 37 Member
    Thank you, Everyone! :)
  • rjvt006
    rjvt006 Posts: 146 Member
    I had a person tell me once if you dont feel like working out get up and atleast try it for 5-10 minutes if you still dont feel like going after that time stop. But i tell you what usually after that first 5-10 minutes your like what the heck i can just finish this. I also try to stay with things i like to do like hiking or just walking around the neighborhood or just putting in a work out dvd.
  • ladybg81
    ladybg81 Posts: 1,553 Member
    I lost 23 lbs with no exercise and reached my goal. Exercise is not really a requirement to LOSE weight but it is if you need to tighten and tone and truly be healthy. I made a commitment to myself starting in June because I want to tone and tighten and like what I see in the mirror, not just the # on the scale. I was totally unmotivated too but you just have to dig down, stop the bull$hit excuses and DO IT. I'm only a few days in to my commitment but I do not want to have to post to all my friends on here that I lost motivation or whatever. I do not want to let myself down.
  • getupandmoveit
    Since joining MFP, I've found that all I need to get motivated is go the the success story board. I want to be able to post one of my own with pictures of a dramatic change. Nothing makes me want to get off my butt faster :) Maybe it could do the same for you?
  • ilovethelaw07
    Get a workout buddy! I'm lucky to have a fiance, mom, and some good friends on this site with me, so we often workout together, which is fun and keeps us motivated. Good luck! I'm sure you'll find something fun you'll enjoy!