Looking for friends to motivate and share ideas!

Let me start by saying I love this app! I started off strong .. took off running with it and started losing weight and feeling better! I did recently hit a plateau but that's my own doing because I kind of went off track a little not eating the right things although I haven't gained luckily I haven't lost any more in the last few weeks. I love food .. I love the flavors... the textures ..you name it! So you see it's easy for me to go off track a little here and there. Luckily! I do love healthy food just as much as the not so healthy food. I love to cook so would love to share recipes also. I think if I develop a stronger friend base I might stay on track and fulfill my goals while helping somebody else hopefully to. I think it's just fine to eat whatever food you like as long as you stay within a certain calorie range and try to eat healthy for the most part. I like carbs I will continue to eat carbs. I do not have any gluten problems or intolerances but I know there are those out there who do ...so I understand ..not everybody can have the gluten... or the carbs as much. I know a lot of people do better with lower carbs. Strange when I restrict my carbs I didn't lose anything at all. I did that for a couple of weeks and found that I wasn't losing and then just started eating junk again. Well now I'm back on track and ready to get to my goal weight!!!! Let's support each other!
