Anyone had any success with Weight Watchers Points Plus?

I've started WW Points Plus program last week and already dropped 3 lbs by tracking points. Not sure if it's just water weight or my "time of the month" going away.
I've lost weight successfully on MyFitnessPal few years ago, but struggling to get back on track with counting calories which seems tedious especially when I'm working full time and get in trouble for using my cell phone at work.


  • booksandchocolate12
    booksandchocolate12 Posts: 1,741 Member
    edited September 2015
    I lost 30lbs on WW, then decided I didn't want to pay anymore, so here I am.

    If you found counting calories to be tedious, I'm afraid calculating and counting points won't be a picnic either. You might be in the honeymoon phase of WW, where it's new and exciting and no trouble at all.

    WW is a good, healthy weight loss plan. But it's really just another way of eating at a deficit.
  • jdjjewels21
    jdjjewels21 Posts: 1 Member
    I lost 15 pounds, but stopped tracking and once I did it all came back. I still pay for WW, but can't bring myself to go back. So I'm going to try it this way and see if I can have better luck, if not I'm going to start back up on WW.
  • IsaackGMOON
    IsaackGMOON Posts: 3,358 Member
    edited September 2015
    I lost 15 pounds, but stopped tracking and once I did it all came back. I still pay for WW, but can't bring myself to go back. So I'm going to try it this way and see if I can have better luck, if not I'm going to start back up on WW.

    Weight Watchers is just a simplified version of counting calories. The point system replaces that; certain food items are given points due to the amount of calories they contain.

    Sure you lost 15 pounds, but then you must have thought something along the lines of "oh well I've lost weight now I can eat whatever I want"... commit to it.

    Count your calories. Hit your micros. Hit your micros. Lift heavy to preserve muscle mass.
  • happycpl052
    happycpl052 Posts: 6 Member
    Last year I also lost 25 pounds while on WW through WW at Work meetings. I loved it, but we could not get enough participation to keep it going so I found MFP to be a nice and inexpensive alternative. "The jury is still out" on MFP as I seem to have had more success on WW and counting points but it was likely because I also had supportive co-workers who were also in the program. Whether it is points or calories, they are both a bit tedious, but calorie info is much easier to find than WW points IMO. I just have not had the weight loss that I have wanted so far. Like any program, you will hit plateaus so don't get discouraged. Good luck to you!
  • suziecue20
    suziecue20 Posts: 567 Member
    I've done WW and lost over 40 pounds but the forums were not great and I resented paying £13 per month just to do it online. I'm losing just the same with MFP but the knowledge I'm gaining on the forums is great. As regards counting calories being tedius - Nothing worth having in life is easy but it's rewarding - like childbirth LOL
  • PinkPixiexox
    PinkPixiexox Posts: 4,142 Member
    I did weight watchers for 4 months and I lost 25 pounds. I'm aware they work in 'point values' as opposed to actual calories so after picking it apart with my personal trainer, we were shocked to discover I had been allocated a very low 1100 calories per day. It was no wonder I was hungry and gaining weight as soon I started eating like a normal human being again. In my personal opinion, MFP is a no nonsense, logical and straightforward way to losing weight and I am so, so happy here. I hope you are too :]
  • PepsiGal
    PepsiGal Posts: 85 Member
    Wow! How did you and your trainer figure out you were only taking in 1100 calories? That was very low. How many daily points were you given?
  • sheldonklein
    sheldonklein Posts: 854 Member
    WW offers two things: 1. A structured, reasonably well balanced low calorie diet and 2. The "motivation" of weigh ins and meetings. Re #1, it is a dumbed down version of calorie counting. I'm not sure why anyone would prefer WW to MFP as a way of counting calories. Re #2, only you know whether the meetings, etc are motivational. Personally, I'd rather have my teeth pulled without Novocaine than go to a meeting, but that's just me.
  • cupcakesplz
    cupcakesplz Posts: 237 Member
    Did ww after my second child and loss about 15 kg's
    After that I went on to having more children and gain it back.
    With 4 kids I have to be tight with my money I had to chose gym or WW
    I chose the gym, but I couldn't get my eating under control. I tried to do WW by myself but I found it to hard to go through a book and checking out the points for food. It was my friend who told me about MFP and it was easy.
    I find that all I need to do when shopping is check the packing for the calories no need to look it up and work out the points. My sister is doing WW she came over for dinner the other night and I watched her type in the meal we had and it took forever.
    I am learning more through MFP than what I did with WW.
  • NotGnarly
    NotGnarly Posts: 137 Member
    I did weight watchers for 4 months and I lost 25 pounds. I'm aware they work in 'point values' as opposed to actual calories so after picking it apart with my personal trainer, we were shocked to discover I had been allocated a very low 1100 calories per day. It was no wonder I was hungry and gaining weight as soon I started eating like a normal human being again. In my personal opinion, MFP is a no nonsense, logical and straightforward way to losing weight and I am so, so happy here. I hope you are too :]

    Same here! Calories were too low and when I switched to mfp and started eating a healthy amount I started to gain instantly. Plus the activity points are not enough. I will never go back to ww.
  • piheart
    piheart Posts: 122 Member
    I have had success with MFP so far - 28 lbs down and closer to my goal than I'd ever imagined. I also have issues using my phone at work - to solve this, I prelog my breakfasts and lunches for the entire week so I don't have to use my phone at all, except on break when I check my steps. I hear Weight Watchers works for some, but MFP is free. You can do it! I work 40 hours a week and still manage to hit the gym 7-9 times (with rest days on Sundays). It is totally possible!!!
  • jkal1979
    jkal1979 Posts: 1,896 Member
    I find logging on here to be a lot less tedious than when I was logging on WW.
  • lyndahh75
    lyndahh75 Posts: 124 Member
    Weight watchers made me obsess over my meals. I think mfp is a good alternative but you have to count something within both. Heck, it's all about counting- either its calories or fat or points or carbs. Pick whichever seems less trivial.
  • Queenmunchy
    Queenmunchy Posts: 3,380 Member
    If you're only tracking points it's almost impossible to guess actual calorie counts. I did weight watchers and I had approx 900 calories + "free" non starchy vegetables allocated to my day. I lost all of my leftover pregnancy weight within 6 months, but later added in calorie counting while counting points. I averaged 1200 per day.
  • treetownmama
    treetownmama Posts: 12 Member
    I had a lot of success online--45 lbs over 8 months. And I loved doing it. I also had more fun losing the weight and achieving little badges and milestones. Checking in was more fun on WW. However, like most, I got sick of paying for it. And then I gained over half of that weight back. I like MFP so far, but it's oddly more difficult for me to stick to. Almost 3 weeks into this most recent attempt and I'm feeling good and motivated, though!
  • tlscroggins77
    tlscroggins77 Posts: 14 Member
    I did WW a year after my youngest child was born. I had no success at all. I tracked my points all day only to be starving and grumpy in the evening. My doctor referred me to a nutritionist who calculated the points I was "allowed" and determined the calories were too low. I cannot believe how easy MFP is!! I have been tracking my food for a little over a week now and have already lost 2lbs! I haven't felt deprived at all! I actually look forward to tracking my food.