Not losing weight

ive been using fitness pal for the last few week, most of the time in within my 1200kcal goal except for the odd weekend ( nights out ) I excercise approx 5 times a week, a mix of kettle bells, Pilates, legs bums and tums/zumba and step aerobics. I've lost 1lb in the last few weeks and I'm gutted !! I don't understand what I'm doing wrong, I don't eat into my kcals earned and my diet is reasonably healthy as I cook fresh most nights ?! Any advice !


  • strong_curves
    strong_curves Posts: 2,229 Member
  • betuel75
    betuel75 Posts: 776 Member
    healthy diet does not equal weight loss. Less calories than your body needs in a day equals weight loss, even if those calories are not from a "healthy" source.
  • callsitlikeiseeit
    callsitlikeiseeit Posts: 8,626 Member
    are you weighing all of your food?

    not measuring in a cup... WEIGHING ON A SCALE
  • kimny72
    kimny72 Posts: 16,013 Member
    Your profile says you have 15 lbs to lose, so you should be expecting to lose @ half a pound per week. You have very little margin for error, so if you are not weighing your portions or if you are really going overboard on those odd weekend nights out, you could easily be eating more than you think, and not in a deficit. Also, you can gain and lose as much as 5 lbs of water weight over the course of a week, so keep that in mind as it can sometimes temporarily cover up small losses.

    So my advise - If you aren't using a food scale - start now, it can be an eye-opener. Log those weekend nights so you know if you are blowing your deficit there and can plan accordingly going forward. And don't give up, when you have so little to lose, it can be frustrating to move it so slowly. Good luck
  • PinkPixiexox
    PinkPixiexox Posts: 4,142 Member
    Hi :)

    I had a night out last weekend and after adding up my alcohol (two medium glasses of white wine with lemonade and 1 smirnoff ice) It came to around 550 calories. I was so glad that I logged as I was totally ignorant of the amount of calories in alcohol (I'm not a big drinker). I enjoyed my night and I didn't drink 'much' by anyones standards but I'm definitely more aware for next time I go out.

    I'd say keep an eye on your weekends as best as you can and log and weigh your food to make sure it's all spot-on. Your work out plan sounds fine but I would suggest incorporating some strength training - this can really boost that weight loss again if you're on a plateau (which I don't think you are! - but it's always good to do).

    Best of luck
  • Christiethorn1
    Christiethorn1 Posts: 30 Member
    Love the visual!
  • I was having this problem!! But I found eating a small breckfast about 8 then hand full of chicken about 11 then small healthy dinner within 200 cals about 2 then a egg about 5 and then tea within 400 about 8 and I lost loads of pounds doing this and as I had lost of protein my belly was also going down nicely :) good luck xxx