Need some help... my wedding is 97 days away :) Night time e

Hi Everyone!

I'm just here tonight for some inspiration. After looking through some of the before/after pics, and looking at my progress charts, I feel a little better, but I'm in need of some tips.

I've lost 19.6lbs since January. My weight loss is slow, and although I sometimes feel extremely frustrated by that, I continue to be motivated and keep going... it helps that I feel so much better!

I received my wedding gown this week and it is too tight. About 5" in the back. I've already lost 5" around my chest, and 4" in my waist, and while I know I can have my dress altered, I don't want to. It's lovely the way it is, and I know I'm more than capable of losing the weight in the 3 months I have left.

I exercise 5-6 days a week, alternating walking/jogging, 30-day shred, aerobic workouts, pilates, weights. I really like to shake it up so I don't get bored. I exercise anywhere from 30-75 minutes a day.
I follow the guidelines here for how many calories I should be eating, but sometimes, I wake up in the middle of the night and just eat. It's usually carbs... I've looked into it, and it looks like a lot of people do this d/t stress and exhaustion. So I've been getting more sleep, and my night time occasional eating has lessened a lot. It still bothers me that I occasionally sabotage myself this way, but I'm working on it.

My question is, how can I speed up this process a little? I've cut down on carbs, and while I'm normally over on my sugar because of my love for fruit, all of my other dietary requirements they give us on here are right in line.

I'm working so hard for such slow results. I've had my blood work done, and the doctor assured me nothing is wrong that should be a detriment to my weight loss. I've went over everything with a fine tooth comb and I just can't figure out what my problem is.

I lost 72.5lbs about 8-9 years ago on Weight Watchers, but I like the system here at MFP much better. Before when I lost, I was losing 2lbs a week with a larger loss once in a while. Yes, I'm 31 now, and I have 3 kiddos, but I'm extremely active, and eat very healthfully.

I'm just rambling at this point, but I could really use some encouragement.

Thanks so much!
Kelly ♥


  • guppygirl322
    guppygirl322 Posts: 408 Member
    Would it help if you just didn't have things to snack on in the house? I've ditched everything, from crackers to cookies, EVERYTHING gone. If I want a snack I'm stuck with fruit or veggies or actually having to cook something.
  • rmdemattia
    rmdemattia Posts: 26
    My first thought as I am reading your post, is maybe you need to change your workout regime. It sounds like perhaps your body has hit a plateau. My second thought is, are you drinking enough fluids and keeping your body hydrated as your workout. Congrats on your wedding by the way!!!
    I hope your body reacts like the way you want it to, so you can fit into your dress.
  • hilhall822
    hilhall822 Posts: 116 Member
    Definitely make sure you are cutting the carbs down as much as possible- try only carbs from fruits, veggies and whole grains and that should help. Plus, make sure you are drinking a lot of water!
  • run_momma_run
    Some ideas that I've used for myself: In fact, I'm doing all of these things right now (but the picture isn't of my dress - it's just of me at a healthy weight)
    - put a picture of your dress on the kitchen cupboards - that way, you'll be reminded of why you shouldn't go in there at night.
    - do HIIT training for your cardio (High Intensity Interval Training). I had a personal trainer for a while and he told me that was the best way to burn fat and that I should include it at the end of each workout for at least 20 minutes (yes, it makes your workouts that much longer, but it's effective and I do it *almost* every workout)
    - do something before bed every night to de-stress. Try a bath, or reading, or listening to some relaxing music but make sure you actually sit still for 20 minutes before it's lights out

    And one idea that I haven't had done yet, but might if needed
    - get a full body comp done and get a true calculation of your BMR - perhaps your requirements are different than the MFP calculations tell you...?

    And just keep in mind your wedding day and visualize yourself walking down the aisle in your wonderful dress!!!
  • AlexzKT
    AlexzKT Posts: 131 Member
    Would it help if you just didn't have things to snack on in the house? I've ditched everything, from crackers to cookies, EVERYTHING gone. If I want a snack I'm stuck with fruit or veggies or actually having to cook something.

    I'm the same way. I just cut ALL the snacks I like to eat out of my house, because I don't have much self control, either.

    I also once heard some how-to-avoid-snacking advice that said if you have a craving for something, wait an hour or so, and then tell yourself you can have it. What ends up happening (for the most part) is that by the time the hour passes, you no longer really care to have whatever it was you were craving. While I often forget this "hour" rule, when I do remember it, it has worked great.

    Another thing I heard once is that if you're craving something, go for an apple. If you don't want the apple - you don't need whatever you're craving.

    I suppose in the end, it's important to remember that these cravings are almost like small-scale addictions to food. You crave it, and you immediately reward yourself with it. Eating whatever you're craving causes that dopamine release in your brain, which gives you pleasure -- reinforcing your behavior. So you can always try treating your cravings like little addictions. No matter what tricks people offer to bypass the cravings, it always comes to having serious self-control. Like any addiction!

    Sorry for the rambling - a lot of this was also me reminding myself how to deal with these cravings, because believe me, I get them bad! I will destroy my day's diet in the course of an hour munching on carby stuff after dinner.

    Regardless of whatever I'm saying here, I hope that you can find something that works best for you. You've got so many great things going on in your life. Congrats on the weight loss, the wedding -- everything! (:
  • lil_pulp
    lil_pulp Posts: 701 Member
    Congratulations on your wedding! I got married last summer and had 2 pictures taped to a kitchen cabinet--one of me looking good at a dress fitting and one particularly unflattering one of me before I lost weight. I also kept an origami kit on the kitchen counter with the idea that when I went in there to eat something and wasn't hungry, I would make an origami creation (or whatever) instead.

    Another idea that's more specific to your post is to keep cut-up veggies in the fridge so when you get up at night and feel like you have to eat, you can maybe make yourself eat those (hopefully w/o dressing) instead of carbs or other less healthy choices.

    Good luck and again, congrats on your upcoming marriage!

  • Jenscan
    Jenscan Posts: 694 Member
    OP, you've lost 20 pounds since January - and I'm assuming that's Jan 1. That's 6 months now, so a little more than 3 pounds a month... this is not out of the ordinary and just under a pound a week. I'm not sure how you expect to lose 20 more pounds in 3 months - you will need to lose at twice the rate you have been.

    You've been doing VERY well thus far. You're about to hit a SUPER stressful time in your life and to expect yourself to double efforts at weight loss at the same time may be unrealistic.
  • KellyDianeSpears
    Thank you for the awesome tips!

    Hydration is definitely spot on :) I drink anywhere from 100-120+ oz a day, so I'm good to go there :)

    I love the idea of having a full body comp done. Do you know where these can be done? I have a feeling my BMR is going to be out of whack compared to the "norm".

    I appreciate all the positive vibes and tips.

    Kelly :)
  • run_momma_run
    I love the idea of having a full body comp done. Do you know where these can be done? I have a feeling my BMR is going to be out of whack compared to the "norm".

    Try a local gym. If not there, try a local nutritionist/dietician. If not there, certainly a sports medicine clinic. If you don't have anything locally like that, perhaps your GP can refer you someplace...