Have you changed your original Goal Weight? Up or down?

JeanCricket Posts: 167 Member
edited September 2015 in Goal: Maintaining Weight
Hello my fellow Maintenance friends,

When I discovered MFP and began my weight loss journey here in July 2014, I was trying to lose those final stubborn 10 pounds. I had struggled with a 20 pound gain over the course of a few years and had been able to drop 6-7 lbs on my own before MFP. I never expected I could lose the full 20 pounds.

At that time, my Original Goal Weight was 130, which seemed realistic, though difficult to achieve. To my great delight, with MFP I was able to hit 130! I then set a goal range for myself of 128-132. 128 seemed impossible and implausible as I'd not been in that range in at least a few years. So I didn't expect to get there.

I achieved GW of 130 lbs in early September of 2014, so I'm celebrating my 1 year anniversary in Maintenance (YAY!).

At this point my weight fluctuates between 125-128 with occasional spikes up or down a pound or two. I am comfortable with this weight and feel great! I feel like myself again and can fit into and enjoy wearing all my old clothes :)

So on this 1 Year anniversary of Maintenance I am adjusting my GW optimal range to 125-128 (with a realistic allowance of 125-130).

Have you adjusted your GW now that you're in maintenance? If so, up or down? Please share your story (if you'd like).

Thanks to all of you for your friendship and support throughout this first year of maintenance. I couldn't have done it and could not keep doing it without you all!



Original GW 130 lbs
Original GW range: 128-132 lbs
Current GW range: 125-130 lbs (most comfortable/optimal range: 125-128lbs)



  • BigGuy47
    BigGuy47 Posts: 1,768 Member
    edited September 2015
    After hitting goal weight(195lbs.) my initial joy subsided when I didn't like what I saw in the mirror. I had lost too much muscle along with the fat. I did resistance training for a few years (essentially a recomp). I'm the same weight, but I no longer have the skinny fat look. I could stand to drop another 10lbs., but I want to preserve as much muscle as possible. It's a slow process.

    At 195 I always had a ceiling of 200 before panic would set in.
    New goal: get to 185 with a ceiling of 190.
  • Carnhot
    Carnhot Posts: 367 Member
    My initial goal weight was 147 (I am 5'7") I remember being this weight about 20 years ago and liking it. However, I am now 166 and can't see where those extra 19 lbs would come from. So now I am aiming at 155, which is into healthy BMI with some wiggle room. Once I am there, I will re-evaluate. I suspect I will keep going, just more slowly and with less pressure.
  • JeanCricket
    JeanCricket Posts: 167 Member
    Thanks for sharing your adjusted goals. Seems once we reach original maintenance number we begin to understand what our bodies really need and adjust accordingly :)

    sijomial, LOVE your philosophy of a number you won't drift above! Really resonates with me! Going to try that with 128 as my number :)

    My fitness goal is to begin toning with very lite weight dumbbells, gentle yoga, and some core pilates. I have a physical condition that prevents me from anything strenuous, but am determined to achieve more toned muscle with a low, slow approach :)

    Wish me luck!

    Hugs, Jean

  • MrsSylvie
    MrsSylvie Posts: 301 Member
    up five pounds. my goal was 115lbs, the 110-115 weight i was at the most before i gained weight but, recently i decided i did not want to lose more fat in areas i am mostly losing it at (my butt & boobs). am going to switch to maintaining at 120 and work on ridding of my belly fat by working out as soon as i figure out what is best to do at home instead of at a gym for it.
  • PeachyCarol
    PeachyCarol Posts: 8,029 Member
    I originally set a still overweight goal weight for myself because I thought it would be so hard for me to lose weight.

    I hit that weight this past week.

    I've obviously learned that it's not hard for me to lose weight, and have changed my goal since then. I have my new goal set fairly low for a low body fat %, but I'll see what things look like once I get closer to that (35 more pounds).
  • zyxst
    zyxst Posts: 9,135 Member
    My GW is 140, but I'm settling for 150 if it ever gets here.
  • lseed87
    lseed87 Posts: 1,105 Member
    edited September 2015
    Not really. 118-125 would be ideal. Just depends how I look and if I'm happy with all I accomplished. And those #s would still be a healthy bmi for my body.
  • macgurlnet
    macgurlnet Posts: 1,946 Member
    I had an original goal that's 8 pounds lower than where I am now...but I think what I need to shoot for is maybe going down 3-5 and really focusing on strength training. I'm pretty satisfied with how I look, but there's still a couple spots that I feel are a little too squishy.

    I don't have the time to dedicate myself to a new routine right now so I'm maintaining and I'll give that a go probably in January. That'll be 6 months off from a deficit, so going back shouldn't be too terrible.

  • LAT1963
    LAT1963 Posts: 1,375 Member
    I'm nowhere near my goal weight, but made a crude estimate of 165 lbs as a point to re-assess. I'm still above 200 lbs.

    But I looked at my lean body mass as estimated by my scale, and adding a healthy fat % to that gives a suggested target of 145 lbs.

    So I've revised my goal weight to 145 lbs. But as I approach it I'll re-assess to make sure I remain in the healthy fat % range.
  • JeanCricket
    JeanCricket Posts: 167 Member
    edited September 2015
    Thanks for sharing everyone!

    Francl27, you are so right - there's a lot more to it than just weight!

    SylvieKuchma, Let me know what home exercises you discover for abs/belly. I'm looking to do some home exercises for that area, too!

    Enjoy the weekend everyone,

  • charmmeth
    charmmeth Posts: 936 Member
    edited September 2015
    I first started at about 89.9 kg several years ago, and wanted to get into normal BMI which for me is 81kg. I touched 80.5, but then stopped weighing mysself and put several kgs back on. Last September 30, I started again with MFP at morning weight of 85kg, aiming for 75kg (wanting my afternoon/evening clothed weight to be under 80kg). When I got there I realised that I could probably do with losing a couple more kgs, and went for 72.5. I was between 71 and 72 before going on holiday, and am currently between 72.5 and 73.5. I's really quite like to get to 70kg but am aiming to maintain here for a while first. So yes, my goals have shifted a fair bit.
  • MeiannaLee
    MeiannaLee Posts: 338 Member
    My first goal weight was 115 pounds.
    But I was still not comfortable at that weight so I made my goal 100 pounds.
    Now I'm maintaining at 104 because It was really difficult for me to lose anymore weight and I was feeling hungry all the time.
    Now that Im maintaining my weight fluctuates between 104-110.
    And I'm happy at that weight and my current clothing size.
  • DancingMoosie
    DancingMoosie Posts: 8,619 Member
    I think I set my original goal kind of high, maybe 130-135(starting from about 150). Something that seemed attainable without being far-fetched(in my mind). I got to 129 quite easily, then got sick and dropped another 3 over a weekend. I was trying to maintain around 120, but kept losing. At that time, it just got to be kind of a goal to keep seeing the scale go down. That went on until I hit around 110-112. People thought I was ill, husband kept mentioning my bones sticking out. I had a hard time putting some weight back on at that point, my metabolism seemed to be in over-drive! I would ease back on exercise, manage to put on a pound or two, only to lose it all again the next week. I've been able to slowly get back up to 116 over the past 2 years, but it likes to slip back around 113 sometimes. My husband says I look much better at 116, and even hopes I get to 120. My hormones seem to be more regular if I keep above 114, too.
  • BikeTourer
    BikeTourer Posts: 191 Member
    Goal weight continues to be 145, would be ok to remain as low as 140 but much beyond that and even thin people start to comment about me losing too much...
  • onyxgirl17
    onyxgirl17 Posts: 1,721 Member
    It's around the same. I've weighed the same for 2 years give or take a few pounds.
  • Cortneyrenee04
    Cortneyrenee04 Posts: 1,117 Member
    Yes! I keep adjusting down down down... Keep challenging myself and still not quite happy with my weight.

    When I first set my goal weight, it was 135. Then changed it to 130, and now it's a range of 124-129!

    I've set a goal weight for next year of 119-124!