
Has anyone tried herbalife? Is it as good as I hear??


  • ericGold15
    ericGold15 Posts: 318 Member
    Pretty good for the salescritter, at least until they run out of marks.
  • cjemoore
    cjemoore Posts: 3 Member
    If you like to skip meals with shakes, then yes.
  • queenliz99
    queenliz99 Posts: 15,317 Member
    edited September 2015
    If you like to lighten your wallet, then yes. Just eat less it's cheaper.
  • SherryTeach
    SherryTeach Posts: 2,836 Member
    Blech. Eat some food. Delicious food.
  • 46carmen
    46carmen Posts: 110 Member
    I like it either for breakfast or after I workout. I also take their "total control" pill in the morning. It gives me energy.
  • kimny72
    kimny72 Posts: 16,013 Member
    OP, you don't need to pay all that money for "meal replacements". Just buy regular food at the grocery store, put your stats into MFP, weigh and accurately log your food, and eat up to your calorie goal. And use the money you save to buy cute workout clothes!
  • Alatariel75
    Alatariel75 Posts: 18,040 Member
    edited September 2015
    Herbalife is really, truly unnecessary and horribly overpriced. It's just a very well marketed and entrenched sham. I'm not saying you won't lose weight on it, just that it is completely unnecessary for weight loss and you pay a fortune for something you could do for free.
  • paulitacedi
    paulitacedi Posts: 2 Member
    Herbalife is terrible... Better eat real food... The secret is to measure portions
  • linaj1988
    linaj1988 Posts: 33 Member
    Stupid concept.. It's very temporary, no one spends their whole lives on meal replacements.. Reasonable lifestyle changes are the way to go
  • auddii
    auddii Posts: 15,357 Member
    My roommate in college tried not only the shakes but all the supplements as well. She didn't lose weight, but she did spend a fortune. And our counter was always covered in 20-30 bottles.
  • andrikosDE
    andrikosDE Posts: 383 Member
    I'll start my own "supplement" company.
    I shall call it Woo-lite.
    My first product will be called "Pricey Placebo" or Priceybo for short.
  • sijomial
    sijomial Posts: 19,809 Member

    S-I-L did it. She lost a load of weight far too fast.
    Looked awful - scrawny, baggy and gaunt.

    When she started eating normally again she gained all the weight back as she didn't learn anything about portion control or food choices.
  • zoeysasha37
    zoeysasha37 Posts: 7,088 Member
    Its asinine. Its a mlm scam with low quality products. They market this junk to naïve people who are desperate . please don't be naïve. This is a mlm scam and is low quality junk
  • MarietjieHoward
    MarietjieHoward Posts: 214 Member
    Hi yes I have but it was not for me too many pills to swallow, and I did not enjoy their shakes when you mix with water,
    But it definitely works if you follow it to the letter, my sister has lost 3 stone on it, and has stuck with it all these years, unfortunately it can become a bit expensive.
  • jonnybhoy
    jonnybhoy Posts: 84 Member
    Has anyone tried herbalife? Is it as good as I hear??

    I avoid all mlm businesses
  • rugratz2015
    rugratz2015 Posts: 593 Member
    ANYTHING that replaces food with a powdered drink is not going to be good for you. I know a few people who have done it and they all put the weight (plus more!) straight back on as soon as they stopped, with the exception of one girl, who only wanted to lose 4lbs, and is naturally skinny anyway. The same goes to the motivation clinics, the diets they have you on are not realistic, and again, you will put the weight on as soon as you stop. I do admin on a few fb groups and will not allow these charlatans to advertise their crap. However, I would recommend Slimming World, Weight Watchers and Unislim if counting calories doesn't work for you :smiley:
  • zoeysasha37
    zoeysasha37 Posts: 7,088 Member
    Definitely avoid all mlm stuff. Its really all a joke. Its a bunch of garbage
  • ManiacalLaugh
    ManiacalLaugh Posts: 1,048 Member
    Herbalife has been linked to liver and kidney damage. It's also been found to contain high amounts of lead. Herbalife also refuses to disclose a full list of their ingredients.

    Normally, I'd just post about the loss of money on this very obvious MLM scam, but this stuff deserves more information; it's just dangerous.

    (Source on liver damage and Herbalife supplements: ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3004035/)
  • ericGold15
    ericGold15 Posts: 318 Member
    Unfortunately, it is all too frequent that the person starting a thread like this is looking for customers.
    The general sentiment against MLM 'stuff' is a healthy one. Really good products do not spend so much money on the sales chain.
  • ManiacalLaugh
    ManiacalLaugh Posts: 1,048 Member
    ericGold15 wrote: »
    Unfortunately, it is all too frequent that the person starting a thread like this is looking for customers.
    The general sentiment against MLM 'stuff' is a healthy one. Really good products do not spend so much money on the sales chain.

    Yeah, but if they're selling it, they likely got looped into it because they use(d) it. That's what happens to a lot of MLM salespeople. So when it comes to Herbalife, I like to go ahead and post the information anyway. I have gotten PM'd by OPs in different threads after doing this though. :P I don't know why they bothered, but it was an auto-block.