Anyone else feel ashamed when they look at our peoples food

BettyandVeronica Posts: 333 Member
edited September 28 in Health and Weight Loss
So far when I look at the people on friends list diaries, I feel so ashamed coz they are so good at eating the right foods, in the right portions whilst mine is shambolic. Every food group is represented and appears nutritious reflecting their self control and dedication to better themselves. Is it just me are some people struggling too?

Sorry just needed to whinge.


  • jeff261159
    jeff261159 Posts: 385
    send a friend request and open your diary, i'll see if i can help you
  • rfcollins33
    rfcollins33 Posts: 630
    Don't feel ashamed. One idea would be to try to model your diet after the one's you're looking at that are very nutritional. Use their ideas and maybe work them into your diet little by little until you are also eating very healthy! Good luck, hon :)
  • Don't feel alone! My eating habits are all over the place because of work, school, gym, and kids. Just do yourself a favor and don't look at anyone else's again. lol And it seems that you have lost quite a bit of weight so you must be doing something right! Keep up the great work!
  • lil_pulp
    lil_pulp Posts: 701 Member
    So far when I look at the people on friends list diaries, I feel so ashamed coz they are so good at eating the right foods, in the right portions whilst mine is shambolic. Every food group is represented and appears nutritious reflecting their self control and dedication to better themselves. Is it just me are some people struggling too?

    Sorry just needed to whinge.
    When I look through other people's food diaries, I'm fascinated by how much I eat compared to them. Although I generally stay within my calories, I really just eat so much. Wait, could this be why I struggle with my weight?
  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    Don't be ashamed. One reason my food diary isn't public is.. well, because I don't eat like most people on this site. However, it works for me. I eat a lot (2200-2400) calories a day and yep, I include "treats" in those calories.

    Don't worry about what anyone else is eating - if what you're doing works for YOU, that is all that matters. :)
  • maureendonahue
    maureendonahue Posts: 468 Member
    Not just you my friend!

    But I have used my friend's diary's to get an idea for what I should be eating or what to eat at all. The other day at lunch, I was hungry, but all we had was leftover pasta. (Going grocery shopping the next day and not much was left!) But we did have eggs. A friend had some scrambled eggs and a piece of toast for lunch. It's good for you, lots of protein and low in calories. So instead of eating the pasta (and it would have been more than a 1 C serving-no use putting such little away, right?), I had some eggs and a piece of toast with margerine. It was good and I felt good about my choice.

    Keep logging and checking. Use your friends for inspiration. And whatever you have been doing must be working to release 32 lbs! Good for you!
  • erzille
    erzille Posts: 524 Member
    Ha! you haven't seen mine! LOL. I try..but maybe if I tried a little harder, the weight loss would be faster. But my thinking is...I want to lose weight not giving up what I like...only having it in moderation.
  • Becky1971
    Becky1971 Posts: 979 Member
    Try not to let it get you down, cause it just makes it more work when we feel shame. If you want look at it as an encouragement, use it to examine what you are doing, and where you could make changes. I have been feeling someone down about mine compared to others lately, but my schedule has changed and I just need to find a way to adjust, It would be easy to slip into feeling shame, but I refuse to. It's helped a lot being here and seeing people who are doing better than me, it really motivates me, so I utilize it!
  • BabyLove1606
    BabyLove1606 Posts: 23 Member
    OMG! I was feeling the exact same way this morning!! I have changed the way I eat so much and that makes me happy, but I still have a long way to go to get where most my MFP friends are, but honestly I don't want to give up everything I love, I just want to learn to control my portions! But jeesh, I don't know if I could live off lean meats n veggies all day...
  • keschuh79
    keschuh79 Posts: 29
    Don't worry. You're not alone. I keep my food logs private because I know I don't eat as clean as I should lol ... but I guess in the end I'm okay with that. I continue to lose weight (as it seems you have too!) I just lose it slow. I enjoy food too much to give it all up for a quick fix. I don't always deprive myself. I'm just careful. It's all about moderation and being conscious of your eating habits so that you can find that needed balance. And when I have particularly bad days or bad moments, I try to compensate for it with an extra hearty workout or super healthy eating the rest of that day or the next. No big deal as long as you're still invested in your healthy lifestyle. It's just about being smart and committed to the big picture.
  • ladybg81
    ladybg81 Posts: 1,553 Member
    I actually see it often. People are staying below their calorie count but still eating nothing but fast food, prepackaged foods, cakes, candy, etc. They are not changing their lifestyle at all and normally those are the people that will gain everything back plus some. So no, you are not alone but you really need to fix your food issues so this can be long term weight loss and not "right now."
  • taso42_DELETED
    taso42_DELETED Posts: 3,394 Member
    No reason to feel shamed friend. We were all eating crappy at one point and that's how we end up here. The one thing you can do to quickly change your trend is PLAN AHEAD. Make yourself a menu for tomorrow, the next day, the day after, the whole week. Always have at least the following day's meals planned out and stick to your plan as close as possible. You can continue this forever, or after several weeks, you maybe be in a groove and it will just come naturally. My food diary is as perfect as clockwork during the week if I do say so myself. It takes minimal effort and discipline to stick to it at this point because it's such an ingrained routine.

    Like the quote in my sig... The more you do it, the better you feel. The better you feel, the more you do it. It's true!
  • jmgj27
    jmgj27 Posts: 531 Member
    Nah -not just you! Because I do calorie cycling and allow myself a cheat meal my diary does contain some things which aren't healthy (i.e. chocolate cake!). I'm trying to live a normal life and not view it as a diet and I just need to ensure that I don't allow things to slip too much. That said, I do try and get my Vit C and keep my sodium low and MFP really helps with that - I do try and have a look at other people's diaries from time to time to get some tips and tricks, which I always enjoy!
  • _Aimée_
    _Aimée_ Posts: 190
    Even the people with the best diets on here will see people with better diaries!!
    I eat very well right now, but I still see some peoples diaries and think hmmm could improve!
    Don't get beat up about it, take those diaries as inspiration!
  • RunningAddict
    RunningAddict Posts: 548 Member
    I do all the time lol. I just try to use some of their ideas and try and tweak my diet a little here and a tad there! :)
  • LLaDonna
    LLaDonna Posts: 126
    Like someone else said, you're doing something right if you've shed more than 30 pounds!! Still, I do know what you mean about other folks' diaries. Most of my friends are consistently under their calorie goals and doing way more exercise than I am. I talk to myself daily about not comparing to them and putting myself down. I use their diaries for meal ideas so that I don't eat the same damn salad for 5 days or when I am sick of chicken :happy:
  • Purple_Orchid_87
    Purple_Orchid_87 Posts: 517 Member
    my diary is open to all :o)
    not perfect, but feel free to take a look and maybe get some ideas
  • Purple_Orchid_87
    Purple_Orchid_87 Posts: 517 Member
    my diary is open to all :o)
    not perfect, but feel free to take a look and maybe get some ideas
  • alexfaty
    alexfaty Posts: 61
    I know what you mean! Think I am just lazy a bag of salad and a pot of cottage cheese for lunch and chicken with veg for supper - I am so board with chicken! I cant keeping eat such a limited and dull set of foods... I find all the food diarys so helpful
    Thank you to everyone who has them public......
  • Mommawarrior
    Mommawarrior Posts: 897 Member
    Don't be ashamed. Changing your diet takes some time and alot of commitment. You will get there and even though I am a HUGE advocate of eating as fresh as possible with as little preservatives/additives as possible, doesn't mean your diary has to look like someone else's. I will say though, if you are gonna model someone else's go with RCKT82's ... he is totally my inspiration.
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