New Here...(The Wife)

Hi all

FatMikeSlim posted on here earlier and I'm the wife.

I've been trying to lose weight since Jan. I made it to 10lb off then Plateaued, this week though I had a break through and lost 3lb which put me under 11st, Yay. I've not weighed this since before we had our son.

I'm not doing too good this weekend but to be honest weekends are usually the point that I lose it but then get back on track in the week.

I'd be happy to lose 1lb per week but would like to lost 2lb per week. I have a goal of 133lb however once I reach this I may go for another half a stone so I'd be 126lb which is a healthy weight for my 5ft 3ins height.

My main problem is with portion sizes and exercise, I hate exercising and would love to do something I enjoy but I'm quite limited with working a 9-5 job as I want to spend as much time with my son as possible who goes to bed at 7pm so by the time I have had my dinner at 8pm all I want to do is veg out.

I am also on Twitter @Tezarozaboza

Nice to meet you all and I wish you all good luck.


  • suzooz
    suzooz Posts: 720 Member

    I had to find something that I liked to stay on the exercise track. Is there something fun that you can do with your son that can get your heart rate up?

  • Heather75
    Heather75 Posts: 3,386 Member
    Welcome! I hope you find this site as helpful as I do. There is a ton of information ans support here.

    With regards to exercise, try to think about some activities you enjoy that are...well.. active. A more active lifestyle is the first step, really. Many people have found that once they became more physically active, they enjoyed it and wanted to exercise.

    Measure your food portions. That helps.

    Anyway, good luck and have fun.
  • kraszco1
    kraszco1 Posts: 13 Member
    Welcome T! You've made the decision, that's the first step! For me, I work 6 days a week and 3 of them are 10 hour days. I don't want to work out after work, I'm tired. My husband bought me a WiiFit for Christmas. I get up 30 minutes earlier every work day and "play" with my WiiFit. Some of my favorites are Super Hula & Advanced Step. I have fun and I'm very impressed with the changes I'm seeing in my body. Not just weight loss, but re-shaping. There are a lot of great aerobic programs that you could have plugged in and ready to go first thing in the morning.
    Since I work out as soon as I open my eyes, I don't have time to change my mind. I hit the alarm, get up and get moving in less than 5 minutes. On my one day off, I may work out for an hour or more. That helps with the weekend calories.
    It's all about finding what works for you. If you want to reach your goal badly enough, you will find a way to make it happen!
    I'm down 47 lbs, have 30 more to go. 5'4", age 47.
  • tezarozaboza
    tezarozaboza Posts: 38 Member
    Hi Suzooz

    I'd love to do something with him like football or simply running around but he is small (only 23 months) at the moment so anything we would do is not enough to get my heart rate up at present.

    I try to do things like walk to Morrisons (to buy chocolate, hehe) which is about 10 mins away and I do enjoy walking but with the English weather the way it is its hard to find a convenient time however I am about to mention a walk to the shop to @FatMikeSlim.

    The weekends it is usually not a problem to get a solid 30-60 mins walk in but in the week its tricky.
  • lijparsons
    lijparsons Posts: 258
    Put your son in the stroller (if he is that young), and go for a brisk walk. My kids are past the stroller stage (ages 6 & 8), but they ride their bikes with me while I walk, and I get my workout in, while they get out for fresh air and exercise too. End your walk at the park, and push him on the swing, or have a game of tag. I struggled with this too when my kids were a little younger, but we changed things by eating dinner together, and then when he goes to bed at 7pm, you could get a workout in.
  • MariaAlexandra
    MariaAlexandra Posts: 126 Member
    How about buying a workout game that's fun but yet you sweat like a pig? For me, It's Dance Central for the Xbox kinect, i burn 1000 calories and more when i workout for about 2 hours and I end up sweating like crazy! recently my parents bought me Kinect Active 2 - you choose your personal trainer (they are CG so it's pretty cool what technology can do these day) and they push you all the way and give you feedback. Comes with an HRM as well as a resistance band! :) Both are fun but you get an intense workout!
  • zumba66girl
    zumba66girl Posts: 136
    Take a walk with the hubby and the carriage....they will both love it!!! Good Luck!!!:flowerforyou:
  • sjkcarter
    sjkcarter Posts: 417 Member
    I don't have kids, so I can't really relat. But I've seen a lot of people going on walks with your kids, maybe you can incorporate time with ur son into your exercises.
  • tezarozaboza
    tezarozaboza Posts: 38 Member
    Hi Kraszco1

    I do have a Wii Fit and when its hubbys turn to put Oliver in bed I do occasionally jog on the spot for 15 mins but its really boring. I like the step thing but there is only so many times you can do that before that gets boring too.

    I do have Just Dance 1 & 2 which I like though, does anyone no of any other fun Wii games? Not fitness ones, ones that are fun but you have to move around?

    I'd love a XBox Connect and I think I need to convince the other half!
  • JoyNicolle
    JoyNicolle Posts: 1 Member
    I understand your frustration about trying to find time to exercise and not feeling guilty about leaving your son! I have a 2 year old boy at home as well and I have found I actually feel better and am able to be a better mom if I do take the time to take care of myself! You can also include him in your exercise! We have gotten in the habit of taking walks after dinner and before bed. My son LOVES it... He enjoys looking at all the flowers and different things outside especially when there is a cat or dog!!! We walk for a minimum of 30 minutes and as long as and hour and a half!! It shows him the importance of getting out and enjoying the fresh air and moving rather than sitting in front of a tv!

    I started MFP about a month and a half ago and am already down 14.5 lbs from my heaviest of 193! I am only 5'2" myself and have a goal of 135... we can encouraging each other and help one another out! GOOD LUCK
  • jambs5
    jambs5 Posts: 114
    Feel free to add me as a friend. Good luck with your weight loss goals.
  • kraszco1
    kraszco1 Posts: 13 Member
    You have some great suggestions here! I love this site! just find something you enjoy and do it everyday! It will make a difference!
  • Patchworkperson
    Patchworkperson Posts: 151 Member
    Welcome Tez. I only found the site today so am very new. You've had a load of great suggestions so good luck on your journey & do friend me if you wish. Geri
  • tezarozaboza
    tezarozaboza Posts: 38 Member
    Hi all

    I took your suggestions on board and went for a 3 mile walk today around the National Watersports Centre with the Hubby and son in the pushchair. 3 Miles in an hour, not bad if I do say so myself. I'll not eat the 228 calories from it though as it may help with the weekend binge!

    Terri xx
  • Pam3
    Pam3 Posts: 1,687 Member
    welcome....MFP is a great site and will be very helpful in your might invest in a pedometer....add walking during lunch even if its just 10minutes they add up.. also someoone suggested putting the baby in a stroller and walking that way you are exercising and spending time with your baby....good luck
  • suzooz
    suzooz Posts: 720 Member
    Great job on your excursion with your husband and son today.

    As far as Wii Fit games, I really like Zumba (I know -- it's a fitness game, but it's REALLY fun!) I also like to get in a quick game of Wii Tennis or Wii Boxing (particularly if I'm having a bad day!)