Diet, Calorie Intake, and workout! Ps I can't stand working out :-((

So today I read the key to rapid weight lost is to Burn more calories than the amount you take in! I don't know if this is true or not but it sounds to me like a good point so I'm interested in trying out this method!! One big obstacle for me is I'm the type of person who believes Diet=80% and Excersice =20%. Being true to myself I believe that is sort of a lazy mentality within myself because I don't want to get up work out and feel the burn! So If I accept this mentality then I'll be okay with not working out and if so just a little! But I have to ask myself if I want to see these numbers on the scale change I have to put in WORK!!! MORE WORK HIGHER WEIGHT LOSS!!! So then my next problem is who the hell am I kidd!?? There is no way that I'm going to go from 0% work out and jump to burning more calories than I take in one a daily in one workout! Too much for me to handle! My conclusion that I have come up with is how about before or after each Meal I take in I work out burning more or equal the amount of what I just ate or am about to eat? I don't have to rush to the gym after or prior to any meals.... No I am going to utilize the outdoors, Zumba channels and YouTube workout channels in the comfort of my own home instead of just utilizing the COUCH!!!! I am going to stick by this method! Starting today I had 1 serving of oatmeal let it digest then followed up with a zumba workout burning more than I took in!!!! Feeling pretty good i plan to stick by this ideal.


  • OsricTheKnight
    OsricTheKnight Posts: 340 Member
    Exercise is useful but truthfully it's more like diet=90% exercise=10%.

    Say for example your tdee is 1800 kcals/day with no exercise (this would be about right for 5'5" 180lb female, I don't know your stats so I just picked something pretty average for a female joiner to MFP). Then if you run four days a week for 20 minutes you'll burn about 430 kcal/workout session, for an additional 1720 kcal/week, which works out to an additional 245 calories per day. Resulting TDEE is about 2045 kcal/day, and exercise accounts for 11.9% of your calorie burn.

    So really, you can achieve the bulk of your weightloss goal without exercise.

    That said most people who have succeeded on MFP cite exercise as a major factor, and surveys of successful losers have shown that exercise is correlated with keeping it off. Lastly, exercise will make your body look much better than just weight loss.

    So I'd say it's good to exercise, but not for the direct purpose of losing. And as a self-professed hater, you might want to focus on your diet alone for a few months. The desire to exercise will increase over time.

  • shharhonda_mail
    shharhonda_mail Posts: 19 Member
    I'm 5'4 325 pounds and I'm looking to loose alot of weight so i feel like I need to EXERCISE more
  • IsaackGMOON
    IsaackGMOON Posts: 3,358 Member
    I'm 5'4 325 pounds and I'm looking to loose alot of weight so i feel like I need to EXERCISE more

    Weight loss is 100% diet.... eat in a caloric deficit. Find an activity you enjoy, do that.

  • shharhonda_mail
    shharhonda_mail Posts: 19 Member
    For the past 7 days I have been under my calorie intake limit and I've only lost 1.2 pounds :(( im on my menstrual as well so maybe that has something to do with it but I feel like I should have lost at least 3 pounds or so
  • IsaackGMOON
    IsaackGMOON Posts: 3,358 Member
    For the past 7 days I have been under my calorie intake limit and I've only lost 1.2 pounds :(( im on my menstrual as well so maybe that has something to do with it but I feel like I should have lost at least 3 pounds or so

    You need to get some patience, because you're in for a ride with weight loss.. lol.
  • unnamed60
    unnamed60 Posts: 1 Member
    You're forgetting you burn the majority of calories just keeping yourself alive. There is absolutely no need to work out before or after every meal, to burn that specific meal off. You won't be able to keep that up at all.
  • shharhonda_mail
    shharhonda_mail Posts: 19 Member
    IssackGMoon your so right! Lol appreciate your input and kind words. Have a good day
  • shharhonda_mail
    shharhonda_mail Posts: 19 Member
    CitricAndCycle I definitely don't expect rapid weight loss with no work.... I believe I'm smarter than that
  • shharhonda_mail
    shharhonda_mail Posts: 19 Member
    Unnamed60 I was willing to give it a Shot!!! Lol maybe the article I read was a little unaccurate but I've always heard no pain no gain, haven't you? I was just venting and thinking of ways to keep up with working off my calories I take in
  • marsinah1
    marsinah1 Posts: 106 Member
    I like Sir Osric's advice. It sounds sensible. For the first few months I've been here, I did chose to lose weight without exercising. One thing you might want to experiment with is prelogging the food you expect to eat for the day and the exercises you might do. When you look at the estimates MFP gives you after that, you might find that exercising 3 times a day is more than you need.
  • ericGold15
    ericGold15 Posts: 318 Member
    You may misunderstand the energy equation of weight loss.
    A 5'4" young female who does NO exercise and does not eat will lose ~ 2.5 pounds a week. This is called the basal metabolic rate, or BMR.

    Flip the numbers around and you will see that you can eat more than you exercise and still lose weight, just less than 2.5 pounds a week. If your goal is to shed all your excess weight then you are likely looking at a two year journey. Are you up for it ?

    I'm surprised you can 'zumba.' That is pretty cool :-)
    It does seem though as though most people who start at weights like yours begin with light to moderate exercise like walking, and then increase daily exercise as they slim down. The trick is to not overdue it and then drop off the program.

    Good luck!
  • Mezzie1024
    Mezzie1024 Posts: 380 Member
    Wait... are you planning to burn all the calories you ingest through exercise? That... isn't sustainable. Just plug your info into MFP, log your food and exercise, and meet the net goal (exercising means you get to eat more; it shouldn't be punishment for eating at all).

    I'm hoping this is a joke, but I never know on these boards. :neutral:
  • callsitlikeiseeit
    callsitlikeiseeit Posts: 8,626 Member
    you lose weight in the kitchen and gain fitness and health in the gym.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    You want to go for something that is sustainable. I didn't even exercise at first honestly! But it got easier when I found something I liked.

    Just don't eat too little or you WILL crash and burn.