
help I'm eating well and exercise but hustle can't shift this last bit of fat off legs y won't it go


  • kristigouge
    kristigouge Posts: 7 Member
    Make sure you are doing enough cardio to help burn fat, and use some toning moves to build lean muscle mass like squats, lunges, hip abductions, glute bridges.
  • mikestobbs1
    mikestobbs1 Posts: 294 Member
    Check out these bum cheeks
  • jkybm1
    jkybm1 Posts: 43 Member
    I burn roughly 800 cals a day and I only eat 1000 should I be eating less . I've just started doing shaun t 25 as well sim to insanity so I do work out but it's not budging :(
  • fannyfrost
    fannyfrost Posts: 756 Member
    jkybm1 wrote: »
    I burn roughly 800 cals a day and I only eat 1000 should I be eating less . I've just started doing shaun t 25 as well sim to insanity so I do work out but it's not budging :(

    Actually you should be eating more. You are starving yourself and not even eating enough to run your body. You need a certain amount of calories to keep your body going. You should never eat less than 1200 calories and if you are really burning 800 a day you probably want to be eating about 1500.

  • RoseTheWarrior
    RoseTheWarrior Posts: 2,035 Member
    First, I agree that 1000 calories a day is way too low. I'm 5'3" and I eat about 1400 calories a day and lose weight.

    Second, you cannot "spot lose". Just because you work out your legs ONLY doesn't mean that's where you'll lose fat. You may build muscle there, actually, and make them look bigger, because now you have a layer of fat AND more muscle. Fat comes off everywhere when you lose weight. That's just science. Also, it seems that certain body types will lose fat in certain areas slower than in others. For instance, I'm a pear shape, my mom is an apple shape. I lose fat on top first, with my butt and legs seeming to take forever. My mom has thin legs but carries all her extra fat in her middle and will lose it there last. That's just genetics.

    My advice is to make sure of your calorie intake with weighing/measuring, up your calories to a reasonable amount, and make sure and do full body workouts so you don't concentrate muscle all in one area.

    Best of luck to you!
  • Lizzy622
    Lizzy622 Posts: 3,705 Member
    Unfortunately the body takes off fat the way it wants. We can exercise to tone the muscle underneath but patience is needed. Eating only 1000 is not healthy (unless you are very short and small). Also if you do not fuel properly you may burn more muscle than fat. My thighs are also the last place I lose so I understand.
  • Queen_Vanellope
    Queen_Vanellope Posts: 35 Member
    My thighs are why I'm here. Unfortunately we can't choose where we lose fat. It shrinks pretty evenly from all over your body, so the bigger areas will take the longest. My thighs *look* the same as they did a month ago, but my pants are looser, so I know something is happening. I'm hoping to see a difference by December. I'll have a rib cage like a xylophone before I ever have *normal*thighs :(
  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    edited September 2015
    jkybm1 wrote: »
    I burn roughly 800 cals a day and I only eat 1000 should I be eating less . I've just started doing shaun t 25 as well sim to insanity so I do work out but it's not budging :(

    As others have said, you can't choose where the fat will disappear from first; that's determined by your genetics. You are also not eating nearly enough while doing that much exercise. I'm surprised you aren't always starving, having trouble concentrating, tired, irritable, etc. with that little fuel in your tank. By eating so little and doing so much cardio, you're also ensuring that more of your weight loss is going to be from muscle and not fat, and that's BAD.

    Think of it this way. Calories are a unit of energy and they are what fuel your body, in the same way that gasoline fuels a car. The average female body needs 1200 calories per day just to fuel normal, sedentary activity; keep your heart beating, your brain working, your lungs taking in oxygen, etc. If you only eat 1000 calories per day, you're approximately 200 calories short of what your body needs just to get by that day. Now you're doing 800 calories of exercise (I'm going to assume that's correct but it isn't unless you're doing around 2 hours of cardio) and reducing what is left for your normal body function to only 200 calories. That's 1000 calories short of what your body needs. To make up that 1000 calories, your body is going to take from what it has to work with and that's either fat or muscle. Since you're now "frightening" your body with an extreme starvation diet, and it doesn't know when that situation is going to end, it's going to try to conserve as much fat as possible for later and look for muscle that you aren't using instead. Once that muscle is consumed it's gone and your metabolism is now just a little slower because of it. You'll be less strong and firm, too, as this situation continues over time.

    The problem with all of this is that, if you're like many people (and because you don't know how to maintain your goal weight once you get there), you'll gain back the weight you're currently crash dieting to lose and when you do it'll all be fat. So then you'll be back to the same weight you are now but your body fat percentage will be higher. You'll also be more "jiggly" (muscle is more dense than fat) and since your metabolism is a little slower from the lost muscle it'll be even harder to lose weight the next go round.
  • jkybm1
    jkybm1 Posts: 43 Member
    I'm 5,9 and follow the calories that fitness pal say I should be eating , I am a very active person I'm out 3 times a day with dog and I do a lot of cardio on top of that but I bike ride a lot. I do get tired very easily but then is fitness pal telling me im ment to be eating wrong amout of cals.
  • RoseTheWarrior
    RoseTheWarrior Posts: 2,035 Member
    At 5'9" you must have entered something incorrectly to have MFP tell you that 1000 calories is correct for you. I just did a quick calc on another site and it says almost 2000 calories per day for steady weight loss and about 1500 calories a day for fast weight loss, using your age and height and I just threw in that you're 150 lbs (had to guess at something!). So yeah, 1000 calories a day is way, way off.
  • jkybm1
    jkybm1 Posts: 43 Member
    okidoki I must of entered it wrong then somewhere .
  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    jkybm1 wrote: »
    okidoki I must of entered it wrong then somewhere .

    MFP should not give anyone less than 1200 calories (1500 for men) when calculating calorie needs based off a profile and weight loss goal. If it did, it's a bad glitch. Recalculate your goals and see what happens.