menopause and weight loss



  • barb066
    barb066 Posts: 2 Member
    Lacy birds, I am so encouraged with reading your post! I am two weeks into MFP and am hoping it works! I am 57, surgical menopause last year and have put on so much weight especially in the midsection! Am now walking and counting calories in hopes of a 30 lb. decrease in the weight.
  • dinagurl59
    dinagurl59 Posts: 41 Member
    Great! I am glad you are excited, we can do this ladies...I must say it is liberating to be at this stage in my life...I all ways said menopause and age does not define who I am.
  • dinagurl59
    dinagurl59 Posts: 41 Member
    PinkyPan1 wrote: »
    Menopause was kicking butt. I took control and now I the one kicking butt. You can do this and have fun while doing so. I have never felt better or more comfortable in my own skin. You go this Dinagurl!!

    Thanks....thinking about weight training's the limit.
  • dinagurl59
    dinagurl59 Posts: 41 Member
    Heck, I am in the best shape of my life post menopause.

    I put on 30 lb in my late 40's early 50's, lost it counting calories, and got the fittest I have ever been.

    Now I travel to exotic place, pony treck, hike, snorkel, rappel down cliffs, zip line, dance until 3am, etc etc, through some of the most beautiful places in the world.

    I have more confidence, and a sense of adventure I haven't had since my late teens early twenties.

    My body is nowhere near perfect, but it has been on this earth 62 years, and gravity etc, has its effect. However
    I can still look good in a backless slinky dress or bikini ( something I hadn't worn for 40yr), and don't care what anyone else thinks.
    Good for you!!!

    Enjoy your quest dinagurl59.

    Cheers, h.

  • earlnabby
    earlnabby Posts: 8,171 Member
    dinagurl59 wrote: »
    Hi all
    I am on a quest to prove that menopause does not mean its the end of a happy life. One of the things I have set out to do is loss 20 pounds, I packed on the pounds when menopause hit...but thanks to my workout friend and my fitness apps I have already lost 8 pounds...I am so excited...will keep you posted.

    Five years post menopause now and I am in a better place than I have been in years. 118 lb gone so far and I am feeling better about myself than I have in years.

    Menopause, in many ways, is really the beginning of a happy life. You don't have the hormones cycling so you don't have the weight fluctuations and the cravings. You don't have to deal with sanitary protection and the accompanying expense (especially having 2 sets of underwear) and occasional embarrassing moments when the protection fails. There is just so much positive about not having to deal with periods.

    There is a reason people used to celebrate the post-menopausal woman. She was respected as a wise person who has learned throughout her life and is now at a place where that wisdom can be imparted to others.
  • dinagurl59
    dinagurl59 Posts: 41 Member
    Love it!! thank you for your reply
  • dinagurl59
    dinagurl59 Posts: 41 Member
    editorgrrl wrote: »

    Thanks just joinedjoined.
  • clh72569
    clh72569 Posts: 280 Member
    I am 4'11" and 53 years old. Peri-menopause was tough, with hot-flashes and temporary insanity. However, I have gone from 150 to 108 and am in the best shape in a long time!!
  • CaroleLennon
    CaroleLennon Posts: 3 Member
    45 years old n 4 periods in last 3 years!! Few hot sweats! Still classed as peri menopausal. Piled on the weight and up 2 dress sizes until last sept when i decided enough was enough and i was not gonna be a victim of hormones/depression / menopause etc. lost 47 pounds and 4 dress sizes feel better / fitter than ever. From zero exercise to running regular 10ks plus 5/6 hours per week in gym. I really do feel like a teenager again!!! And NO moods!!! Never felt better!
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 27,982 Member
    Ha ha healthygreek,
    I thought I had done that. 11 months without a period. Went on a holiday in Europe with no tampons or liners, then I had my very lasts period in Bruges. It was hilarious, 9 at night trying to find somewhere open, that sold the products, and then trying to read all the labels. Thank goodness for illustrated packaging.

    Cheers, h.

    Ha ha! That's how "change of life babies" happen!

    Ya, I tried to pin my mom down on when she started menopause and she remembered a pregnancy scare at @ 50 which turned out to actually be the start of skipping periods.

  • PeachyCarol
    PeachyCarol Posts: 8,029 Member
    My perimenopause went on forever and was terrible, but menopause itself? LOVE IT.

    I'm down 60 pounds so far and fitter than I've ever been. This is also the easiest it's ever been for me to lose weight in my life.

    Rock it, OP!
  • Kexessa
    Kexessa Posts: 346 Member
    Peri menopause was absolutely miserable. Hot flashes where I felt I was being set on fire. Night sweats, chronic insomnia, wild mood swings, cramps, never knowing when another period was coming, sore breasts for months at a time while hormones were 'stuck'. Absolutely miserable.

    I only have 36 days left before I'm post menopausal. The last few months have been better, but the last few years leading up to now were downright awful.
  • rosebette
    rosebette Posts: 1,660 Member
    edited September 2015
    Perimenopause was horrendous, but menopause was great. The hot flashes and night sweats stopped when my periods did. My periods even prior to perimenopause were awful -- painful and very heavy. During peri, I couldn't leave the house for two days. I became so anemic that I couldn't donate blood for two years after menopause. The mood swings during peri were also terrible. However, that first year after menopause when I could pack for a beach trip without worrying about what sanitary products to bring was heaven. I also felt much healthier and more energetic when I stopped my periods because they were so draining. I ended up completing my second Master's Degree post-menopause. The downside, it was easier for me to gain weight. Before menopause, I averaged 115-118, eating pretty much anything I wanted. Now, I can stay around 120-122, but only with tracking and lots of exercise.
  • dinagurl59
    dinagurl59 Posts: 41 Member
    You go girl.....

    Conrats on the weight loss and whoever thinks that Menopause is the end of life is delusional.....

    Yeah...totally agree the before bit is a tad inconvenient and may lead a temporary loss of sanity (and Oh dear Lord the sweats.....I burned more calories stripping my clothes on and off multiple times....Hubs was delighted B) and stripping the sheets than anything) but that too passes.

    Now in at least in that dept. I feel unstoppable.....Girl this can be the BEST time of your life.....make it what you want it to be. And to ALL the AWESOME ladies on here WE ROCK o:)

    Loving where o am in life just hate the back pains...exercise help a great deal.
  • dinagurl59
    dinagurl59 Posts: 41 Member
    My perimenopause went on forever and was terrible, but menopause itself? LOVE IT.

    I'm down 60 pounds so far and fitter than I've ever been. This is also the easiest it's ever been for me to lose weight in my life.

    Rock it, OP!

    Good I am happy for you, keep up the good work.