Frustrated this morning

Over the last 3 days I'v put on 1.5 lbs. Still doing cardio, not cheating and staying with my diet. If anything, I've been under my calorie intake. So........I feel frustrated. I'll be hitting my cardio hard today. Thank you for letting me vent.


  • adfranks
    adfranks Posts: 161 Member
    Hang in there! I know this has happened to me so many times along the way... just keep going and it will happen. sounds like you have a great plan :)
  • ifiwasurvampire
    ifiwasurvampire Posts: 181 Member
    Please go read "forum posts you want to read over and over" make sure you are staying at 1200net calories. And remember strength training adds muscle mass and sometimes you'll gain muscle gain and that will increase your weight. All in all keep up the fantastic job! You are doing great!
  • ShellyMacchi
    ShellyMacchi Posts: 975 Member
    cannot see your food diary to offer suggestions...
    but two possibilities spring to mind *S*... sodium too high (causing water retention)...
    or maybe, if you are not eating back your exercise calories, simply not eating enough?

    hang in there though *S*
  • 1234lbsgone
    1234lbsgone Posts: 296 Member
    It happens to the best of us. Make sure you are drinking lots of water with that cardio so you don't retain water. Vent all you need, you will turn it around.
  • RunningAddict
    RunningAddict Posts: 548 Member
    I really think it doesn't matter what we do our body gets stubhorn at times along the way, we just have to be determined and stick it our! Hang in there, it will pass!!
  • pooksMS
    pooksMS Posts: 25
    I'm frustrated this morning as well. Burning 3500 calories per week, eating really well- low carbs and drinking almost a gallon of water everyday. I was hoping for a two pound loss this morning but that didn't happen- just stayed the same. Argh! I have also cut out alcohol as a way to boost everything. Fingers crossed we both can break through this cycle.:happy:
  • tnkhart
    tnkhart Posts: 72 Member
    Thank you all !! Love the support here. I have edited my food settings to public for the world to see ;)
  • ifiwasurvampire
    ifiwasurvampire Posts: 181 Member
    Thank you all !! Love the support here. I have edited my food settings to public for the world to see ;)
    Based on what I see and I only looked at today. Try changing your diary settings to have sodium and such added. It'll be easier once you see how much sodium you are taking in. Try not to exceed 2500mg a day. Otherwise you'll retain water. Best of luck!
  • goldsguy
    goldsguy Posts: 58
    Just keep at it buddy, it'll come off
  • randisaucier
    randisaucier Posts: 178 Member
    My first thought ( I only looked at a few days) is that you are not eating enough! Also I don't see much in the way of fruit or veggies in your diet.
  • srp2011
    srp2011 Posts: 1,829 Member
    Thank you all !! Love the support here. I have edited my food settings to public for the world to see ;)

    Looking at your food intake over the last week, it looks like you are eating way too little - I don't know how tall you are, but your calorie intake is more appropriate for an average-height woman, and you are a man so you need to increase it. The foods you are eating are all good, but there's a real shortage of vegetables and balance in your diet - your body does know when you are short-changing it of needed nutrients (macro or micro) and will not respond optimally. Also, it looks like you are frequently skipping meals - not good - this can lead to blood sugar fluctations throughout the day, which aside from keeping your from performing at top levels and triggering cravings, can slow down weight loss.

    Hope this helps - you have the basics down and just need some tweaking - good luck!
  • Agglaki
    Agglaki Posts: 105
    Hi there :)

    Just had a peek at your diary. 1200 a day is an anemic amount of calories...especially for a man. I obviously don't know your health conditions, current weight, exercise routine etc etc but here are some suggestions:

    1) Increase your calories - seriously! I've been doing a lot of reading and it seems to point to a minimum amount of calories for a man to be at 1800 a day. If you dont want to go that high, hit at least 1500. What is your Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR)?
    You shouldn't be eating less then that.

    2) What has happened to breakfast? Only some eggs, most days no lunch or dinner (or very small lunch and dinner) and then lots and lots of you not feel hungry during the day? Are the snacks spread across the day?

    On this note, try to eat a bigger breakfast, a medium lunch and a small dinner with the snacks in between.

    Something like

    400 cal breakfast

    Snack - 200 cal

    400 cal lunch

    Snack - 200 cal

    300 cal dinner

    There is 1500 cal there for you.

    You should feel fuller for longer and you should also be able to kick any cravings if they've been plaguing you :)

    3) Water, water, water. Drink lots of it! Or at least record it so that people don't make the suggestion again (like I just have).

    It sounds odd, but by eating more you'll most likely drop the weight faster than you are now. At 1200, you are likely eating less than your BMR and your body is simply storing everything thinking you are going through a famine.

    If you exercise as well, you need the extra protein and carbs to help the muscles develop (particularly if you are weight training).

    In terms of what to eat, it seems to me your diet is clean. If you eat white breads / pastas / rice, try to swap to brown. Eat more fruits they usually have low calorie counts, and will actually use more energy to get digested meaning they actually aid in weight loss.

    Increase veg consumption, again low calories, but higher levels of energy to be burnt off.

    But seriously, the biggest flaw in your diet as I've said seems to be the very low calorie count and skipping of meals. Is there an underlying reason for this?