RE: TOPIC: Who is MFP for?

I'm not re starting this thread at all and i have nothing against what the OP said. But i would just like to say that as a sufferer of two ED's i was quite sickened by responses. Especially people saying "poor them" or "it's so sad". I think i can speak for people i know on here in the same boat as me, or have been, that we are not hear for sympathy and that if you don't like people you consider thin people to loose more weight, don't add them.

Put it this way, if i commented on a thread saying "oh poor fat people" i don't think it would go down well. There is no difference between someone underweight or morbidly obese apart from a number. (Sorry for using the phrase morbidly obese not the most flattering of words but it gets the point across). Hope everyones well. Not expecting replies but just wanted to comment as it was fairly annoying/upsetting.



  • UpToAnyCool
    UpToAnyCool Posts: 1,673
    I totally respect your opinion and right to be here - thanks for reminding us that we are all here for the same reason - to get healthy!!!
    It takes a lot of guts to acknowledge that there is a problem / room for improvement and everyone here is brave in that they've taken the first and hardest step towards better health.

    Best of luck on your journey !! :flowerforyou:
  • blueocean52811
    blueocean52811 Posts: 83 Member
    You are correct. Everyone wants to be healthy and stay healthy. This site is great for everyone no watter if you have 100+lbs, 10-15lbs or are need to gain a few pounds or just trying to maintain their healthy lifestyle. I'm sorry to even hear people say those things to those people. Not cool. I hope the best of luck for those on this site no matter the reason why you are here. You can do it!!!!
  • jennywrens
    jennywrens Posts: 208
    I didn't see the original thread - heard about it - but my take is this. As far as I'm concerned MFP should be here whether someone wants to lose 400lbs, 40lbs or 4lb ..... and ALSO for people who want to GAIN or maintain weight!

    However, I do not support (i.e. comment giving my congratulations) people who are not eating healthily - but I don't tell them what I think either, I just don't comment. That would be the same for people not eating enough AND people eating too much!!
  • alienblonde1
    alienblonde1 Posts: 749 Member
    One of my very own sisters struggles with being too skinny. She was and is still called skinny mini. She eats and drinks all she wants and had 2 kids and never was fat even at the slightest. She doesn't work out per se. Here I am and I am the opposite. I have struggled with being overweight all my life. So I know many struggle with weight in many ways. My other sister who is just right for her height works out and watches what she eats and drinks is just right.

    MFP is for all of those that want to learn and maintain a healthier lifestyle period!
  • Painten
    Painten Posts: 499 Member
    I'm assuming byt the fact you've had to start a new thread, that the original thread was locked or removed. Threads are locked or removed for a reason and that is generally to stop the *****ing and the only reason to start a new one would be to keep that going. Once locked or deleted the topic should be let go.
  • Painten
    Painten Posts: 499 Member
    Double post.
  • britachu
    britachu Posts: 157
    I didn't see the original thread - heard about it - but my take is this. As far as I'm concerned MFP should be here whether someone wants to lose 400lbs, 40lbs or 4lb ..... and ALSO for people who want to GAIN or maintain weight!

    However, I do not support (i.e. comment giving my congratulations) people who are not eating healthily - but I don't tell them what I think either, I just don't comment. That would be the same for people not eating enough AND people eating too much!!

    Exactly. I will comment on people's diaries when they are near their goal, but if they are a few hundred calories or more below, I just don't comment. I don't feel a "good job" would be a good comment when they are starving themselves, but at the same time, I can't make them change, so I don't see the point in chastising them for not eating enough. Plus, I am guilty of eating over my goal often enough, but I am always still in deficit, and the weight is still coming off, so I'm happy.
  • backinthenines
    backinthenines Posts: 1,083 Member
    I didn't see the previous thread and haven't heard anything about it.

    My view is simple. MFP is a tool and a community.
    In terms of it being a tool, it can be used for people wishing to lose weight, maintain their weight, or gain weight... Simple.
    In terms of it being a community... it allows you to identify others (whoever they may be) with similar goals (whatever they may be).
    It's for everytbody!!

    I disagree that a subject previously discussed and which resulted in a locked thread can't be discussed sensibly. Often a thread gets locked because one or two people decide to have a spat and get abusive at each other when 99% of the community were able to debate sensibly. It says more about those individuals than it says about the subject.
  • julia23
    julia23 Posts: 87
    I'm the same, i personally don't eat my recommended intake but i do not want to be congratulated and never do the same to others if anything i turn into a hypocrite and suggest they eat a little more because of the dangers!

    I don't want to start an argument again but i think as it's an open forum and i was upset or offended i should be aloud to comment. I don't really agree with being able to lock a post as if people where talking face to face about something you wouldn't silence them. (With no offense to the oh i forgot the name as in the mentors/people with power to lock posts)
  • backinthenines
    backinthenines Posts: 1,083 Member
    My only disclaimer would be that it should not be abused to facilitate pathology!! But as long as you're aiming to be healthier, this is for you, whether you want to lose 10lb, 200lb or want to maintain.
  • StevLL
    StevLL Posts: 921 Member
    Luckily I have not had too much negative experience here and have to say overall MFP is a wonderful site. I think it's great to have an eclectic continuum of folks along the body size scale to relate too and get advise and inspiration from. I have been lucky enough to have all positive friends and nobody is too obsessed with a particular view. We are all here together trying to achieve a healthier lifestyle and that looks different for all, but support and encouragement are and should be neutral to our goals, not subject to. (if that makes sense) I would hope as fellow beings we would just reach out and offer support from our hearts and not try to cast judgment or push our personal agendas on each other.

    As for commenting on diaries, I tend not to worry too much about their calories unless it is a striking contrast to what I know their goals are. Let's face it if you are showing up consistently and making the effort, then that's half the battle and I believe needs recognition and encouragement. So what if someone's over or under one day or even a few. If they consistently show up, lose weight, fluctuate, or have NSV's, or not, then I'm going to support them, becuase I want them to keep coming back so they stay committed and eventually find their path to success. I know there is no utopian community anywhere online or on the ground, but we can create a caring, supportive and encouraging place, by our actions. This place rocks and I wish you all success, however that looks for you!