How do you feel when you exercise?



  • jgnatca
    jgnatca Posts: 14,464 Member
    I can relate to that wide range of feelings. I blogged about the gradual shift in my feelings about exercise.

    And for some inspiration,
  • shadow2soul
    shadow2soul Posts: 7,692 Member
    This post made me think of this:

    Reality for me-

    Before going to the gym:

    During a lifting session:

    During cardio:

    After leaving the gym:

  • SunshineBdoll
    SunshineBdoll Posts: 19 Member
    VioletRojo wrote: »
    "Exercise gives you endorphins. Endorphins make you happy. Happy people just don't shoot their husbands, they just don't. "

    I like the endorphins.

    I love that movie! This is usually my saying when I try to dig deep lmao! It's funny and I know how happy I'll be afterwards :)
  • SunshineBdoll
    SunshineBdoll Posts: 19 Member
    As an artist, your post totally speaks to me! Lol awesome stuff!
  • shadow2soul
    shadow2soul Posts: 7,692 Member
    VioletRojo wrote: »
    "Exercise gives you endorphins. Endorphins make you happy. Happy people just don't shoot their husbands, they just don't. "

    I like the endorphins.

    Now I want to watch that movie. I wonder if it's on netflix....~wonders off to try and find it~
  • rosej31
    rosej31 Posts: 189 Member
    I feel good after working with my personal he kick my butt and I love that feeling.
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,564 Member
    I My other favorite is when you are sweating so hard that the drops are hanging from your eyelashes.

    Oh, yes! (Well, until it gets in my eyes, at least. ;) )

  • quiltlovinlisa
    quiltlovinlisa Posts: 1,710 Member
    VioletRojo wrote: »
    "Exercise gives you endorphins. Endorphins make you happy. Happy people just don't shoot their husbands, they just don't. "

    I like the endorphins.

    Legally Blond for the win. lol.

  • middlehaitch
    middlehaitch Posts: 8,484 Member
    Ha, what an appropriate thread. I am sat feeling very pleased with myself.

    I am far from a natural athlete, so at age 61 I decided swimming should be added to ever expanding repietoire of fittness accomplishments.

    Took the lessons, didn't like the deep end.
    Swore all this summer that I would start going to the pool ( did the same last year).
    Didn't go.
    Well yesterday I spent the whole morning talking myself into going.
    I went!
    I swam- 4 lengths- in the deep end even.
    I felt great!

    I went again today!
    I am going tomorrow, hooray.

    Yup, I really have to talk myself into these things, and usually feel great afterwards.

    Cheers, h.
  • LKArgh
    LKArgh Posts: 5,179 Member
    May I ask what you are doing as a workout? I understand you get the feeling of happiness/accomplishment once exercising, but do not look forward to exercise before starting, so maybe what you are doing does not work for you? "Forcing" yourself to do it even if you do not feel like it is great and shows dedication, but finding something you actually like and look forward to will make it easier on the long run. Maybe a different routine, or even a different gym would make it easier?
    KANGOOJUMPS Posts: 6,472 Member
    I am on a natural high, tickled pink I must say. I LOVE CARDIO!!!
  • G33K_G1RL
    G33K_G1RL Posts: 283 Member
    There are days when it's hard to actually go to the gym. Just the effort of packing up your gear and going. Once I'm there, it's fun/challenging/rewarding depending on exercise, and after I'm really zen and content for the rest of the day.

    To get from the couch at home to the gym, my best trick is to pack my gear in my bag and put it in front of the door. It's there, it's ready, all I need to do is pick it up and head to the gym before work. After 3-4 weeks it's a routine and you don't need any mental resources or willpower. It's just habit to pack the bag the night before and leave with it in the morning.

    I just moved in a new area for a couple months and I am currently building that routine. Finding the gym, registering, figuring out commute (cycling? bussing?), best timing, time to get up, what to pack... so much work! But I know the result, both physical and mental, is sooo worth it!
  • robertw486
    robertw486 Posts: 2,390 Member
    For me, I feel dread, then I'm talking to myself because big girl wants to quit because it's to hard, and skinny girl wants out. Then it's like magic happens. I start to feel accomplished half way through and push myself because I'm already half way there. My tight muscles start to feel better, the pain ebbs away... Then it starts to burn! I start getting shakey, and really dig deep, and push my way to the end! Then I feel like I can accomplish anything, and I'm so happy! A few min later I wonder why I don't just do it again, I could totally do it again lol. Tomorrow I will, with its new challenges. :) So I'd like to know how others feel when they work out. Do you love it, hate it, does it always burn?

    Such a great thread, and very motivating. I especially like your use of the terms "big girl" and "skinny girl" in relation to your will to give up or to push on and succeed!

    When I was young I joined the Marines, and though I had worked some hard days in my life, it changed my attitude on what my body could do. If your mind is in it, your body can almost always follow. For me personally mental attitude is huge. If I can keep my head in the right place, all other distractions cease to exist.

    "Pain is weakness leaving your body."

    VioletRojo wrote: »
    "Exercise gives you endorphins. Endorphins make you happy. Happy people just don't shoot their husbands, they just don't. "

    I like the endorphins.

    Gulp..... I'm so glad my wife started a walking group with her friends. She has been watching a lot of the "murder mystery" type stuff on TV lately too. I think I need to get her a gym membership before it cools off!

  • SunshineBdoll
    SunshineBdoll Posts: 19 Member
    aggelikik wrote: »
    May I ask what you are doing as a workout? I understand you get the feeling of happiness/accomplishment once exercising, but do not look forward to exercise before starting, so maybe what you are doing does not work for you? "Forcing" yourself to do it even if you do not feel like it is great and shows dedication, but finding something you actually like and look forward to will make it easier on the long run. Maybe a different routine, or even a different gym would make it easier?

    Sure thing :) we have a personal trainer and gym at work. She makes up these exercises for me. I'm just trying to get some strength back. So push ups, crunches, high knees, jumping jacks, elliptical, dumbbell punches, curls, shoulder press, stationary bike, squats, jumping squats, and toe taps... Usually I do 4 or 5 things and it's in reps of time or quantity. I also started walking with a friend... I can only do 2miles so far. I'm terrible with dry land exercise and it takes so much effort. If I had it my way I'd be in the pool. I'm a swimmer at heart and that exercise is effortless. I get excited about going to the pool. I will pack my bag every night and never make an excuse, but I can't afford a membership at the Y at this time. I tried to talk the family into splitting the bill last year and they all bailed. So I do force myself to do what I have to, and I'm happy about it afterwards.
  • scyian
    scyian Posts: 243 Member
    It's my high. I'm currently stuck in the city on business and I haven't even been able to manage 1000 steps yet let alone 10,000 and I'm itching for exercise that I won't be getting until late this evening when I get home.
  • RAmelia63
    RAmelia63 Posts: 32 Member
    Personally I'm pleased to have reached that point when my workouts are something I look forward to. Some days I'm less enthusiastic than others but I certainly do not hate it.
    We have to start thinking of exercising as something we HAVE vs MUST do. It's the ultimate fountain of youth and once we look at it from that perspective, it takes a whole new meaning
  • 47Jacqueline
    47Jacqueline Posts: 6,993 Member
  • Kidostud
    Kidostud Posts: 307 Member
    Most of the time I just feel as if I'm going to die and I wonder why I do this to myself - there must be easier ways to commit suicide. Afterwards, when I walk out all trembling, red faced and sweaty, I feel good about myself and feel I've accomplished something.
  • tank1539
    tank1539 Posts: 55 Member

    I was going to say that I read some of Arnold's encyclopedia at 4am before I hit the gym at 5 and when I start to feel sluggish I think of thinks that piss me off and get angry till I'm ready to rip something apart then rip off a crazy good set and won't stop till I'm dripping sweat and exhausted then pace around my area with an awesome pump feeling like the hulk then I'm re-energized.

    But IsaackGMOON nailed it with that scene from pumping iron! Haha
  • kraft_kris
    kraft_kris Posts: 157 Member
    jgnatca wrote: »

    This video is awesome!!!!