Have you changed your original Goal Weight? Up or down?



  • minties82
    minties82 Posts: 907 Member
    I'm still losing weight, but I don't really have a goal weight any longer. I have a goal waist and clothing size.
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    My original goal weight was 120, based on how I felt good in the past (really between 120 and 125). I've been maintaining around 125 for a while and based on body fat and optimal performance for stuff like running I think I'd like to get down to 118 when I focus on losing again. But then I'd love to increase lean body mass and if I end up at the same BF% but 130 I'd be delighted. (No idea if that's realistic and I plan to take it really slow.)

    Basically I don't care so much about the number on the scale -- I seem to be fitting into clothes (same exact clothes) a little heavier than I was when I wore them in the past, and I'm going to keep using stuff like that as a guideline.
  • MarziPanda95
    MarziPanda95 Posts: 1,326 Member
    Original goal weight was 140 (I'm 5'7). I'm currently at 145. I plan to get to 140 and maintain for a few months, then get to 135. Probably no lower, though.
  • North44
    North44 Posts: 359 Member
    I started with a goal of 145, reached it, set a goal of 140, reached it and want to maintain at 140 or slightly below for at least 6 months before reassessing and possibly going lower. I am turning 50 this year though so just maintaining would be brilliant.
  • ericGold15
    ericGold15 Posts: 318 Member
    I read the other day that Jack Lalanne (sp?) hit over a 1000 push-ups without stopping as a stunt on TV. All right, thought I; then I will hit 100. If I have to gain some muscle mass to get there, so be it!

    It seems pretty clear that our goals and objectives will change as we hit milestones. Once most of the fat is gone I suspect that strength, looks, fitness and body tone preferences come up.
  • xLoveLikeWinterx
    xLoveLikeWinterx Posts: 408 Member
    I keep adjusting downward, and I actually need to stop. At my heaviest (way back in the day) I was 294, now I'm about 121. I'm having plastic surgery in October for skin removal and need to stop losing, because they estimate they'll remove about 6-8 lbs of skin. I'm 5'4.5 and was originally aiming for 135, then 130, then at 124-125 the surgeon told me to stop. I was 120.8 this am and am aiming for 120.

    Part of it is I've discovered I like running, though, and so I keep burning more and more calories.
  • hollen_carol
    hollen_carol Posts: 121 Member
    Hello my fellow Maintenance friends,

    When I discovered MFP and began my weight loss journey here in July 2014, I was trying to lose those final stubborn 10 pounds. I had struggled with a 20 pound gain over the course of a few years and had been able to drop 6-7 lbs on my own before MFP. I never expected I could lose the full 20 pounds.

    At that time, my Original Goal Weight was 130, which seemed realistic, though difficult to achieve. To my great delight, with MFP I was able to hit 130! I then set a goal range for myself of 128-132. 128 seemed impossible and implausible as I'd not been in that range in at least a few years. So I didn't expect to get there.

    I achieved GW of 130 lbs in early September of 2014, so I'm celebrating my 1 year anniversary in Maintenance (YAY!).

    At this point my weight fluctuates between 125-128 with occasional spikes up or down a pound or two. I am comfortable with this weight and feel great! I feel like myself again and can fit into and enjoy wearing all my old clothes :)

    So on this 1 Year anniversary of Maintenance I am adjusting my GW optimal range to 125-128 (with a realistic allowance of 125-130).

    Have you adjusted your GW now that you're in maintenance? If so, up or down? Please share your story (if you'd like).

    Thanks to all of you for your friendship and support throughout this first year of maintenance. I couldn't have done it and could not keep doing it without you all!



    Original GW 130 lbs
    Original GW range: 128-132 lbs
    Current GW range: 125-130 lbs (most comfortable/optimal range: 125-128lbs)

    You are like my MFP twin! Mine keeps going down a little as I reach goal. Ultimately though my final goal is between 125-130. I have not hit 125 yet but I am in my range :) thank goodness. I still haven't gone on maintenance yet, but I do plan on doing that soon.
  • MrsSylvie
    MrsSylvie Posts: 301 Member
    Thanks for sharing everyone!

    Francl27, you are so right - there's a lot more to it than just weight!

    SylvieKuchma, Let me know what home exercises you discover for abs/belly. I'm looking to do some home exercises for that area, too!

    Enjoy the weekend everyone,

    I can't seem to find mfp thread i got this routine from but, this is what i am going to do for at least the next month. Seems like an easy AB routine for a beginner i think.

  • serenityfrye
    serenityfrye Posts: 360 Member
    Mine has adjusted quite a bit upward. Honestly I've battled anorexia off and on my whole adult life so I didn't know what a healthy goal was. When I first joined mfp almost a decade ago my goal weight was 95 lbs (which had me eating around 700 cal/day). As my mindset has shifted away from being skinny to being fit I've slowly scootched my goal maintenance weight upward to wherever it sits when I'm eating enough to perform to satisfaction at the gym. I'm currently holding pretty steady at 115 and while I hope to slowly recomp over time I'm finally adjusting to my "healthy and sustainable" weight even though it's a good 20 lbs above the first goal weight I had on here.
  • mgibbons22
    mgibbons22 Posts: 69 Member
    My first goal was 205. Long before I got there, I knew it was too high, so I moved it down to 185 (184 - 188). I've been there for six months, and it's a smidge too high. So I just moved it to 182.5 (181 - 185).

    It seems like micro managing my weight, and it is, but it works for me. Those 2.5 extra lbs make a difference in the mirror the way my clothes fit.
  • snowflake930
    snowflake930 Posts: 2,188 Member
    My original GW was 140. I was @ 290. I surpassed that and got as low as 125. I really struggled to be @ 125. It seems my body likes being at 130-135 and that is my range since I have been on maintenance for almost 2 years (November 12, 2015). I am really happy at 130. I feel great, better than I have in decades. I will be 64 @ the end of September, and really never dreamed this was possible for me. I am happy, my family is happy and my doctor is happy. It is all good and if I can do this, really, most anyone with no serious health issues can.
  • SuggaD
    SuggaD Posts: 1,369 Member
    I just don't weigh myself regularly. I go by fit. Like right now, I feel heavier, but I'm more muscular and my clothes fit looser, so not going to ruin it by getting on the scale.
  • LivingtheLeanDream
    LivingtheLeanDream Posts: 13,342 Member
    Congrats on 1st year of maintenance :smile: you're doing fab.

    My first goal weight was 136 lbs ( went from 154lbs to goal in 2012/2013)
    I then thought 133lbs will do nicely. ...
    And now I've been there for over a year, I'm now thinking maybe 130! Never happy lol

    But the way I look at it if I get there fine and if I don't, also fine. :smiley:
  • SteveMayer831
    SteveMayer831 Posts: 10 Member
    At 210, my goal was 190, with a stretch goal of 180.
    I'm at 180 now, and find that I've still got a little too much flab, IMHO.
    My latest goal is to have my BMI within the "normal" range.
    At 5'11", I figure another 5lbs is good for that.

  • tayortoeknee
    tayortoeknee Posts: 94 Member
    i did. :smile:

    ogw: 160
    ogw range:160-165
    new goal: 145-150
  • nxd10
    nxd10 Posts: 4,570 Member
    edited September 2015
    I changed it 3 times while I was losing. I started at 187 and hoped to get for 170, but set it for 165. I got easily to 170 and reset it to 160. I realized at 165 I really could get down to what I was 'supposed' to weigh - which also happened to be how much I weighed when I graduated from college, got married, and what I came back to after I had my first son. That was 150. 150-155 was always where my body bounced to, and here I am several years later.

    I did got lower a bit last summer, but it came back up. I did get higher again this summer (156), but after a week of deficit I'm back in that zone.
  • JeanCricket
    JeanCricket Posts: 166 Member

    Thanks for posting the ABS workout plan! :)

    xo Jean
  • JeanCricket
    JeanCricket Posts: 166 Member

    Congrats to you on your self awareness and success in beating anorexia - quite a wonderful & healthy accomplishment! :)

    Wishing you continued health,


  • MeiannaLee
    MeiannaLee Posts: 338 Member
    I changed mine a couple times.
    I started at 148 and my goal was 125.
    Then it was 115, 110, 100 and finally I settled for 105 :smiley:
  • neil11111
    neil11111 Posts: 26 Member
    My original GW was 200lb (down from my fat 233 start which was the point where I had a fatal heart attack. The hospital staff revived me and gave me a second chance. 200lb was an arbitrary number and wasn't well planned. I got stuck at 204 and downloaded MFP. By watching calories and creating a calorie deficit I blew through the 200lb mark. I have dropped my goal weight twice more in 10 lb increments to 180lb. I have hit 179 twice but feel the best at 182 which is now my maintenance weight. This keeps me in the healthy BMI and other measured ranges and happy. I lost 10 inches off my waist which is a better gauge than the weight scale. I was able to recover fully from the heart trauma and love each day I'm here. Keep up the great work everybody.