GF and exercise

Hi :) I have had Glandular fever for the last 10 months and it doesn't seem to be going anytime soon. Always tired, and always becoming sick with other infections, has anyone else had the same and how did you go losing or maintaining your weight. I am putting weight on slowly, but a day at the gym almost kills me for the next week !


  • jacquifrench304
    jacquifrench304 Posts: 131 Member
    Would suggest short walks to start with , slowly increasing on your good days , as much high quality food as you can eat .., some people end up with a chronic fatigue type syndrome for up to 2 years after the infection.
    Take things very slowly and hand in hand with your Dr , wiped out too often can cause a resurgence of the virus for you not fun, hope you feel much better soon
  • sunglasses_and_ocean_waves
    I have no idea what a glandular fever is, but if it's lasted 10 months, I hope you're seeing a specialist and not relying on people on the internet. Have your dr suggest a routine for you.
  • GlutenFreeAussieGirl
    Setting an exercise bike in front of the TV? I've got an elliptical and I watch an episode of an addictive TV show while I work out. I've had friends who have suffered from GF and sometimes the sheer thought of leaving the house was enough to send them back to bed. Make exercise as simple and undaunting as possible.

    All the best :)
  • SecretSquiral574
    Hi Guys... thanks you :) I have been seeing my doctor for last ten months, I had blood test at start of it, and just had another one done to see if was gone, but its still there . :( I feel so lazy not doing anything ! I had it 20 years ago, so its flared up again.