Is LOVE worth fightin for?

tamyoki69 Posts: 40 Member
Love hurts..


  • hamptontom
    hamptontom Posts: 536 Member
    it depends on the return on the investment.
  • tamyoki69
    tamyoki69 Posts: 40 Member
    But what if you really Love her/him?
    hamptontom wrote: »
    it depends on the return on the investment.

  • Fit4LifeGal79
    Fit4LifeGal79 Posts: 5,577 Member
    not when only one person is fighting for it.
  • DrFever100
    DrFever100 Posts: 5,899 Member
    Fighting for love is over rates. Pretty hard to get the love back once it's gone.
  • hamptontom
    hamptontom Posts: 536 Member
    y'know, all that corny crap that we see on Facebook or embroidered and framed on other people's walls? That whole "if you love someone, set them free" business?

    well, that garbage is a cliche for a happens to be true. generally, if you have to fight for love, you're doing it by yourself. if you're part of a team, you're fighting together. that's a different story.

    but, i'm here to tell you...the words "fight" and "pay" are interchangeable in this sentence:

    if you have to fight for it, it probably isn't worth it in the first place.
  • GreenGoddess22
    GreenGoddess22 Posts: 3,818 Member
  • Fit4LifeGal79
    Fit4LifeGal79 Posts: 5,577 Member
    hamptontom wrote: »

    if you have to fight for it, it probably isn't worth it in the first place.

    This right here!!!
  • Fit4LifeGal79
    Fit4LifeGal79 Posts: 5,577 Member
    projectsix wrote: »
    hamptontom wrote: »

    if you have to fight for it, it probably isn't worth it in the first place.

    This right here!!!

    Yep. Wayyyy too many other people waiting that you dont have to fight for.

    So true... If someone is making you fight for it then you're better off without them. You're only torturing yourself.
  • hamptontom
    hamptontom Posts: 536 Member
    and, look - the truth of the matter is, if you're having to fight for it, then they're not invested nearly as much as you are anyway.

    the relationship i fought hardest to keep (YEARS ago) was with someone that i knew, deep down inside, wasn't anywhere nearly as emotionally invested as I was. I lived in constant fear that she would bolt, eventually...

    and i'll give you three guesses how that turned out.
  • vic2orious
    vic2orious Posts: 115 Member
    Fighting for love, is not an action that person decide in a logical sense is worth fighting for. It based on how intense that emotion is and the action is fuel by a strong feeling. Their is no thought process oh I'm going to fight etc, their you have it my 2cents :p:)
  • tamyoki69
    tamyoki69 Posts: 40 Member
    You cant fight for the person who doesnt want you in his/her life..cause no matter what you'll get hurt.. Either way, you'll get hurt..cause you'll never win.. & i think you cant unlove a person..
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,663 Member
    Depends. Are we talking about the love of food? Cause I'd throw down for a pizza.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

  • hamptontom
    hamptontom Posts: 536 Member
    tamyoki69 wrote: »
    i think you cant unlove a person..

    i'm not sure specifically what it would mean to "unlove" somebody, but here's how i find that it usually works - you get over them. your life evolves, days and weeks and months pile up, things happen, and a layer of scar tissue eventually builds up.

    just like the loss of a parent or a falling out with a friend, once enough time passes you'll look at it through a different lens.

    but - hey, look out for the clever MFP tie-in - just as with anything worthwhile (like losing weight and getting in shape), we may want instant gratification, but it takes time. and ESPECIALLY in this scenario, there is no bariatric surgery or liposuction that will give you what you want instantly. you're just gonna have to keep getting out of bed every day and let that scar tissue build up over the wound until the day comes that you can't even tell where the knife went in.

    i know it sucks right now. BELIEVE me, i know better than you might realize.

    but i also know that it gets better.
  • lseed87
    lseed87 Posts: 1,105 Member
    Yes but I think it should be easy too. Guess it adds up to what the situation is...
  • tamyoki69
    tamyoki69 Posts: 40 Member
    I hope it'll get better..
    hamptontom wrote: »
    tamyoki69 wrote: »
    i think you cant unlove a person..

    i'm not sure specifically what it would mean to "unlove" somebody, but here's how i find that it usually works - you get over them. your life evolves, days and weeks and months pile up, things happen, and a layer of scar tissue eventually builds up.

    just like the loss of a parent or a falling out with a friend, once enough time passes you'll look at it through a different lens.

    but - hey, look out for the clever MFP tie-in - just as with anything worthwhile (like losing weight and getting in shape), we may want instant gratification, but it takes time. and ESPECIALLY in this scenario, there is no bariatric surgery or liposuction that will give you what you want instantly. you're just gonna have to keep getting out of bed every day and let that scar tissue build up over the wound until the day comes that you can't even tell where the knife went in.

    i know it sucks right now. BELIEVE me, i know better than you might realize.

    but i also know that it gets better.

  • tamyoki69
    tamyoki69 Posts: 40 Member
    The sad part is its not easy..

    lseed87 wrote: »
    Yes but I think it should be easy too. Guess it adds up to what the situation is...

  • jjejjtu
    jjejjtu Posts: 1,324 Member
    If both of you are fighting to save it, it may be worth it. If you are the only one fighting, ask yourself why. Why am I fighting for this individual who doesn't seem to care? Realize that you have incredible worth and you deserve to be happy. Don't cross an ocean for someone who won't even cross a puddle for you. If you are being yourself, and it isn't working, think about finding someone you can truly be yourself with. Someone who will appreciate you for the unique person you are. Someone who is a better fit.

    As with any loss, you will experience grief, and you need to allow yourself to grieve. Maybe it hurts right now because some part of you is already starting to grieve the loss. Something important is possibly gone forever and your life will simply not be the same. You have to mentally prepare yourself to face a lot of really crappy days. Days where you sleep all day and the house goes to hell. Days where it feels even difficult to breathe. Days when you go to work, and somehow make it through but don't know how because all you remember doing is feeling totally depressed.

    It gets better. Time heals. Just respect yourself enough to know that maybe, just maybe, he's not worth it.
  • Jerry1001
    Jerry1001 Posts: 43 Member
    You can't make someone love you, it up to them. Just think of all the other opportunities that will pass you by as you fight for something you can't change.
  • pechepanda
    pechepanda Posts: 7,939 Member