150 lbs to lose, depressed and not sure how to begin! Any help appreciated!



  • MargaretLunan
    MargaretLunan Posts: 5,299 Member
    being here is the first step about a year and a half ago i was 330 pounds i am now 270 so it can be done. logging in daily to keep track of what you eat is the best for you. if you are interested i have a group called lose 20 by new years under support section in community. set small goals help me
  • ladipoet
    ladipoet Posts: 4,180 Member
    lorrpb wrote: »
    One of my favorite quotes:
    "Losing weight is hard.
    Maintaining weight is hard.
    Staying overweight is hard.
    Choose your hard."

    What a great quote! Absolutely love it!!
  • xBijinx
    xBijinx Posts: 49 Member
    I too considered surgery before since it seems like everyone around me is doing it. In all honesty I just felt like if I could commit to making a lifestyle change for my health there would be no need for me to go through (what I imagine is)a risky procedure. I decided I'd make my chance and fully commit this time. I've accepted it'll be a long journey. But I've also accepted it'll be a greater reward. I came to the forum just this week after making that decision and all I've found was support. If you want to add me, feel free. One day at a time we can do it together
  • lodojo
    lodojo Posts: 4 Member
    lorrpb wrote: »
    One of my favorite quotes:
    "Losing weight is hard.
    Maintaining weight is hard.
    Staying overweight is hard.
    Choose your hard."

    That's awesome! I like that!!
  • PinkPixiexox
    PinkPixiexox Posts: 4,142 Member
    Welcome to MFP and dry those tears :)
    When my doctor told me I was overweigh, I stayed in bed for 2 days and cried constantly - it was a miserable awakening as weight has always been a touchy subject for me. I *had* to snap out of it or I wasn't going to achieve my goal and that simply wasn't an option for me. After those 2 days, I vowed to start a new life and here I am, 30lbs lighter and feeling a lot better for it. Take one day at a time and stay strong, motivated and positive. You can totally take control of this situation. I'm wishing you the best of luck - you can do this! :)
  • Healthydiner65
    Healthydiner65 Posts: 1,579 Member
    Congrats for asking for help! My advice would be to keep it simple! Start with small changes so you don't get overwhelmed. Exchange one unhealthy food choice for a healthy one each week. I believe that you can have any food in moderation. Walk any amount of time that you can even if it is only 2 minutes at first. You are awesome!
  • Healthydiner65
    Healthydiner65 Posts: 1,579 Member
    Oh and log every BLT(bite,lick and taste) that goes in your mouth. Be 100% honest with yourself!
  • Wii_Player
    Wii_Player Posts: 1,538 Member
    Hi and welcome. I will not tell you that it is easy, but I will tell you that it can be done! I started my journey 10 weeks ago and my biggest suggestions are to be patient, say 'no' to going over your daily limits and say 'yes' to exercise. I say be patient because it takes a little while before you start noticing changes in the mirror, however, make sure to notice all the positive things that happen, even in the first week. You will feel more energized, be happier, notice that you move better and so on. Remember that exercise can be fun. If all you can do at first is walk one block, well that is one block more than what you are doing now. I love to dance, so I will put on my favorite music and dance. As long as you are moving, you are burning calories. Even if you start small like parking further away from the store's front entrance, for example. You will be shocked on how fast your body adjusts and how easier exercise will become. I am still in the high 200s but having lost 26 pounds has made a world of difference. A big advantage of losing weight and exercising is that your health problems will greatly improve. Heck, you may even get rid of the problems altogether. Forget the past and move forward. Give yourself a chance and believe in yourself :)
  • HeatherCarnes76
    HeatherCarnes76 Posts: 52 Member
    Welcome. I want to first add that I know how you feel. I have lost over 100 pounds. At one point, my scales would not even weigh me. I had let my self go that much. It was not easy for me but I found a friend who walked with me. She had lost weight to so she understood. At first I didn't even want to be seen in public. It was very hard to walk 1 mile. But as time went on that 1 mile went to 2 miles and that went to 3. I began studying food and what I was putting into my body. Then my friend asked me to go to the gym with her. Talk about umcomfortable. I was usually the biggest person in the gym. But, I made friends who encouraged me and they were happy that I was there to change my life. I got used to going and missed my new friends when I didn't go. They'd miss me to because when I went back, they'd ask me if everything was okay. That was nice. People began to notice my weight loss. That felt nice. It takes time but as you begin to see the change and feel the changes, it gets better. You begin to have more fun with it. You can do this. I never thought I would ever lose my weight. I am still needing to lose 60-70 more pounds. Just remember you can do this. When you fall, get back up. Just keep going.
  • phillipdean299
    phillipdean299 Posts: 113 Member
    lodojo wrote: »
    I don't know how I let myself get to 300 pounds. I'm beyond depressed. I'm going to give this a try and see because nothing is working. I would love to start some exercise, too, but a past foot injury (and my current weight) makes even walking a challenge. Tears are streaming down my face as I write and I'm praying I'm not alone. Would so love some help and support on this journey. (Nothing like introducing yourself as Debbie Downer, huh?) I have considered surgery but with my health, it scares me -- high bp, diabetes, high cholesterol, you know, all the biggies. Any words of wisdom?

    Welcome, you've taken the first step! It's time to replace those tears with some sweat dripping from your brow. It all really boils down to you deciding to make a lifestyle change and following through. You have some serious medical issues (read my profile as I can relate) most of which can be improved by proper diet and exercise. I'd suggest that you log everything you eat and share your diary so that others can give you input. Diet is about 80% of the equation.

    If you think you are too big to exercise please go to your doctor to see what he/she recommends for exercise. You've got to find some type of exercise program to start. It's okay to start small, but it's not okay not to start.

    If you are committed to change, you will find many knowledgeable and friendly people here at MFP to walk with you through your journey. You CAN do this!

  • trashpossum13
    trashpossum13 Posts: 4 Member
    Hey, you've taken the first step and that's awesome! I also have about 140 pounds to lose and the long journey ahead is incredibly intimidating. I've found that watching weight loss vlogs on YouTube can be motivating. They always help me realize that the goals I have are attainable. You can do this, the time will pass anyway so it's up to you how to utilize it. Good luck!
  • atiana19
    atiana19 Posts: 94 Member
    I understand your current situation all too well..I was over 240 pre-diabetic, gastritis and was unable to walk without getting out of breath. My daughter then got diagnosed with Cancer so I was at my very end I shed many tears as well. I commend you for taking this step and for putting yourself out here it is not easy task. My advise is to start slow dont be hard on yourself and keep the faith and goals in mind YOU ARE WORTH IT. You can do it ..feel free to friend me if you like you have many people here in your corner = )
  • GaleHawkins
    GaleHawkins Posts: 8,159 Member
    lodojo wrote: »
    I don't know how I let myself get to 300 pounds. I'm beyond depressed. I'm going to give this a try and see because nothing is working. I would love to start some exercise, too, but a past foot injury (and my current weight) makes even walking a challenge. Tears are streaming down my face as I write and I'm praying I'm not alone. Would so love some help and support on this journey. (Nothing like introducing yourself as Debbie Downer, huh?) I have considered surgery but with my health, it scares me -- high bp, diabetes, high cholesterol, you know, all the biggies. Any words of wisdom?

    @lodojo many of us are in the same boat. The good news based on my experience and research your 'biggies' are related most likely the way you body now deals with all sugars and grain in your diet. Start your research in that area and see what may or may not apply to you personally. We are all somewhat different.

    Almost without fail dieting advice from web forms can range from awesome to deadly so do your own research. It may take you a year to get to the roots of your weight gain as it has me. I think you may find it is not just a self control issue at all as it was in my case but just eating the wrong foods. When we find what our bodies need and give it to them our weight will self adjust on its own I have learned from a year of research and testing on myself.

    Best of success.

  • beewize2
    beewize2 Posts: 17 Member
    Celebrate each victory whether it's on the scale or a NSV (non-scale victory). I would set small achievable goals. Instead of looking at the total you want to break it down into increments and celebrate each milestone. My goals are set at bronze, silver, and gold.
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
  • corynnat
    corynnat Posts: 2 Member
    I feel ya i am just 12 years old and my doctor is disspointed in me because i am 60 pounds over weight.
  • Rosie5151
    Rosie5151 Posts: 57 Member
    Congrats for taking the very first step! I , too started at 300 lbs.. I've been doing this for so long and there are ups and downs and fails and triumphs!
    Follow your heart. Do what works for you. What works for some maybe won't work for you. Don't get discouraged. Don't try to beat your friend. Just be you.
    I've lost 76 lbs and it wasn't over night. It takes time.
    I weigh daily.. ... I think this is my biggest downfall because as women we fluctuate so much in our weight. Water, TOM and or menopause. To much salt... not enough water.. constipation! All of it... goes hand in hand.
    I took it one minute at a time...and then it was one hour and then days...
    You've got this.
    Good luck!
  • karyabc
    karyabc Posts: 830 Member
    You are here! You are a Winner already, please don't go anywhere, stick around and you are going to see how contagious the motivation is , I was on the 300 lbs team, I know is hard , you see your goal weight so far away , but trust in this process and in mfp , I promise you it works, 10 months later and I'm 80+ lbs less than my start weight ! You can do this, please turn down those negatives voices in your head and say it out loud until you believe it YOU CAN DO IT/YOU WILL DO IT!

    I sooooo wish you the very best!

    Of: get a food scale! That's my biggest tool for losing the weight
  • bametels
    bametels Posts: 950 Member
    Lots of people have already provided you with examples of success and great advice. One thing that helped me was to set small interim goals rather than focus on the total amount of weight I wanted to lose. That number was too big and scary. Your goals can be weight goals; e.g., 5-10% of your weight loss goal - 8-16 lbs. is not so scary. And not all of your goals have to be weight loss goals. One of my early goals was simply to increase my intake of vegetables. That helped to fill me up and led to eating less higher calorie foods. Happy to support you as you begin this road to a healthier you. Send me a friend request if you want ongoing support. You CAN do this!
  • Mtgould1123
    Mtgould1123 Posts: 1 Member
    Please be encouraged. I am an emotional eater and I have constantly dealt with depression because of my weight. So I totally understand how you feel. As everyone has said....log everything, drink water instead of juices and of course just move. I use my fit bit everyday. That is how I have to do it. Take one step at a time. I started at 210 and now I'm 183. Just keep going. Be blessed.