Apple Watch

Do you wear your Apple Watch religiously? I do! Keeps me on track !!!


  • vollans
    vollans Posts: 106 Member
    Yeah, it's pretty much it's fault that I ended up starting getting fit. I saw those damn circles and missing them, and got miffed. I then realised what else could be tracked around the health features, and suddenly I found myself on one hell of a health kick.
  • BradleyEast1974
    BradleyEast1974 Posts: 40 Member
    Me too!
  • ellerist
    ellerist Posts: 29 Member
    Same here! I started the very day I got the watch. I would never have believed this would be the one thing that would "click" for me. Best thing I have ever purchased.
  • vollans
    vollans Posts: 106 Member
    It certainly wasn't in the features I expected to be a winner for me - now I'm craving watchOS 2 coming out and being able to track stuff even better :)
  • Gavin_Campbell
    Gavin_Campbell Posts: 41 Member
    The downside is my other watches barely get worn.
  • BradleyEast1974
    BradleyEast1974 Posts: 40 Member
    I know! I have a few nice watches, but this one is the best !!!
  • IsaackGMOON
    IsaackGMOON Posts: 3,358 Member
    I'm thinking of buying one right now...
  • OsricTheKnight
    OsricTheKnight Posts: 340 Member
    Anyone know a good tutorial for getting the most out of it? I can't get it to report the only thing I really care about:

    - total calorie burn

  • stapark
    stapark Posts: 35 Member
    I wear mine all day long everyday and try to get my rings. Only bad thing is it gets kind of gross on the underside after sweating a lot.
  • BradleyEast1974
    BradleyEast1974 Posts: 40 Member
    That is very true!!! I wipe off at night! I get most of the rings but only weight lift three days per week. =)
  • BradleyEast1974
    BradleyEast1974 Posts: 40 Member
    Go to apple and read the manual. It's a good idea to get the most out of! You read your calories on iPhone under activity.
  • BradleyEast1974
    BradleyEast1974 Posts: 40 Member
    Get one!!! It is amazing! I looked at several that monitor data. Nothing could compare to Apple! I have many Apple products so I might be bias too, but they make the BEST products! You get what you pay for!
  • amorninglight
    amorninglight Posts: 3 Member
    I don't know what I would do without mine. Between MFP app on it and reminders those are the best. The fact that I can change the band to match my outfit for the day is the bomb.
  • mwl6673
    mwl6673 Posts: 1 Member
    I have found that the MFP is really glitchy in pulling in accurate step counts. Has anyone else had this issue?
  • BradleyEast1974
    BradleyEast1974 Posts: 40 Member
    Hahaha!!! I would like the white band, but I like the black too.

    Haven't had too many issues with steps not pulls in correctly.
  • annaskiski
    annaskiski Posts: 1,212 Member
    I love mine! I love the Stand Up feature. (quite surprised by that). I get up, walk around and do body weight squats in the ladies room if no one else is there. :)

    I also love being able to get texts without pulling out my phone. I always have my phone on 'mute' at work, and love that I can get the haptics on my wrist so I don't miss it.

    Really, I'm as lost without it as I am without my phone....
    I can't wait for all the new apps now that the new ios is out....
  • Have had mine for 2 weeks and it only comes off my wrist for showers, swimming and charging. I do wish the calorie burns were more accurate though, and the resting calories quoted seem too high.
  • alizesmom
    alizesmom Posts: 219 Member
    Love mine! Any suggestions for apps that help with walking?
  • ewhip17
    ewhip17 Posts: 515 Member
    I've got one arriving on Friday. Can't wait.
  • Gardnersirhc
    Gardnersirhc Posts: 6 Member
    alizesmom wrote: »
    Love mine! Any suggestions for apps that help with walking?
    I tried MapMyWalk, have dropped it for the simple step counter in the iPhone health app and the same info on the Apple Watch under the 3 ring activity summary. Since my steps are counted automatically, I can look at the total steps that day and if I'm low, I can walk more. I've watched my daily average go from 4K steps daily to 15k. Easy metric to see and follow.

    Also, I really like that the exercise ring makes me walk an average of at least 3.5 mph (17.14 mile pace) in order to get full credit for the walk to complete that ring. If I walk slower, I don't get full credit. So as I walk I look at the pace every minute or so, and if the pace is low I know to walk faster. Again, an easy metric to see and follow.

    Other apps may give you more data, but for me, simpler is better.