weight training for absolute beginners?

no matter how much i try to muster up the courage, i keep finding myself too scared to wander over to the weight section of the gym. i love doing cardio but the weights are a bit intimidating for some reason (and i'm too nervous to ask the staff for help...). what's a good way to start? any easy routines for beginners? how did you all start? i need something realistic and BASIC (preferably with free weights) that i can commit to. thank you!


  • JennLifts
    JennLifts Posts: 1,913 Member
    I started by having a friend that went over there regularly show me whats up, and having someone make me a routine so I hit all of the muscle groups. If you're pretty nervous about it, i would say do a pt session or two to make sure you're getting good form and such!
  • SoFLYFireman
    SoFLYFireman Posts: 170 Member
    I started weights when one of my good friends showed me a routine, I started a basic heavy lifting routine that was online and started researching and experimenting from there, once you get in, youll never look back..
  • bkassing1
    bkassing1 Posts: 8 Member
    You need to talk with someone who knows what they are doing (a friend) or have an trainer take you through some basics. There are so many people who lift free weights that have no idea what they are doing....and thus they are not getting the results they expected or are simply wasting their time.

    Nobody starts out buff and strong. Nobody. Getting the form down will take a while, but once you do, you'll begin to feel all kinds of muscles you didn't know you have.

    Keep it simple. Chest (bench press, barbell press or push ups), backs (pull ups or something simlar), shoulder presses and some sort of squatting leg exercise. You don't know need to do all kinds of weird inclines as a beginner.
  • PattyCake123
    PattyCake123 Posts: 156 Member
    Does your gym offer a free evaluation? At my gym when you join you get one free evaluation of yourself. A trainer goes through and takes all of your measurements etc and then help you set up a routine and shows you how to do it and use the equipment. It's not the first gym I've belonged to that does that so I was thinking maybe it was a common practice?
  • Mommawarrior
    Mommawarrior Posts: 897 Member
    This may sound really silly to you, but when I first started using the weights at the gym I would scope out people who were seriously in great shape and watch what they did. (not the women who are half naked giggling for the guys as they walk by, but the ones who were nasty with sweat and looked great doing it!)
    Then, when I got done with cardio, I would just go up to them and say "I am a newbie, this is what I want to look like, would you tell me what you do and how often.
    Sounds silly, but you would actually be amazed at how willing to help people are. I have never been turned down when I approach someone.
  • sunshine79
    sunshine79 Posts: 758 Member
    Read New rules of Lifting for women - a great easy ready and it gives you a program to follow and shows you how to do the exercises - I'm doing it and love it:smile:
  • ashleymcquown
    This may sound really silly to you, but when I first started using the weights at the gym I would scope out people who were seriously in great shape and watch what they did. (not the women who are half naked giggling for the guys as they walk by, but the ones who were nasty with sweat and looked great doing it!)
    Then, when I got done with cardio, I would just go up to them and say "I am a newbie, this is what I want to look like, would you tell me what you do and how often.
    Sounds silly, but you would actually be amazed at how willing to help people are. I have never been turned down when I approach someone.

    you are a brave woman! this seriously gives me hope...thank you : )
  • ashleymcquown
    Read New rules of Lifting for women - a great easy ready and it gives you a program to follow and shows you how to do the exercises - I'm doing it and love it:smile:

    i will definitely check this out....i need all the help i can get!
  • The_Saint
    The_Saint Posts: 358 Member
    Get with a trainer. Seriously, its what they are there for. The last thing you need to do is hurt yourself because you have a friend who has lifted a few times. Form is THE most important thing in lifting. If you like, talk to the trainers manager. Get with the guy who trains the trainers, if that makes you more comfortable. Just please don't get hurt.
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    I would recommend starting strength or stronglifts 5x5 as some of the best beginner programs. (I will be going back to one of these when injury is better). As was said, you definitely want to get someone to check your form when starting. (both of those websites have plenty of vids on form, good idea to watch them first) And also, you really do want to start as light as possible. (It's mainly eager guys who just want to get massive quick that start too heavy anyway :tongue: ) You have plenty of time to up the weights (as these programs up the weight each workout).
  • bizco
    bizco Posts: 1,949 Member
    Please don't be nervous to approach the staff, that's what they get paid for and if they're worth their salt they will be more than happy to show you the basics. Approach different staff members at different times/days so you get more perspective and learn as much as you can. And trust me, no one will judge you for being a newbie. Everyone starts at the same place. 99% of the people in gyms are too busy focusing on their own workout to care about what you're doing, so don't feel foolish or embarrassed about ANYTHING. You're making the best decision ever by incorporating lifting into your fitness routine. Good luck hon!