Does fat really weigh more than muscle?



  • mhollencamp102012
    mhollencamp102012 Posts: 165 Member
    Are you weighing your food? I thought I was eating 1200 a day until I bought a digital scale. I weigh EVERYTHING even bring my scale with me when we go to my in laws for dinner.
  • JamestheLiar
    JamestheLiar Posts: 148 Member
    CipherZero wrote: »
    Somewhere, a chemistry and biology teacher are both banging their heads on their desks.

    Fat is less dense than muscle.
    Fat does not "turn into" muscle any more than muscle turns into fat, or bones turn into skin cells.

    Somewhere a reading comprehension teacher is banging her head on the desk ...

    The way I read the original post, she said "My husband thinks it's fat being replaced with muscle." That's not the same as fat turning into muscle.
    Well, fat isn't being replaced with muscle in a woman who eats at a caloric deficit and not doing a heavy lifting program. There is a difference in existing tissue holding more water and the creation of new tissue to replace any fat burned off.

    Agreed. I didn't mean to imply that I thought the OP's husband was correct. Rather I was pointing out someone's unfortunate misunderstanding of the original post.