100 pounds to lose



  • GeorgiaM2015
    GeorgiaM2015 Posts: 142 Member
    Same here! Anyone, feel free to add me :)
  • wearmi1
    wearmi1 Posts: 291 Member
    While I don't have 100lbs to lose, I was 245 lbs when I was 17 and graduated from high school so I've been there and understand the struggle. Feel free to add me. I'm currently trying to lose about 10-15lbs that I've gained in the last year or so.
  • Bshmerlie
    Bshmerlie Posts: 1,026 Member
    I started off 5 months ago with 125 pounds to lose. I am down 50 pounds and going strong.
  • Breezybrie504
    Breezybrie504 Posts: 16 Member
    Currently trying to lose about 50-100 lbs...Don't want to set the goal too high and fail! I'm open to making new friends, feel free to add me :)
  • Amy2pierce19
    Amy2pierce19 Posts: 2 Member
    I need to lose 90 to 100 lbs too. I'm in this for the long haul but get overwhelmed and have never asked for with this journey before. Any one feel free to add me and we can make this journey together!!!!
  • tamtigerlily
    tamtigerlily Posts: 12 Member

    I have 100 to lose also. It is so hard knowing where to start. If you are like me you dread cooking dinner when you are on a diet because you have no idea what to eat and when you are the only one in the house dieting trying to stay faithful to the diet takes so much willpower. However, I look at pictures of myself that others have taken and cry because I don't know how I let myself get here and more so how I'm going to get the weight back off. It's very obvious that I'm not happy with myself and that the weight is causing me health issues but knowing where to start and just what to do every day to battle the weight is truly draining. There should be a guide out there for those like me who don't know a lot about nutrition and cooking to stay healthy and exercising to lose weight that takes you step by step day by day.
    I'm up for accountability partners and helping each other succeed, God knows I need the help!

    I know you said you were having trouble. Just wanted you to know someone is here for you. I'd be happy to chat with you about what I do for dinners and lunches

    Thank you so much! I would love that!
  • becky34me
    becky34me Posts: 2 Member
    I need to lose 151 pounds. I am 5'8" and currently weigh 341. I am a emotional eater constantly trying different diets then after about a week I quit. I do well one week then in the next week I gain all I lost plus some and its a constant cycle. I am looking for some friends to help me stay motivated and to help others too.
  • bekko57
    bekko57 Posts: 15 Member
    I have 80 to lose. Mother of two small boys that have tons of energy. I need to keep up and it's not fair on them that I am overweight and can't! Doing this for my children but also for me. I want to be around for a long time for them. I want to be able to run with them in the park, climbs trees, swim in the ocean, whatever adventure they would like to go on... My weight can't hold me back no longer!
  • Rawrishh
    Rawrishh Posts: 4 Member
    Feel free to add me :D I have about 100lbs to lose.
  • EFrancesSewell
    EFrancesSewell Posts: 3 Member
    hi. i have 126lbs to lose. have lost 10 already :) need some motivation and support
  • twhastings
    twhastings Posts: 4 Member
    Hey gang, add me to the -100lbs family. I gave up all diet pop and aspartame and "junk food" about 4 weeks ago. Also switched everything to wheat. Didn't lose any weight, was devastated. But I have had a few people ask if I lost weight but that horrible scale must hate me. I feel much better. Now I log everything I eat and exercise at least 20 min a day on the treadmill. I'm tired of feeling hungry and afraid of the mirror. Keep up the good fight gang.
  • Azurite27
    Azurite27 Posts: 554 Member
    I successfully lost 140 lbs and have kept it off over a year now. Anyone here is welcome to add me.
  • TheDailyChallenge
    TheDailyChallenge Posts: 245 Member
    looking for people in the same boat as me to be friends with! Add me! :)

    Come join our group for daily challenges and fun tools to keep on track for mind and body overall Health. See you there! ;)
  • mercurystar999
    mercurystar999 Posts: 12 Member
    Big weight to lose here too. 5ft 4 and 262 lbs. Tomorrow never comes for me. It's got to be today. Some help and advice would be appreciated along the way.
  • HappilySingle
    HappilySingle Posts: 149 Member
    Would love to lose 80 lbs but 100 would be awesome!! Currently 239.7lbs and 57. I lost 45 lbs once and that was tough but I did it... Do I know it's going to be doubly tough but I truly feel like I can do this!!

    I share almost exactly the same story. I lost about 54 pounds 3 years ago and regained 40 or so back. I am currently 231 and hoping to lose 100
  • msapril87
    msapril87 Posts: 6 Member
    In December I weighed 278lbs. Needed to lose 108lbs to reach my goal. I am currently 226 with a total loss of around 50 lbs still a long road ahead of me. I have tried to cut out take out, junk food, soda, and have switched to whole wheat/grains, more protein and fibre less fat. I just feel like carbs are my downfall I'm not sure if my body is digesting them properly any suggestions?
  • 4kimberdawn
    4kimberdawn Posts: 2 Member
    feel free to add me!! I spent the last 2 years learning how to walk again after a serious leg injury and am just now getting back onto the path of healthy me!! While injured I discovered that i did a lot of pitty me eating and it just piled on. So now my goal is to go from 292 to 225 by January 1. Then my second goal is to go from 225 to 175 by March 1 so that I can get back into doing things I love!! be patient, track your food, and strive for a total of 3000 calorie burns a day. First it will be inches then it will be weight... good luck to everyone on here and lets do this!!
  • sistermargret
    sistermargret Posts: 49 Member
    Started out 265 and am down to 245 before I even started this program. I guess I'm a 100 pound loss no surgury too. Count me in. We should form the 100 club.
  • tinger12
    tinger12 Posts: 62 Member
    It's great to read all who are motivated to be part of the "lose 100lb club." i would like to offer to be part of the "lose 300lb club." i started nine weeks ago at 490lbs. I am down to 455lbs. I have a very long road ahead. I have struggled like everyone else and i am determined to make the changes my doctor and I have planned. I would say good luck but this journey is not about luck but perseverance.
  • Ichasestorms
    Ichasestorms Posts: 24 Member
    I have 100 lbs to lose. I'm breaking it into smaller chunks so it doesn't seem as daunting. I want nothing more than to start my family but I know I can't start until I am at a more healthy weight, not just for myself but for the baby I will carry. Feel free to add me!