Are there any weight loss pills that actually help?



  • biznurse
    biznurse Posts: 81
    I'm not looking for a miracle pill.
    I have my Miracle Pill now... and it's called MyfitnessPal...... and as a Registered Nurse who took care of all sorts of patients in my CCU from various herbs and diet pills, stick with MFP!!
  • biznurse
    biznurse Posts: 81
    I've tried one, slim-30, and I gained the weight back as soon as I stopped taking it. Its not worth it
    Yep, those "weight loss miracles" are short lived..... a healthy lifestyle is forever. Linda/RN
  • LeAnn_Mae
    LeAnn_Mae Posts: 263 Member
    OxyElite, along with diet and exercise works well.
  • bachooka
    bachooka Posts: 719 Member
    I took some when I was like 13-14. They destroyed my metabolism. I was starving all the time and I got sooo sick. It was terrible. I think that this is the way to do it. The harder you work for something, the more it means to you. :)
  • Swimgoddess
    Swimgoddess Posts: 711 Member
    Not a weight loss med, but when ADHD is an honest-to-goodness concern, Adderal (key point being that it is an AMPHETAMINE-salt combo) is a rather strong appetite suppressant initially and it raises your BMR. By how much is questionable, but generally people report a 7-8% increase in their heart rate during cardio sessions.

    NEVER take solely for weight loss. (OR without a diagnosis OR without a doctor prescribing it to YOU)
  • natersmama
    natersmama Posts: 157
    i'm sure you knew you were going to get a whole bunch of "dont do its" and "exercise and healthy eating is the right way" answers. but i'll answer what worked for me. alli. it is the only FDA approved weight loss aid. by no means a miracle worker. i will say that if you think you can take it and eat what you want, WRONG! its like a fat blocker. keeps your body from absorbing extra fat from your meals by basically giving you diarrhea. but if you eat healthy you wont have the problem. i only used it for maybe a couple months, and i learned the hard way what mean things it can do. lol. but now i think back to those side effects and even without taking the pill, i dont wanna eat it. lol.
  • acullen31
    acullen31 Posts: 87 Member
    I recently went to GNC looking for a good vitamin / energy booster for me and while I was there a marine was also looking around and suggested Oxy Elite Pro for me. I researched it and decided to try it and I LOVE it. It's not actually classified as a diet pill and I honestly cant say if it's helping me loose weight but it gives me a TON and I mean ton of energy throughout the whole day. It's also a thermogenic which just means while working out I sweat pretty much double what I normally do. It' makes me feel good after though, like i've lost even more =) I'm not sure if it advertises that it's a appetite suppressor but it almost completely takes my appetitie away. Sometimes I have to force myself to eat because food isnt on my mind at all. And believe me I like to eat!

    I've tried Alli and I like it but to me it's unrealistic to take it for a long period of time because of the side effects. Anyway, hope that helps.
  • monylove311
    monylove311 Posts: 251 Member
    I tried Oxy Elite a couple of times. I felt weird, stuttered and like I could fly out of my seat. Didn't want to eat, that's true, but I didn't feel good at all. Not for me. Yike, be careful!
    AmBeRLyNnGETTINThIN Posts: 56 Member
    Diet pills no....appetite suppressant yes. I am currently seeing a weightloss doctor who is prescribing and YES IT IS FDA APPROVED, Adipex. I take half a pill in the morning and half a pill in the afternoon! It suppresses your appetite, so much so that u have to remind urself to eat. Now this pill is NOT a miracle pill. Those that go on it and expect to just lose weigth and eat what they want and not exercise will go no where. I have to keep my calorie count at 1200, and I am doing Zumba on my Wii for almost and hour every night. Since May 5 so 31 days ago I have lost 26 lbs! But this is a total life change. I no longer eat junk food, drink pop, etc. I hate referring to what we are doing to lose weight as a diet because diets are always associated with short term satisfaction! This si a life change for am and Adipex is def assisting me with this journey....I was a person that would eat just because it was in front of me and that is no longer the case. Adipex can be prescribed by your fam physician however I dont recommend doing it that way. I feel like a weightloss doctor is going to discuss everything u are and arent suppose to do while on the medicine. those that I know that have gone though the fam doc have no clue what they are suppose to be eating, drinking, doing....etc
    AmBeRLyNnGETTINThIN Posts: 56 Member
    Diet pills no....appetite suppressant yes. I am currently seeing a weightloss doctor who is prescribing and YES IT IS FDA APPROVED, Adipex. I take half a pill in the morning and half a pill in the afternoon! It suppresses your appetite, so much so that u have to remind urself to eat. Now this pill is NOT a miracle pill. Those that go on it and expect to just lose weigth and eat what they want and not exercise will go no where. I have to keep my calorie count at 1200, and I am doing Zumba on my Wii for almost and hour every night. Since May 5 so 31 days ago I have lost 26 lbs! But this is a total life change. I no longer eat junk food, drink pop, etc. I hate referring to what we are doing to lose weight as a diet because diets are always associated with short term satisfaction! This si a life change for am and Adipex is def assisting me with this journey....I was a person that would eat just because it was in front of me and that is no longer the case. Adipex can be prescribed by your fam physician however I dont recommend doing it that way. I feel like a weightloss doctor is going to discuss everything u are and arent suppose to do while on the medicine. those that I know that have gone though the fam doc have no clue what they are suppose to be eating, drinking, doing....etc
  • cutmd
    cutmd Posts: 1,168 Member
    Here is a list of supplements that I believe help with weight loss and that I incorporate

    1. Calcium has been shown to favor fat burning, as has vitamin D. In fact, many obese people are vitaminD deficient. I supplement with both of these

    2. Apple cider vinegar Is a natural appetite suppressant. I often will take a little swig of Bragg's natural apple cider vinegar when I'm hungry and it does work. It is also though to increase metabolism

    3. Coconut oil sounds fattening, but it contains a lot of medium chain fatty acids have been shown to increase satiety and accelerate weight loss. I have friends that take coconut oil pills and swear by them. I try to just throw it on my air popped popcorn, which is yum!

    4. Green tea - there are green tea pills, but i prefer to drink the real deal. Both of them promote weight loss and energy sbove and beyond the caffeine content.

    5. Hot rox/other caffeine supplements. Just when you thought this was another pseudo answer post. I admit it, I sometimes take caffeine pills, particularly hot rox, which has some other stuff in there. It makes me soar with energy, so i take it sometimes before a particularly intense workout and the workout is amazing. I burn more calories on my HRM and my heart rate stays elevated longer. It also suppresses my appetite and I can't sit still. I did become caffeine dependent at one point cause I as taking it everyday doing insanity, so now I only allow it 1-2 times per week. I would only recommend it for healthy peoplenas too much caffeine can precipitate arrythmias, agitation, and even heart attacks. That being said, I do love hotrox :blushing:
  • katschi
    katschi Posts: 689 Member
    What has suppressed my appetite naturally is eliminating grains, legumes, potatoes and sugar.
    I fill up on vegetables, protein and fats and occasionally fresh fruit, cheese and macadamia nuts.

    I know that many people think this is "unbalanced" but for me it's working like a charm.
    It's the one thing that I've been able to stick with for any length of time and it's so much easier to follow than trying to fight food cravings and hunger like I had to do when eating the above mentioned foods that I got rid of.

    Of course, YMMV as we are all individuals.

    I hope you decide not to go this route (the diet pills) but experiment with your foods to see what satisfies you naturally and works with your body.
    Best of Luck! :flowerforyou: