2 pounds up because of TOM?

Hi everyone,

I think I've been doing really well here. I signed up after Easter as even with all my efforts to limit the intake, I had gained 5 pounds. Well, since then, I've lost the 5 pounds... and 9 more! I was very happy on Friday at my weight in to see that I was down 14 pounds. It gave me hope. Truly.

Then, I ate not so good on Friday during an birthday party for friends. I limited my calories from food, but couldn't say no to the 4 draft beers.

Now Sunday AM and it's my time of the month. For fun this AM, I weighted myself. (yes I know, I shouldn't, but couldn't resist).

2 pounds up!!

Can I toss it as bloating and expect that my next Friday's weight in will show result or did my beers on Friday just did it with 2 weeks worth of efforts?


  • atsteele
    atsteele Posts: 1,358 Member
    I wouldn't worry about going up 2 lbs. It could be the beer. It could be not logging well during the party (hard to quantify food at a party unless you bring a measuring cup! LOL) It could be TOM. Dont worry about it; just keep forging forward. Eat better today. Drink lots of water. Life is too short not to enjoy a party and too short to worry about a 2 lb gain. And keep up the good work!!
  • beckyinma
    beckyinma Posts: 1,433 Member
    It probably is TOM. I always go up a lb or two right before and am back to previous or lower by next weigh in. Drink lots of water to offset any extra sodium from the party food. and don't weigh yourself for an entire week till your next weigh in, otherwise it'll just depress you seeing the bloating weight...
  • Cherilea
    Cherilea Posts: 1,118 Member
    I don't drink, but I do think the TOM has a lot to do with it! My "symptoms" start at least a week and a 1/2 before, and I tell you what, during that time I feel like a puffer fish! My tummy area just feels so bloated during that time. I look forward to the day I don't have to deal the the TOM anymore!! :tongue:
  • sarahlou442
    It was the same for me too when i got on the scales yesterday! I have read somewhere that its something to do with water retention, dont know much about it though so cant really comment, onwards and upwards though!!!! :) x
  • nfanning3
    nfanning3 Posts: 23 Member
    so with you guys on this! TOM for me is like having a different body. its a few lbs and bloating so clothes are different and i am like jekel and hyde for up to 2 weeks. keep your head up and dont let the scale get you down! easier said than done, i know...but you will feel better about it after TOM is gone!
  • tjsusong
    tjsusong Posts: 195 Member
    Its probably a combination of both, so I wouldnt get too worried. I go up almost 5 lbs for my TOM. Combine that with a cheat day and OMG, I cry if I get on the scale!!! But it usually goes away within 2 days of starting. Hang in there, it'll be gone before next weigh in!!!