Love my baby, hate my fat!

Hello MFP world! I'm sure so many of you can relate. My baby is now 8 months old, I'm positive she was just 8 DAYS old, and I don't even recognize my own body anymore. I'm trying to stay motivated and would love to find some people who can encourage and push me, and I'll do the same if you need it! I'm excited for my new journey!


  • GellieBelly
    GellieBelly Posts: 2 Member
    Same here! My baby just made 10 months old; and I could not for the life of me lose any weight! Matter of fact , I weigh more now, then when I was pregnant . #Facepalm ... But I've decided to take control of my weight and kick this fat to the curb!
  • tlscroggins77
    tlscroggins77 Posts: 14 Member
    I completely know how you feel! When my second son was a baby I had a woman stop and ask me when I was due, horrified I answered "8 months ago!!" It is so easy to focus all of your time and energy on your new baby and everyone else that you forget about you. After my last child was born my doctor gave me a choice-lose weight and get healthy or start cholesterol meds. I chose the first. It isn't easy and there are days I want to give up, but when I look at my precious children I stay focused. I want to be healthy and here to watch them grow up. Good luck you can do this!!! :smile:
  • EricaKatelynn
    EricaKatelynn Posts: 12 Member
    My baby is due today but shes being stubborn and taking her time! I swore to myself that i was not going to gain more weight then the doc. Recommended (which was 30 lbs). However that did not go as planned and with weighing in at bout 200 pounds im trying to get ahead. So im setting everything up to make losing weight after ive had her and healing up go smoother. Hopefully ill see this all through! Remember "you are what you do, not what you say."
  • carla1522
    carla1522 Posts: 20 Member
    Same here! My baby just made 10 months old; and I could not for the life of me lose any weight! Matter of fact , I weigh more now, then when I was pregnant . #Facepalm ... But I've decided to take control of my weight and kick this fat to the curb!

    We can do it! It starts with the decision to make a change. You got this, momma!
  • carla1522
    carla1522 Posts: 20 Member
    I completely know how you feel! When my second son was a baby I had a woman stop and ask me when I was due, horrified I answered "8 months ago!!" It is so easy to focus all of your time and energy on your new baby and everyone else that you forget about you. After my last child was born my doctor gave me a choice-lose weight and get healthy or start cholesterol meds. I chose the first. It isn't easy and there are days I want to give up, but when I look at my precious children I stay focused. I want to be healthy and here to watch them grow up. Good luck you can do this!!! :smile:

    Thank you so much! It's comforting to know this will get better and easier!
  • carla1522
    carla1522 Posts: 20 Member
    My baby is due today but shes being stubborn and taking her time! I swore to myself that i was not going to gain more weight then the doc. Recommended (which was 30 lbs). However that did not go as planned and with weighing in at bout 200 pounds im trying to get ahead. So im setting everything up to make losing weight after ive had her and healing up go smoother. Hopefully ill see this all through! Remember "you are what you do, not what you say."

    Congratulations!! Happy (hopefully) birthday to your little one! And great job getting ahead of the game. I wish I would have been that prepared!
  • DomariDickinson
    I can totally relate! I had baby #4 back in April and gained over 70 pounds with the I don't even recognize my body! I'm breastfeeding this time around and it's taking the weight a lot longer to disappear, but we got this!!! Mommy power!!!!
  • carla1522
    carla1522 Posts: 20 Member
    I can totally relate! I had baby #4 back in April and gained over 70 pounds with the I don't even recognize my body! I'm breastfeeding this time around and it's taking the weight a lot longer to disappear, but we got this!!! Mommy power!!!!

  • boogiewookie
    boogiewookie Posts: 206 Member
    feel free to send me a friend request :-) im right with ya....I absolutely love my children but they TRASHED my body. between the 2 of them I gained 130lbs! luckily they are 7yrs apart so I had time to lose weight after my daughter but when I gave birth I was 205 and 215. I'm 177lbs now with plenty to lose but I don't ever see a bikini in my future lol
  • bmayes2014
    bmayes2014 Posts: 232 Member
    I didnt even recognize myself or my own body for a good year after my little one was born. It gets better. I just kept at the fitness and did my best. I dont eat the best everyday but the working out paid off! I still have another 25lbs left to lose. Moms Unite!!
  • tlscroggins77
    tlscroggins77 Posts: 14 Member
    feel free to send me a friend request :-) im right with ya....I absolutely love my children but they TRASHED my body. between the 2 of them I gained 130lbs! luckily they are 7yrs apart so I had time to lose weight after my daughter but when I gave birth I was 205 and 215. I'm 177lbs now with plenty to lose but I don't ever see a bikini in my future lol

    I gained 150lbs between all 3 of my pregnancies. My youngest is four. Two years ago I lost 50lbs. I have since gained 25lbs back, but I did buy a bikini this summer. I definitely didn't look as good in one as I did before babies, but I rocked it!! Lol!
  • Hurricane_C
    Hurricane_C Posts: 806 Member
    My daughter will be 2 months in 4 days. I, luckily, only gained about 25-30 pounds with her and I've lost all but 5 so far. However, I was wanting to lose 20-25 pounds before I got pregnant... I'm trying my best to eat healthy and get some exercise (walking) in. I went back to work this week and its been challenging to say the least. Any support/advice is more than welcomed!
    We just have to stick to it! Good luck mommies!