Losing the same weight Again...

Getting started again. I have spent my entire adult life overweight. I am active, but fat. I know why I am fat. I love sugary treats and junk. From 2011-14 I have been pregnant off and on. I lost a baby a year until 2014 when I went fullterm with my baby. Post pregnancy I was 229 lbs. I started tracking and was doing great until April. I got sick and was given several botched spinal taps while in the hospital. I then suffered a leak in spinal fluid that caused the most painful spinal headaches anytime I was upright. Only now a few months later am I feeling better. In the hospital I was 205 lbs. I am now 229 lbs again. Laying in bed eating cookies and feeling bad for myself is how I managed to climb back up the scale. I worked so hard to lose from 229 to 205, but when I was in the hospital I was just fat, and I gave up for a while. I am ready to get back in the game and would love some support to keep me on track! I have lost the same 60 lbs over and over and over. I just want to get down to 180 lbs this time. It's just so hard to break the cycle of eating junk.


  • lm2011grad
    lm2011grad Posts: 17 Member
    Thanks for the links!
  • Bshmerlie
    Bshmerlie Posts: 1,026 Member
    You've just got to commit yourself and stick to your plan. People say its about motivation but in reality its about dedication. Its hard to stick to something that's a little difficult long term. All throughout my 30's I did the yoyo diet. Like you I'd lose then gain...lose then gain. Then I just got tired of being fat. So I made this a priority in my life. I decided not to do some drastic weightloss diet and instead just make little changes along the way that I knew I could stick to. And it works. Just set up all your info and MFP get your daily calorie goal and stick to it. Don't do anything drastic like cutting out all your favorite foods. Just keep it simple and stick to your plan. Work on just cutting back on the amount of what you eat. Welcome to MFP and good luck with your weight loss.
  • Bxqtie116
    Bxqtie116 Posts: 552 Member
    Congrats on taking the first step to improve your health. I too am addicted to sugar and love cookies, cakes and ice cream. The first thing you do is stop buying the sugary snacks and replace it with fruit. If you feel you must have a cookie, eat just one to satisfy that craving and stick with your excercises and healthier foods. It's ok to spoil yourself with the foods you love so long as it's done in moderation and not overindulge in it. You'll find that listing everything you put in your mouth will make you become more accountable for your actions. If you fall down, just get back up and try it again tomorrow. Good luck.
  • gtegirl2003
    gtegirl2003 Posts: 4 Member
    Hi, I did ww several times. made it to dr goal of 175 twice. I started here again at 210 in June. I am at 193 now. I go slow. I use food diary every day. I walk almost every day. You are worth it. Do this so you can run and play with your baby. I allow myself 1400 cal. and low carb. It is slow but I don't feel deprived. Good luck
  • PinkPixiexox
    PinkPixiexox Posts: 4,142 Member
    You've had such a hellish time - give yourself a break and try not to pile the pressure on. Mental well being is just as important as physical. That said, you know how to do this. Track your food and eventually you'll naturally educate yourself more and more on what are good and not so good choices. I don't believe anything should be 'off limits' but in proportion. You can do this :)
  • lm2011grad
    lm2011grad Posts: 17 Member
    It's hard to not eat like a cow! My body likes about 1300 calories a day. Today I've started back to tracking every little thing. I am like a little kid, I can't be trusted. When I see it logged it really does make a difference. Work days are easiest because I don't work in an environment where I can snack or eat. It's those pesky days when I am home and food is accessible that are the toughest, as well as evenings. When I've been eating healthy and am losing weight for several months I can't imagine how I ate so poorly before. Then again, when I am "detoxing" from cake and cheeseburgers like this past week I don't know how I ever ate healthy! I try to stick to high vollume low calorie foods. Today I have a yummy Tomato sandwich on Flat Out bread for lunch. I load it up with baby spinach so it feels more substantial! I have to lie to my eyes sometimes. Lol.
  • Lynzdee18
    Lynzdee18 Posts: 500 Member
    It IS about dedication. I am mean to myself. When I begin the eat healthier I g to my closet and find something I love but don't fit anymore. It goes to the front of my closet. I try it on every few days. And soon, it fits. If you detox from starches and full fat yogurt etc you can learn to crave tomatoes and spinach! Please be kind to yourself. If you truly NEED a cheeseburger, get one, have a bite and pass it on! My husband loves to BBQ burger and sausage. In fact, he's doing that right now. For himself. I will have fresh garden tomatoes and some other vegetables and tuna. A month ago, I would have half. Save the other for a day or so later. Now I don't need too. The clothes trick is working and soon I have to go shopping for something to wear. That works for me. You just need to find your magic key!
  • jmaryponcelet
    jmaryponcelet Posts: 1 Member
    So... I got mad enough at processed sugar/honey/syrup that I quit it for good a month and a half ago. Quit it for good! Just another poison to my health and my mental health. I do not do moderation well with sugar, no sirree. It makes me moody, makes it hard to manage my weight, makes me feel like a failure in general. Lovely emotions to have, right? No... And so I reached a point where I was like, "Screw you, sugar, and all your false promises!!!" I got mad at it, and the anger was so justified! And that was it, I gave it up! Only bothered me for 5 days and then I was free. And now, after over a month away from it, the taste of sugar is just cloying in my mouth. It makes me have to rinse my mouth right away, it is so extreme tasting to me. When I was emotional one day recently I tried to eat a cookie or whatever (like I always used to) and I did but it was terrible, the taste was overwhelming, I couldn't eat more. I thought, how did I eat this syrupy gross stuff all the time? And I could have sworn I had the biggest sweet tooth in the world. But I eat high carb low fat now. Vegan. Tons of raw fruit, some vegetables, and cooked starches in moderation. Our cells love that sugar from whole foods, you know? Our brains tick so well with that fuel. It is obvious or we wouldn't have a sweet tooth at all. Don't give up starches, like a lady suggests above.. If anything, give up all that animal protein and fat that is clogging our arteries and changing our body's environment to an acidic one.. Our body is leeching calcium from our bones just to correct the acidity from those proteins. I suggest 80/10/10. 80% carbs, 10% protein, 10% plant fat for health. There are other versions of this, too, but 80/10/10 is the most do-able for me as I begin (It has been a month now). It sounds radical, but it becomes less radical when a person realizes--- humans aren't true omnivores! Comparitive anatomy puts us right in with frugovores. If we were biologically created to eat meat, our stomach acid would be strong enough to kill those pesky bacteria. But.. We need fire.. Hm, I wonder why :) Check out Freelee or other vegans on youtube. It is a happy way to live:) Help animals, the environment, preserve resources, your health, on and on. Sorry about going on and on but just wanted to share, in case you've never considered or researched it. P.S. Vegan hasn't been too hard after I had already spent a few weeks kicking the processed sugar habit. If processed sugar makes you mad, kick the *kitten* outta your life like me :P
  • emmagrace0818
    emmagrace0818 Posts: 211 Member
    This is a great place to come for help and guidance.. Lots of amazing ppl to help you stay motivated and if you stay dedicated to logging every day that will really help.. You got this! Add me if you want!
  • loveylittlebear2014
    Congrats on the little one and I'd love to help and receive encouragement along the way...I myself have lost a little one four months...yes months into pregnancy. But we now have a beautiful boy girl and I have some extra weight to knock off.