Been here for 3 weeks ...but

butterflykisses9 Posts: 79
edited 4:06AM in Introduce Yourself
I have been on this site for 3 weeks and have lost about 8 pounds...I am feeling less motivated and tired all the time...Looking for some encouraging friends. Feel free to add me!


  • kr3851
    kr3851 Posts: 994 Member
    8 pounds in three weeks is a lot!! Maybe you're tired and overdoing it? Take a day off to rest and recover, then you'll get back into it.
  • maureendonahue
    maureendonahue Posts: 468 Member
    Great job!

    I am struggling with the tiredness too. I think it is because of the increase in excersise! (or at least that is what I blame it on!)

    Make sure you are eating enough, particularly protien, drinking enough water and it should improve.

    I will send you a friend request too! We can all use the support!
  • Yeah, I have been working out everyday....Increased my calories to 1200 from (1000) and am taking a day off a week now to work out. Hopefully that changes something. I want to lose weight I just feel blah about it! I was so dedicated 3 weeks ago!!!
  • jmuzzio7
    jmuzzio7 Posts: 28 Member
    8 pounds is GREAT !!!! Keep up the good work. Feel free to add me as a friend if you'd like.
  • momma_roo
    momma_roo Posts: 146 Member
    I've been her since February and I've had lots of highs and lows. The important thing is to try and stay positive and power through the difficult times. It's a challenge, but you can do it. Feel free to add me :)
  • MsEmmy
    MsEmmy Posts: 254 Member
    If you are tired all the time you must be missing out on something or doing too much exercise. I started at 186lbs three weeks ago and am now 179 but I couldn't survive on 1000 calories - I'd be doomed to failure as I would feel hungry and deprived.:laugh: MFP suggested 1200 and I DO eat back my exercise calories so with good exercise I can consume a total of 1500-1600 a day. Less than this and I'd feel like I was suffering unnecessarily! I'm still losing weight and not that slowly either and I'd rather do it this way and be in it for the long haul than be knackered and hungry!!
    If you are that tired I would listed to your body - are you actually hungry or do you think you might have overdone the exercise?

    It sounds like you are doing great - don't give up!
  • myshell67
    myshell67 Posts: 64 Member
    8# is an awesome loss for only 3 weeks! i know it's hard, but the rewards are sooo worth it. if you can push through, and keep at it, the tiredness will go away. eventually, you will have way more energy than ever before. i know i do. feel free to add me as a friend. i've found the more encouragement you have, the better.
  • AggieCass09
    AggieCass09 Posts: 1,867 Member
    8 pounds in 3 weeks is great...thats a smidge over 2 lbs a week which is healthy. If you are tired then I must ask, are you eating your exercise calories back? It is very important that if you are exercising every day that you are refueling your body as necessary.

    When you are feeling less than motivated, visualize yourself at your final goal. Write down your goals on post-it notes and places these stickeys around the house/office where you will see them often. My goals are on my fridge, bathroom mirror, car's steering wheel, and office computer screen. I also make collages of images that inspire me.

    Signing up for a 5k is also a great way to have a physical goal to train for. The c25k (coutch to 5k) training program is a fan of many MFP-ers.

    I will tell you that there are no tricks or magic pills, weight loss takes lots of focused effort. I has taken me a year to lose 32 lbs but I've done it in a healthy way so that it will stay off for good. You can do it too!
  • biggerpix
    biggerpix Posts: 96
    8 pounds in 3 weeks is great. be proud of that and stay on track. you're still the in early stages and that tierdness will weat off when you build up your stamina. in 10 - 20 more pounds, your body will crave the working out and the better foods. You'll feel fresher and more motivated to feed that craving for exercise and cleaner eating. don't give up.
  • luvmybentley
    luvmybentley Posts: 74 Member
    Yeah, I have been working out everyday....Increased my calories to 1200 from (1000) and am taking a day off a week now to work out. Hopefully that changes something. I want to lose weight I just feel blah about it! I was so dedicated 3 weeks ago!!!

    1000 calories (even 1200) is really low if you are working out every day. Are you eating your exercise calories on top of that? You need some fuel girl! After several days/weeks of extreme calorie restriction you risk slowing down your metabolism. Try upping your calories to your BMR minimum with healthy nutrient-dense foods and see if you have more energy. There is a good caloric needs calculator on this site:

    Don't look at the scale for a couple of weeks, just keep exercising and see how you feel. You also need some rest/recovery time if you have been using weights or really pushing the cardio...take a day or 2 off each week or you risk injury, which would really stall your efforts.

    3 weeks seems to be the make or break point for many people, push through it and you will succeed! They say it takes 3 weeks to develop a habit...don't give up.
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