I would like some friends!

Hi. I'm 27 yr old 5'5" female who needs motivation with her weight loss. I currently weigh 181 and wish to be back at 145 pounds. My weight has been up and down since high school and I was at my lowest when I worked as a server and had the extra income for a gym and personal trainer. (I also didnt spend my money wisely but thats for another app)After getting what I call my "grown up" job sitting at a desk and trying to complete grad school I gained 35 pounds in a year. So I'm trying to lose weight again and its so much harder this time. I'm trying to save money by not paying for a gym membership but I love being outside to exercise. I run/walk/jog at least 3 times a week and throw in some body weight exercises. I try so hard to stay in my goal of 1450 calories a day but I'm finding it so hard and I end up binging some days. I feel so horrible those days and I try not to beat myself up but I want to lose weight. So if you want or need a friend please do not hesitate!


  • tljones164
    tljones164 Posts: 1 Member
    I'm in the same boat... I lost 20 pounds 2 years ago and felt great at 140...then I gained every pound back plus an additional 15 within the last year.
  • PinkPixiexox
    PinkPixiexox Posts: 4,142 Member
    Hi :)

    Congratulations on finding ways to improve your health. I too work a desk job full time and it can be frustrating sitting down all day! It's great you're working out 3 times a week and incorporating body weight exercises - it all sounds like you're doing really well, it's just the binge eating that is the issue.

    There isn't much advice I can offer you as it really is only you that is going to be able to turn this around. I would suggest trying to find foods that fill you up a little more and therefore reducing your desire to binge but you need to ask yourself; how important is getting to your goal-weight? More important than that temporary happiness that binge eating brings you? You're gonna' have to really dig deep and find your strength and willpower - you can DEFINITELY do it, but it won't be easy. Continue exercising how you are and be mindful of your eating and I promise you'll lose the weight and feel incredible.

    Wishing you the best of luck!
  • aphroditise
    aphroditise Posts: 7 Member
    Thanks pinkpixieox and tljones164. Will power is the only thing I struggle with. I do feel more satisfied when i eat more whole grains like brown rice, whole wheat pasta and rolled oats. Im not sure if increasing that would help me lose more weight. I've lost at 2 pounds these last few weeks but it's hard to stay motivated when the scale isn't moving as fast as I like it. But slow and steady wins the race! What are some tips that you use to increase your will power?