Newbie saying hi


New, 5/6 days old on this site, still working it all out.
From London England.
I would love to meet some folk especially for accountability so please pop by and say hi.
I eat like a pig, I used to eat healthily, tbh deep down I think I know what I need to do but now days I'm just so cracked out on junk food :'( so this could be a challenge. I train hard and don't see the results I should because of a really crappy diet .

Look forward to meeting lots of you


  • drjekyll002
    drjekyll002 Posts: 3 Member
    Hey L,

    Just returned after a 5 year absence! Worked well before, but I hit my targets and then stepped away. Back now to gather nutrition data as I am struggling to lose the last 7 pounds to help with my hill climbing (on the bike).
    I am an amateur triathlete and bike racer (road bike) and so every little counts as they say.
    I eat reasonably healthy, but do love the sweet stuff!

    Accountability is a good thing and I look forward to making sure you are hitting those targets and achieving your goals. Keep training hard and avoid that junk... it's sent to test you!


  • PinkPixiexox
    PinkPixiexox Posts: 4,142 Member
    Welcome! :)
    Good to see a fellow UK user here.
    Wishing you the best of luck!
  • djnsnsls
    djnsnsls Posts: 1 Member
  • rachelbl72
    rachelbl72 Posts: 64 Member
    Hi. I'm new and from Wales add me if you want UK friends
  • marcusoshea123
    marcusoshea123 Posts: 21 Member
    Hey Lauren,

    Well your on this site so it's a step in the right direction.. You need to find that motivation in everyday life. Whatever works for you.. All the best in your journey to success

  • carbnite_bro
    carbnite_bro Posts: 14 Member
    Add me anyone
  • Endless_Journey
    Endless_Journey Posts: 136 Member
    Your journey has begun for a healthier you. Good luck
  • Hello all!! I am looking to lose around 70lbs I put alot of weight on after being diagnosed with thyroid cancer back in April and then having my thyroid removed. This is my first week on my new lifestyle change.. I went and seen a nutritionist and she said that carb counting was key. I feel like she has me consuming alot of carbs though I can have up to 45 per meal and 20 or less per snack. Any advice would be much appreciated.
  • KeepGood
    KeepGood Posts: 386 Member
    Hi Lauren, good to see another UK user! You already have half of the battle nailed by training hard, once the diet is sorted out it will all fall into place. MFP will help you with that, the food logging bit is really handy for controlling what you consume :wink:
  • robper13
    robper13 Posts: 219 Member
    You can add me if you like. Will be there for support, etc.
  • MissTetts
    MissTetts Posts: 16 Member
    NW London here. Feel free to add :)
  • RocSmith79
    RocSmith79 Posts: 139 Member
    Hi. Here to help you change your lifestyle.
  • dragonfire12601
    dragonfire12601 Posts: 166 Member
    I'm looking to lose 40 lbs. I lost it once before and gained everything back. I'm down 12 lbs but still have more to go. Feel free to add me!
  • stuart2111
    stuart2111 Posts: 10 Member
    Feel free to add, we all need the support
  • porky2468
    porky2468 Posts: 11 Member
    Hi Lauren!

    I'm a Londoner too :) I feel like I have the opposite problem to you. On the whole I eat well, but I don't work out enough to see any differences in my body. So I'm trying to add 3 workouts a week to help me tone up!
  • rcd31uk
    rcd31uk Posts: 92 Member
    Feel free to add, we all need motivation!