So I lost my scale..


6 months ago.

I weighed myself, put it away when cleaning (studio apartment so everything has weord spots).

And I never saw it again.

So I finally splurged, bought a new scale that should come in next week so I can finally track my weight again!



  • FindingMyself92
    FindingMyself92 Posts: 61 Member
    Well, I sure hope it helped you out!
  • Crimson_Fire
    Crimson_Fire Posts: 2,504 Member
    I bet you'll find it now that you bought a new one. That always happens to me!
  • Lifeonmars2015
    Lifeonmars2015 Posts: 667 Member
    perhaps you should change your screenname to FindingMyscales lol
  • ElkeKNJ
    ElkeKNJ Posts: 207 Member
    I have two. I treated myself to one of those scales that measure body fat percentage etc... about two years ago, even though my old one was not broken. The damn thing is a bully, it called me obese to my face. I keep it locked up in a dark cupboard since then. If my other one ever breaks, I will buy an analogue one, where I can adjust the zero. Instant weight loss!
  • FindingMyself92
    FindingMyself92 Posts: 61 Member
    Well, Im moving and have packed nearly everything and have not yet seen it.. lol!

    The name change is hilarious!

    And I looked into buying the fancy body fat ones (as i had a biggest loser one, but it only weighed up to 250lbs.. which is weird for a biggest loser brand scale) .. and read a ton of things saying its super innaccurate due to it just guesses based on your bodys temp at that time, as well as resistence.

    So i just bought a nice digital one that has a 400lb limit (not that I plan on gaining to that) but that way it will be useful now ! (Im about 10lbs above most scales limit grrr)
  • Cindy4FunFit
    Cindy4FunFit Posts: 2,732 Member
    edited September 2015
    I love that you "lost your scale", but according to your user name you are... "Finding yourself". I'd say: good job. Maybe, pitch this new scale out the window and continue focus on looking for you? Ha.
  • FindingMyself92
    FindingMyself92 Posts: 61 Member
    I havent even recieved the new scale yet lol. I wont pitch it out the window XD.

    When Im closer to my final goal I will - and base it all on size and how I feel.
    But not with where I am now - the scale will mark progress for now. (Especially when Ive only went up 1.5 pant size - from good 22 to tight 24 - with 70lbs gained - so I wont see clothinf changes for a while.)
  • jchite84
    jchite84 Posts: 467 Member
    If I found the old one, I'd use it to measure the new one. Just for data.
  • JamestheLiar
    JamestheLiar Posts: 148 Member
    jchite84 wrote: »
    If I found the old one, I'd use it to measure the new one. Just for data.

    Won't something bad happen if you weigh a scale? Isn't it like dividing by zero? Data is simply not worth the terrible risk ... think of the children.

  • jchite84
    jchite84 Posts: 467 Member
    edited September 2015

    Had to replace it with one that didn't misspell divide.