Black coffee



  • krisfrantzen
    krisfrantzen Posts: 20 Member
    It depends on the roast for me. Light to medium roasts I can take black. If it's dark then I need something to offset the bitterness
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    I've been drinking a lot more coffee lately, and I don't care about the calories, but for simplicity in logging and whatnot I've been considering switching to just black coffee.
    Question is, do most people aquire the taste relatively quickly? If not I'll probably stick with 1creamer/1splenda per.

    I could never acquire a taste for straight black coffee. I use a coconut milk creamer in my coffee and/or unsweetened cashew milk, and stevia.
  • tennisdude2004
    tennisdude2004 Posts: 5,609 Member
    I've been drinking a lot more coffee lately, and I don't care about the calories, but for simplicity in logging and whatnot I've been considering switching to just black coffee.
    Question is, do most people aquire the taste relatively quickly? If not I'll probably stick with 1creamer/1splenda per.

    I suppose everyone if different, but in the space of a week I went from drinking only white tea (no sugar) and the occasional coffee (white with one sugar)! To black no sugar! I've not had white coffee or a cup of tea in over a year and a half now - I can't imagine not drinking my coffee black and sugarless now (you actually get to appreciate different tasting coffee)!

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,215 Member
    I've been drinking a lot more coffee lately, and I don't care about the calories, but for simplicity in logging and whatnot I've been considering switching to just black coffee.
    Question is, do most people aquire the taste relatively quickly? If not I'll probably stick with 1creamer/1splenda per.

    I switched to black coffee when I was about 16 years old. I was never very fond of milk in coffee ... I don't know if I ever really drank it that way. Just tried it a few times and didn't like it. I kept the sugar for a little while, but then one day tried it without and liked it better. Now I only put sugar in my coffee when I'm not feeling well or when I'm on a long distance bicycle ride and need the energy.

    But coffees differ.

    I have had some coffee while travelling that tastes really incredibly awful (like, for example, the coffee served with the free breakfasts at Super 8 Motels). I need sugar for that coffee just to try to mask the ghastly flavour.

    Bakeries and cafes here in Australia tend to serve a coffee you can stand spoons up in. Makes your eyes water and heart palpitate it is so strong. I need a splash of hot water with those to take the edge off.

    My husband and I drink flavoured (but not sweetened) Gloria Jean coffee on weekends which is really nice. The whole house smells good when we make those ones.

  • zdyb23456
    zdyb23456 Posts: 1,706 Member
    I drink it black unless it's exceptionally strong - like Starbucks.

    I use creamer occasionally when I'm indulging a bit. Usually, 1 cup with low-fat creamer on the weekends.
  • jkal1979
    jkal1979 Posts: 1,896 Member
    I've been drinking it black for over 16 years now. It took a little getting used to at first but if you make it right and use good coffee it will be a lot more enjoyable.
  • valerie_lemus
    valerie_lemus Posts: 1 Member
    I used skim milk as my creamer for a bit then used less and less until I could drink my coffee black.
  • austinsneeze
    austinsneeze Posts: 222 Member
    I've been drinking a lot more coffee lately, and I don't care about the calories, but for simplicity in logging and whatnot I've been considering switching to just black coffee.
    Question is, do most people aquire the taste relatively quickly? If not I'll probably stick with 1creamer/1splenda per.

    Yep. It sucks at first, I used to drink mine blonde with sugar and creamer. I still use creamer occasionally, but now I just stick with a little milk and splenda. Or just black with spenda.

    Another tip for less calories, you can make your own lattes at home. Get a milk frother (all the bubbles make it seem like its more milk than what it actually is) and get some sugar free syrup from the store (it's in the coffee aisle) and boom. Homemade, filling, delicious latte. Depending on how much milk you put in, between 50-100 calories.
  • austinsneeze
    austinsneeze Posts: 222 Member
    Another tip I read, but I don't know how accurate it is... if you take a few sips of your black coffee BEFORE you put creamer in, then it makes it seem sweeter when you put less creamer in and drink it.
  • yoda360
    yoda360 Posts: 1 Member
    I'm not a fan of black coffee either. I like to put in 1-2 tbsp of stevia (zero calorie sugar), and <1 tbsp of sugar free liquid creamer. The only calories here are a couple from the coffee and mostly from the creamer (15 Cal per tbsp). It tastes delish :)
  • amusedmonkey
    amusedmonkey Posts: 10,330 Member
    edited September 2015
    I've always had my coffee black, well, almost always.

    As a teen I had my coffee with creamer and sugar, then I started smoking, and to look and feel "cool" I switched to black coffee. After all, serious smokers only drink it black with no sugar. That was my perception of the cool smoker image back then (don't blame me, it was the 90s and the tired "*kitten* it" look was considered cool). It felt bitter and unpalatable but as a stubborn teenager I stuck with it. I was a "grown up" after all and fussing about coffee is not a "grown up" thing to do. The admiration looks on my friends' faces when we would get together to play video games and I would ask for "black no sugar" was worth the adjustment period.

    I don't know when it happened, but I know I now can't take it any other way. Even the fancy expensive coffee drink concoctions taste odd to me. They taste watered down even if it's the heaviest coffee you can find. Sweetened coffee now feels like dumping loads of sugar into your soup - it just doesn't feel "normal".

    You will probably get used to it after a while. I can't tell you when, but it could happen. Maybe because I was still a teen back then and had a lifetime to get used to it, but who knows.

    Alternatively do this: if you drink coffee daily, set your calories to be however much is your current target minus your coffee calories. This way you won't need to log it. Keep in mind you may need to re-adjust your calories every 5-10 pounds lost since it will not re-adjust automatically like automated targets do.
  • tomatoey
    tomatoey Posts: 5,446 Member
    edited September 2015
    No way, I like my coffee dark and rich and sweet and creamy. It's a real pleasure to start my day with that exact 170-190 calorie beverage (it's 2 cups). No intentions of changing that ever and haven't had to. My one concession is sometimes cutting the 10% cream I usually have with a bit of unsweetened almond milk, but that's as far as I'll go.
  • MelodyandBarbells
    MelodyandBarbells Posts: 7,725 Member
    Black. One good thing is that you're inhaling the coffee that much quicker if you don't add stuff to it :tongue:

    I don't remember how long it took to adjust. I used to do two cream plus either sweet n' low or Splenda, and the creams were adding up with multiple cups per day. I do mostly drink the flavored stuff, though. At work I take the hazelnut coffee, and at home I'm currently trying out those $1 packs from Walmart and my favorite is their butternut crunch. Every so often I still stop by to buy my mcdonalds coffee and I take that one with two cream and Splenda still. With the coffee already flavored, it almost kind of defeats the purpose to then cover up the taste with added flavors, and I carry that attitude with me to situations when I have to do straight black as well

    Oh wow, in the interest of full disclosure, a lot of times I'm having this with a pastry LOL. The pastry is plenty sweet and the contrast of the unsweetened coffee is actually quite heavenly.
  • sakurablush
    sakurablush Posts: 104 Member
    My tastes have changed dramatically in the past months. I used to hate black coffee but now I like it, I don't ever really crave the doughnuts or whatever my OH enjoys and am satiated with fruit. When I first tasted green tea I felt I was going to gag (no, I did...I drank the stuff on an empty stomach >.>), and now as long as there's lemon in it I'm fine.

    Even more bizarre to me is the fact I actually *like* dark chocolate now. For years I've just written it off as bitter and unpleasant, but now it seems very palatable.
  • LKArgh
    LKArgh Posts: 5,179 Member
    edited September 2015
    I've been drinking a lot more coffee lately, and I don't care about the calories, but for simplicity in logging and whatnot I've been considering switching to just black coffee.
    Question is, do most people aquire the taste relatively quickly? If not I'll probably stick with 1creamer/1splenda per.

    I used to drink my coffee with milk and sugar, because this was how my mother used to drink hers, and honestly, it never crossed my mind as a teenager to try it in a different way. Then once I tried black no sugar and never turned back. So yeah, for me it was really quickly, it took one try :) Have tried as an experiment to add sugar a few times the last 20 years, but I really have to throw it away and get a new coffee and I wonder how I used to drink that, it ruins the taste of coffee for me. And it is not about limiting sugar intake, a slice of chocolate cake or some cookies with my coffee are perfect. I still add some milk in my first mornign cup occasioanlly, but it is mostly to cool the hot coffee down so I can take it with me in the car and start drinking without waiting for it to cool down. But sugar, no way
  • WBB55
    WBB55 Posts: 4,131 Member
    The only coffee I can drink black is fancy schmancy $15/10oz lightly roasted single origin honeydew nectar of the hipster gods.

    All the rest gets at least sugar or splenda.

    If you want a new low-cal rabbit hole to dive into, tea comes in infinite varieties (may I suggest a higher-end tieguanyin) and I'm sure you can find a bunch you like without sweetener and/or cream.
  • AspenDan
    AspenDan Posts: 703 Member
    Some really great suggestions...I think I'm gonna give black coffee a solid week of trying, and if I still prefer my old ways, I'll go back =) thanks all!
  • mrs_dyer_07
    mrs_dyer_07 Posts: 10 Member
    I've been drinking a lot more coffee lately, and I don't care about the calories, but for simplicity in logging and whatnot I've been considering switching to just black coffee.
    Question is, do most people aquire the taste relatively quickly? If not I'll probably stick with 1creamer/1splenda per.

    I drink black coffee ALL the time, didnt like it to start that much, but that is all I can drink now. Try making it slightly weaker at first with abit of sweetener in, then gradually increase the coffee and reduce the sweetener, your tastebuds will adjust, Also black coffee is great for keeping hunger at bay! Good luck

    Black coffee is my downfall!!!! I love it and sometimes put two spoons coffee in, and then I'm buzzing off the caffeine and also killed my hunger, so now I'm trying herbal teas instead.
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,215 Member
    Some really great suggestions...I think I'm gonna give black coffee a solid week of trying, and if I still prefer my old ways, I'll go back =) thanks all!

    A tip ...

    Adjust the strength of the coffee if you can.

    I've discovered that weak coffee tastes the worst (the Super 8 free breakfast coffee I mentioned above springs to mind). <<shudder>>

    Coffee that is too strong is next worst (for example, Australian bakery coffee, that is designed to restart hearts, cars, and things)

    And then there's a happy medium somewhere in between. But that happy medium varies by person.

    So if you take a swig of coffee and it just tastes really bad ... maybe try adding more grounds next time you make it to make it stronger. Then you might have to add a splash of hot water to make it slightly weaker. But play with the strength a bit until you find one that suits you.

  • mitch16
    mitch16 Posts: 2,113 Member
    I think it's an acquired taste that comes with age... When I was a teen my parents always drank black coffee--I thought it was disgusting, but now that I'm older I can tolerate it. IMO it's related to the acquired taste for flavored unsweetened seltzer water!