New members for challenge group are wanted

I have been a member of a challenge/ support group for awhile now. Unfortunately, we have lost quite a few members due to life circumstances. We are currently looking to add new members to motivate and re-energize our group.

A little bit about the group:

We have weekly weigh ins and weekly challenges.
We chat a lot throughout the week about weight loss things and life in general.
The group is called H.E.L.D. Together because it revolves around 4 categories necessary for weight loss: Hydration, Exercise, Lifestyle, and Diet.
The group is private which encourages openness and honesty.

Who we are looking for:

Women only
Between the ages of 25-50 (most of us are working mothers)
Preferably in North America, so we are in similar time zones and use similar units of measurement
We are looking to add 10-12 new members

If you are interested or would like to know more about the group, please send me a PM. I will say upfront that we are going to be selective in finding members that we think will mesh well with the couple of people we still have left from our old group. If your profile is not open and public, please tell me something about yourself. I will send an invite to new members and I will post here when the group is closed.

Good luck to everyone in their weight loss journey
