Runners Wanted!! Nike+GPS users.

newsarahd Posts: 15
edited September 28 in Fitness and Exercise
Hi! My name is Sarah. I am new to MFP going on my 3rd week. Love it. I am trying to become a runner. I am using the Nike+GPS app. for iPhone (almost one month). I need more friends to challenge me and keep me motivated. If you are using this app please request me. My username is newsarahd. Also, feel free to request me on MFP. Thanks!!!


  • debwilson
    debwilson Posts: 24 Member
    If you have started running have you checked into the C25k OR THE C210k? Last year I started running using the C25K and ran 2 5Ks last year, not bad for a 54 year old overweight woman!! Now I am working on the C210k!!
  • I am in.
  • newsarahd
    newsarahd Posts: 15
    If you have started running have you checked into the C25k OR THE C210k? Last year I started running using the C25K and ran 2 5Ks last year, not bad for a 54 year old overweight woman!! Now I am working on the C210k!!

    Thats great Deb. I have not heard of C25k OR THE C210k? Is this on the Nike app? Maybe I haven't come across it yet. My first 5k is June 11th! So stoked.
  • newsarahd
    newsarahd Posts: 15
    I am in.

    Awesome! Please request me. :)
  • kcsmalley
    kcsmalley Posts: 32 Member
    Hey everyone add me also on Nike gps my user is mrsmalley I am a beginner runner also
  • newsarahd
    newsarahd Posts: 15
    Hey everyone add me also on Nike gps my user is mrsmalley I am a beginner runner also

  • newsarahd
    newsarahd Posts: 15
  • My Nike + name is the same as my MFP name cc_campbell81
  • Black_Swan
    Black_Swan Posts: 770 Member
    Hello!! I have Nike Sportband, I am also a beginner - currently slowly training for a 10k in Sept.
    Please add me!
    My username on Nike is Lainauriel

  • tlcAK
    tlcAK Posts: 671 Member
    I have one too...mine is tlcAK... Its an L just lower case
  • Iron_Biker
    Iron_Biker Posts: 104 Member
    Feel free to add me.

    My username: RacetrackThunder.
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