Help! I'm new....

... well, kinda. I have tried MFP before but with no luck as I have zero will-power.

Like, none. Snacking on junk between meals is my downfall. The biscuit cupboard in work is too handy and tempting - little bored at work... I go grab a coffee and a biscuit (or two).

But now everyone around me seems to be losing weight and although I'm not currently gaining, I'm not losing any either. So I'm back. And I really really want to do this.


  • PinkPixiexox
    PinkPixiexox Posts: 4,142 Member
    Welcome :)

    You can do this - you just need to learn to resist temptation and it really is a learning process. It won't happen over night, but if you're determined to reach your goals, you can totally do this :)
  • rsclause
    rsclause Posts: 3,103 Member
    Take a known snack food like a biscuit and look at the calories, if you are logging you should already know. Now get a app for your phone that can track calories burned while running like Runtastic. See how hard you have to work just to burn off that biscuit. That is what keeps me from eating something as bad as a biscuit. Replace bad foods and snacks with a healthier ones like an apple or some tree nuts. It won't feel as filling but if hungry it will help offset the craving. It takes some real determination at first but as a new habit forms it will get easier.
  • nicgetz
    nicgetz Posts: 5 Member
    I totally know how you feel. I started bringing snacks with me to work to replace the temptation. It will be hard at first but don't kick yourself if you cheat a little. Just keep telling yourself why your doing it. Not because everyone else is doing it. That's not going to motivate you on those weak days. It has to be something just you want. I'm doing this so I can keep up with my very energetic 8 year old.
    Good luck.