
Hello everyone, I was woundering what are some good supplements and or vitamins to take when working out and eating healthy. Not looking for an easy way out, I have lost 30 pounds without any "pills" and intend to keep it that way :) I take a multi vitamin every day but just woundering what are some thoughts of other people and what is something people might be taking. Hope everyday has a great day and thanks in advance for any responses! :)


  • k8edge
    k8edge Posts: 380
    I take a calcium supplement every day... As an active woman - Calcium is important for your bones!

  • kmalex
    kmalex Posts: 39 Member
    I have a hard time getting enough fiber so I take a "greens" supplement.
  • sarahbeth17
    sarahbeth17 Posts: 100 Member
    Just making sure you are taking a good multi is the most important thing. brand's like centrum and store brand don't really do anything good for you, they're mostly fillers and most the vitamins won't even absorb in your system.
  • Davelh1976
    Davelh1976 Posts: 140 Member

    I take a multi, Fat burner,b12 my wife does the same. We lost 100lbs togther in 103 days we also count cal and exercise.

    Good Luck
    and God Bless
  • McHeather
    McHeather Posts: 105 Member
    I take B100, D, Calcium/Magnesium, Women's Multivitamin, and Salmon Oil. I'm battling depression and all of these have been recommended to me by my doctor. They are great energy and mood booster.
  • gfrank32
    gfrank32 Posts: 2
    I read in a muscle magazine that taking glutamine, arginine and BCAA's help to build muscle/ burn more calories. They also recomended taking ZMA's at night to aid with sleeping and producing growth hormone.
  • notOpel
    notOpel Posts: 46
    I take a prenatal vitamin and fish oil. The prenatals are a great multivitamin but people sometimes freak out when they find out I'm taking them. No, they don't increase your fertility but they do contain 156% of your daily iron requirements and an extra boost of B vitamins compared to a regular multi vitamin! The fish oil is for omega 3, the "good" fat. You can take flax seed if you are worried about mercury or if you prefer to get your health benefits from veggies.
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    I take a multivitamin, cinnamon with chromium-to help regulate blood sugar and lower BP, and flaxseed-to help regulate in the BR!
  • kiawya
    kiawya Posts: 73
    Definately try Chromium Picolinate, It helps regulate blood sugar, and helps control cravings.