EA Sports Active 2 for Wii - Workout group

wildst4r Posts: 36 Member
edited September 28 in Fitness and Exercise

I just created a workout group for EA Sports Active 2. If you wanna join, send me a message and I'll give you the details (name of the group & password). :)


  • zoombie_bear
    zoombie_bear Posts: 963 Member
    I just wanted to say have fun working out, I loved this program/game, I did the entire 9wkchallenge and had amazing rsults, lost 40lbs with it
  • wildst4r
    wildst4r Posts: 36 Member
    40 lbs??? WOW that's amazing! I just got the game last week. I'm on the 20 days challenge right now. I've never done something like this before so I'm going to start slow and work my way up to the 9 weeks challenge :)
  • bluemist248
    bluemist248 Posts: 207 Member
    I just wanted to say have fun working out, I loved this program/game, I did the entire 9wkchallenge and had amazing rsults, lost 40lbs with it

    Wow! I was wondering whether to get this or not, now I'm going to! That's an amazing loss!
  • amymt10
    amymt10 Posts: 271 Member
    How different are Active 1 and Active II?? I have the first one.
  • zoombie_bear
    zoombie_bear Posts: 963 Member
    the one, is ok, I started with it, not knowing what the 2 was.
    But since I've done both, I suggest starting directly with the wii active 2.

    It has added features that the 1, does not have:
    - HRM(heart rate monitor that also a calorie counter)
    - has warm up and cool down routines, so less soar afterwards
    - added exercices, and this one has ab exercises

  • wildst4r
    wildst4r Posts: 36 Member
    Anyone else interested in joining the group?
  • k66yla
    k66yla Posts: 1
    I will join you. I got the Active 2 on Friday. I joined a weight management group last Tuesday and so far have spent 4x30min sessions in the gym and I've done 2 sessions at home with Active 2 and so far I've lost 2kg and 1% body fat. I'm amazed.
  • wildst4r
    wildst4r Posts: 36 Member
    I'm just going to put this here - we can always use new members!

    Name of the group: MFP-Pals
    Password: wecandoit

    Join us! :)
  • elinsofie
    elinsofie Posts: 69 Member
    Joined your group :)
  • brandiuntz
    brandiuntz Posts: 2,717 Member
    I'll join up tonight or tomorrow! Been using Active 2 since January and love it!
  • wildst4r
    wildst4r Posts: 36 Member
    awesome! welcome to the group :)
  • EmmaShorter
    EmmaShorter Posts: 298
    I have just joined up. I thought I could join more than one group but couldn't so the one I had joined previously that had 0 workouts 0 everything I had joined previously I decided to leave and try yours. Hopefully yours will be more motivational! I mean 0 workouts hardly inspires you does it?! So lets do this!!!
  • elinsofie
    elinsofie Posts: 69 Member
    Welcome to the group! :)
  • elinsofie
    elinsofie Posts: 69 Member
    Suggestion for a July Challenge:

    I took a look at the group statistics today. We're 17 cals away from a 10 000 calorie burn as a group. That's about an average of 2000 cals per member in June.

    What if we - as a group - try to reach 25 000 calories by the end of July?
  • wildst4r
    wildst4r Posts: 36 Member
    sounds good :)
  • EmmaShorter
    EmmaShorter Posts: 298
    To be honest, I don't find the heart rate monitor that accurate. I wear my polar FT4 alongside it and according to that I have burned double the calories the game says I have. That is something to bear in mind but I am up for the challenge still!
  • wildst4r
    wildst4r Posts: 36 Member
    I found a site where we can set up challenges. I will PM you individually with the URL to that site. Please sign up and reply here with your username so I can invite you to the challenge.

    If anyone else is interested in this challenge, PM me and I'll give you more details!
  • wildst4r
    wildst4r Posts: 36 Member
    One problem though....I just found out that on that website, you can't do a "how many calories burned" challenge. Only weight loss challenges. So how about we do a 8lbs (or more? or less? challenge for july?

    I'm still trying to figure out how the site works LOL.

    Or hey, maybe one of you knows of a site where you can set up calories burned challenges?
  • elinsofie
    elinsofie Posts: 69 Member
    One problem though....I just found out that on that website, you can't do a "how many calories burned" challenge. Only weight loss challenges. So how about we do a 8lbs (or more? or less? challenge for july?

    I'm still trying to figure out how the site works LOL.

    Or hey, maybe one of you knows of a site where you can set up calories burned challenges?

    We already have the statistics of calories burned on http://www.easportsactiveonline.com/group-members (and on the game I guess). Right now the total calorie burn of the whole group since it started is 10 250 cals. So we can just try to make a common effort to push than number up to 25000 (or some other number) by the end of July :) If everybody in the group burns an average of about 500 cals more doing EA this month than in June, we'll get there (if I've done the math right?).

    If we make it we'll get to pat ourselves on the back and be proud of ourselves. The person who contributed the most, get to pat themselves on the back twice ;)

    When it comes to weight loss, I'll stick to my 0.5 kg (1 lb) a week, so I'm not in for a weight loss challenge.
  • EmmaShorter
    EmmaShorter Posts: 298
    The only problem I have with using the readings from EA sports is that they aren't accurate according to my HRM. That was why I thought you were looking for an alternative?!
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