i need a beach body in jst 2 weeks!

So, were goin on a vacation within the next 2 weeks but i still feel fat.. i wanna go down from 55kg down to 50kg .. so that could wear a nice bikini.. kinda loosing my self confidence for that , due to my flabby arms and stomach


  • FatMoojor
    FatMoojor Posts: 483 Member
    it's not going to happen. That is a straight up fact. You will not lose that weight in that space of time. Accept this and move on.
    If your profile pic is what you currently look like, then don't worry, you look great. Go out and spend some cash on a really quality bikini.
  • pamelalabs
    pamelalabs Posts: 26 Member
    i know.. :( seems impossible.. ill try my best to loose at least 3 more kg
  • FatMoojor
    FatMoojor Posts: 483 Member
    Your focusing on the wrong part of the post :)

    Going by your profile pic you look really good, don't get yourself down on unreasonable targets. Aim for maybe a couple of 2lbs, or 1kg if you really want to but why not focus on getting yourself some really nice outfits instead.

  • RuNaRoUnDaFiEld
    RuNaRoUnDaFiEld Posts: 5,864 Member
    Drop your salt intake and your carbs, that will help you shed water weight. Other than that, get your hair and nails done, buy a killa looking bikini and enjoy your self :)
  • pamelalabs
    pamelalabs Posts: 26 Member
    great! thanks!
  • Orphia
    Orphia Posts: 7,097 Member
    Noone will notice the difference. And you'll put it all back on and more while on holiday.

    55 kg is tiny! You're perfect as you are. Just enjoy life and be happy!
  • GloworminWA
    GloworminWA Posts: 704 Member
    I agree that you are not going to lose that much weight in such a little time but you could start lifting weights and toning up. From what I can see you are a beautiful young woman so don't be so hard on yourself. Go on vacation and enjoy yourself!
  • oh_happy_day
    oh_happy_day Posts: 1,137 Member
    You're already petite, you won't be able to drop kgs in just two weeks. Get a great bikini, do whatever make you feel confident (get your nails, spray tan, fabulous embellished kaftans/cover ups etc) and strut your way down the beach. If you cut your sodium intake you'll reduce bloating and that's probably all you can realistically and healthfully accomplish in two weeks.

    A beach body is a body on the beach. People of all shapes and sizes will be out there enjoying the waves and sunshine.
  • PinkPixiexox
    PinkPixiexox Posts: 4,142 Member
    It's sad because I know the 'beach body' you are aspiring to get is the one you see in magazines and on TV, right? Yes, these are 'good' bodies but how many real life women do you see with them? When you go to the beach, have a look around you - you'll see women of all shapes, all sizes. You'll see very lean women with 'toned' arms and abs, you'll see larger ladies, short ladies, tall ladies, pear shaped, hourglass, overweight, underweight - my point is - we are all totally and utterly unique and 100% wonderful in our own way and NOT because of our bodies. You probably won't lose 5KG in 2 weeks and that's just fine.

  • Tahlia68
    Tahlia68 Posts: 204 Member
    Unrealistic goal to loose 5 kilos in 2 weeks. You look great the way you are. If your worried about being flabby why not pick up some weights and tone up? But it wont happen in 2 weeks. As the above posters have said "go and buy a hot bikini and enjoy the beach". I honestly don't think you have anything to be worried about. We are all different shapes and sizes. Appreciate what you have. :smile:
  • maasha81
    maasha81 Posts: 733 Member
    You don't need to lose ...lift weights, monitor sodium intake and drink tons of water. Confidence is sexy ...be confident and strut your stuff. You look great!
  • brianpperkins
    brianpperkins Posts: 6,124 Member
    edited September 2015
    How tall are you?

    Losing 6-10 pounds in two weeks is completely unrealistic ... especially when starting at 55kg (approx 121 pounds).
  • zoeysasha37
    zoeysasha37 Posts: 7,088 Member
    Your already small so trying to lose that much weight in such a short time could be risking your health. From your picture, your young and look just fine anyway so there's no need to go wild trying to lose weight.