I paint my nails to keep out of snack bags

ninabsarazin Posts: 2 Member
edited September 2015 in Introduce Yourself
me: San Francisco native, organic produce enthusiast, yoga lover, workaholic mom. I curse too much but make a great friend.

Hoping to connect with people who love food, occasionally binge on food, and want to safely lose weight (and keep it off). I have a Fitbit and can add to my friends list...I'm also hoping to meet people who inspire me. Can be local or just through this app!



  • penguinparty510
    penguinparty510 Posts: 12 Member
    Hey there, I'm pretty new to MFP (just got the app yesterday actually) but I love your nail polish hed! That's one of my accidental strategies too. Although with quick dry top coat, you can open a bag up carefully in about 5 min, LOL.
    I live in the east bay (non native but have been here abt 6 years now)
    My goals are to keep more accountable to myself & to cut down on the mindless snacking.
    I could go on and on - been a while since I've been active on a board. If there's a PM function feel free to msg me!
  • ninabsarazin
    ninabsarazin Posts: 2 Member
    I sent you what I think is a friend request?
  • editorgrrl
    editorgrrl Posts: 7,060 Member
    I have a Fitbit and can add to my friends list.

    You can find friends in the Fitbit Users group: http://community.myfitnesspal.com/en/group/1290-fitbit-users
  • kittysaysmeow420
    kittysaysmeow420 Posts: 18 Member
    Everyone is always talking about Fitbit, how do you guys feel it helps?? I'm curious, may be interesting in getting one for myself.
  • lalabrucey
    lalabrucey Posts: 244 Member
    edited September 2015
    Hiya! I'm a Kiwi from New Zealand and will send you a FR - your goals sound similar to mine and I love the title of your post :) I also have a fitbit (username same as MFP)



  • editorgrrl
    editorgrrl Posts: 7,060 Member
    edited September 2015
    Everyone is always talking about Fitbit, how do you guys feel it helps?

    When you connect your accounts and enable negative calorie adjustments, MFP adjusts your daily calorie goal to TDEE (total daily energy expenditure) minus deficit. Fitbit challenges are great motivation—and fun.
    lalabrucey wrote: »
    I also have a fitbit (username same as MFP.

    To add you as a Fitbit friend, people need your public URL. To find it, log in at Fitbit.com and click your profile pic at top right.
  • zoeysasha37
    zoeysasha37 Posts: 7,088 Member
    Hi there! I'm Rachel aka mom, workaholic, and wife. I eat cake and ice cream daily and managed to lose all my weight counting calories on this app. :smile:
  • lalabrucey
    lalabrucey Posts: 244 Member
    edited September 2015
    Everyone is always talking about Fitbit, how do you guys feel it helps?? I'm curious, may be interesting in getting one for myself.

    I didn't have one for ages, but I find it helpful to see my sleep patterns and heart rate when at gym so I can gauge my fitness levels and progress.

    Its nice that I can see I am actually a bit more active than I thought and I do strive for my daily calorie burn goal - I have been known to do squats watching tv to get that satisfying buzz on my wrist! However lately I have been wondering wether to allow it to give me extra calories on my daily food goal in MFP as I tend to eat a little more than I did before getting one. Still under most days though and happy which is more important to me :D

    I wouldn't say it is a critical tool for me to help my loss goals however, but it does motivate me to do more and get that heart rate higher when at the gym.

    Hope this helps

  • lalabrucey
    lalabrucey Posts: 244 Member
    editorgrrl wrote: »
    Everyone is always talking about Fitbit, how do you guys feel it helps?

    When you connect your accounts and enable negative calorie adjustments, MFP adjusts your daily calorie goal to TDEE (total daily energy expenditure) minus deficit. Fitbit challenges are great motivation—and fun.
    lalabrucey wrote: »
    I also have a fitbit (username same as MFP.

    To add you as a Fitbit friend, people need your public URL. To find it, log in at Fitbit.com and click your profile pic at top right.

    Ok cool, thanks, URL: