Question about Splenda and weight loss

Hi..I've been doing MFP for about 80 days and the last time I weighed myself I lost 12.5 pds. I am a snacker and love sweet and salty snacks. I switched from all sugar in my coffee to 4 Splenda and 3tsp of sugar but I'm wondering if the Splenda is causing me to crave even more sweets. I am afraid of the scale. Any thoughts? Only use real sugar?


  • sixxpoint
    sixxpoint Posts: 3,529 Member
    edited September 2015
    That's a very high amount of sweetener for a morning coffee. How many ounces of coffee are you having in one serving? I usually do 1 splenda per 12 ounces of coffee.

    I wouldn't blame splenda for the sugar cravings; there is no science behind that. Chances are you always preferred sugary things. Maybe the disconnect is with your palate trying to get used to the change.

    Something that steered me away from sweet foods was learning to appreciate bitter foods and drinks. I went from loving sugary, sweet stuff to disliking them for the most part. The shift was simply due to exposing myself willingly to those bitter items. I'll have desserts now and then, but if they are too sweet it completely turns me off. Too many sweet foods and drinks actually give me a headache.

    For a final note, the use of splenda in a person's diet should have nothing to do with their weight loss goals. It shouldn't impede that goal in any way unless they are having pounds of it per day, in which case, they would have larger issues.
  • Bowsergirl
    Bowsergirl Posts: 89 Member
    Splenda makes me hungrier and crave more sweets, but I'm not sure if it's the same for other people.
    I transitioned myself to black coffee though.
  • aleycat1
    aleycat1 Posts: 18 Member
    I do feel hungrier at might be Splenda. I have to try to stop it for a week and see what happens. I love sweets so I'm trying to get it through Splenda.
  • baptiste565
    baptiste565 Posts: 590 Member
    I take two splenda with my coffee
  • SherryTeach
    SherryTeach Posts: 2,836 Member
    I buy granulated Splenda by the bucketload. I lost all the weight I wanted to and have maintained for almost three years.
  • MoiAussi93
    MoiAussi93 Posts: 1,948 Member
    edited September 2015
    The research is not conclusive yet. Some people do believe Splenda makes you crave more sweets or just be hungrier in general. Some don't believe this.

    Personally, if I use splenda on a regular basis I have noticed that I DO get sweet cravings just like I do when I eat sugar, and I normally don't get them at all. Many people experience this. But many others seem to have no issue with it.

    My advice is to eliminate it for two weeks and see if you notice a difference. Whatever works for you in the right answer.

    You may want to try stevia. Stevia is a calorie free sweetener that has not been shown to cause cravings. It's what I usually use if I want a sweetener.