Hi and thank you MFP for a great weight loss resource!

Tucksy Posts: 7 Member
I've been overweight for about 10 years, the first year I piled on 20 lbs and then over the next 9 years I piled on a further 20lbs! Much of it has been down to that extra glass of wine (or two!) a day - so I'm cutting that out for the time being. I have used MFP for 3 days so far and love the way at the end of the day you have a summary which says "If every day were like today you would weigh XXX in 5 weeks". Good luck everyone in getting to goal!


  • Mandired78
    Mandired78 Posts: 69
    Welcome! Good luck to you!
  • MrsMills712
    MrsMills712 Posts: 350
    Welcome :) I don't know how accurate that prediction is, but I do love seeing it.
    The whole site has become such a part of my daily routine. Great tools. Great people.
    Best of luck to you! Enjoy the site!
  • Tucksy
    Tucksy Posts: 7 Member
    Thank you :smile: