getting under the 200 mark

i started dieting last november (2010) and have lost 16 pounds... the problem is i cant seem to
get under 200 .. not yet anyway... i know i know.. im at some kind of plateau..
im 50 years old and have been on so many diets... now just mfp...
any body have any suggestions ... or encouragement.. ANYTHING ?? !!!!!


  • twooliver
    twooliver Posts: 450 Member
    There are lots of different strategies on this;

    Some will say to zig zag your calories through the week; others will say to up your calories; then there's the up your exercising;

    I'd suggest lowering your carbs, and watching your sodium - keep it to no more than 1500...

    Mostly hang in there! I'm with close I can almost taste it!
  • guppygirl322
    guppygirl322 Posts: 408 Member
    You can do it! Just go slow. When I started I was hoping to lose 2 pounds a week. I only managed one pound or less per week, a couple of weeks no loss at all. Even when my weight is stagnant I'm happy because A) I'm not gaining weight and B) I still weigh less than I used to.

    I've heard the slower it comes off the more likely it is to stay off. I don't know how true it is, but I'm hoping that the habits I am building now will be forever.

    You've SO got this, because you want it. :)
  • bethvandenberg
    bethvandenberg Posts: 1,496 Member
    What are your calories set to? How much do you exercise? My guess is that you're not eating enough. :) I know it sounds strange but I think MFP sets us up too low for cals and then our bodies stop losing weight. I added to my cals after having a body composition done and now eat 1,000+ cals more a day and am dropping again. :)
  • CreativeRedhead
    CreativeRedhead Posts: 2,166
    I'd love to get under the 200 mark, it seems to be my nemesis. :grumble:
  • bethdris
    bethdris Posts: 1,090 Member
    Keep up the work!! I just recently hit under 200!! I haven't seen a number on MY scale that was for ME that was under 200 in LONG LONG time!! There are no magical potions, no secret teas, just hard work, dedication, and changing up your routine from time to time. It will come off, and btw you may be losing inches and not pounds. Keep the faith :)
  • AZackery
    AZackery Posts: 2,035 Member
    Tameemartini, how much water are you drinking. Water plays a big important part of loss as well. If you are doing the same exercise over and over, your body has gotten use to that. Spice up your workouts. If you are doing intense workouts, up your calories. It takes food to lose.
  • orting514
    orting514 Posts: 153
    I dont know if i can help you, but if you want to talk we can find a way of brainstorming this. I'm 51 and currently 199, just bearly under the 200 mark, its ironic how it comes off as slow as mollassis in January. We just need to keep plugging away at it.
  • Scubabarbie
    Scubabarbie Posts: 20 Member
    Are you in shape enough to amp up the intensity of your workouts? Are you lifting weights or doing weight bearing exercises like squats and pushups? Another thing you can try which has worked for me is significantly reducing my salt intake and sugar. I read labels carefully and omit foods from my diet that are touted as good for you yet have a lot of sugar & sodium like yogurt and cottage cheese and flavored oatmeal packets, for example. If you eat fruits, you could try fruits that are low glycemic like the berry family: blueberries, strawberries, rasberries, blackberries, cherries, and such vs. high glycemic fruits like bananas:smile: . To give yourself some motivation, do you have a digital scale? Some calibrate to 0.2 lbs so that you can see if you're weight is moving downward even if the last digit isn't changing. Good luck to you - - I know how you feel.
  • 4lafz
    4lafz Posts: 1,078 Member
    I am well over 50 and just met my goal. In 14 days I will have been on MFP for a year. I started at 212. It takes time, perseverance and dedication. Log everything you put in your mouth and do some sort of exercise every day. Yep - no rest - although some days I just walk. Walking is fine but do something more as well. I started with 10 mins in the morning and again at night on Wii Fit Plus - Advanced Step. I worked up from there - I told myself if I wanted to eat - I had to work out. Find foods you love that are healthy so you can eat what you want when you want it. If you want something fattening - learn to make it a healthy way. No fast food, pizza, fried foods - and drink lots of water. I also got a HRM after a couple of months - and boy was I surprised at the calories I really was burning (lower than MFP numbers). Eating all my exercise calories did not work for me - but eat some - save about 200-300 for error rates (in calories or exercise calories).

    I am sure you are doing many of these things - but I wanted you to hear it from someone who has been where you are! You CAN do it - if I can - anyone can!

    Good luck
  • AZackery
    AZackery Posts: 2,035 Member
    Tameemartini, by any chance do you have any health problems such as thyroids? That can be a cause of you not dropping like you would like. Some medicine causes people to gain weight.
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    I got stuck at 200 also. Took about 6 weeks, but finally it broke. Just stick to your diet and workout plan. Keep pushing your workouts to keep you body on its toes.