Runners, do you do weight workouts? How about during race training?

Hi all, I have taken a break from running and have been doing muscley workouts for the past three weeks, but just signed up for a race in a bit over a month's time. (I did a half marathon in April and barely finished in the 3 hours.) Now am trying to figure out if I should....

Just do 3-4 days of runs a week including one long run;
Try to race train and weight train together, would have to do weights and running on same days; or
Do a lighter weight workout while race training.

And how much of a calorie deficit, percentage-wise, is sane while doing workouts that burn a lot of calories? MFP seems to think I maintain at about 1500 calories per day. I have about 15 lb to lose but don't really care how fast it comes off at this point.


  • bbinoa
    bbinoa Posts: 493 Member
    I'm training for a marathon and currently still doing weight training for my upper body on my non running/cross training days. I'm not training legs at all because I don't recover quickly enough from long runs to allow for that.

    Depending on your race and training plans you may want to see what feels vest for you. My goal now is to just finish a marathon so that's priority one. Good luck!
  • kirzz92
    kirzz92 Posts: 61 Member
    If I don't do weight training my running goes for a ball of !#%& I always get injured. Weight training keeps me in top form!
  • SKME2013
    SKME2013 Posts: 704 Member
    I should do more weight training...but I am training for a marathon in two weeks and it is all about getting enough mileage in. I run around 50 miles/ 80-90 km per week and that nearly every day, with a rest day every ten days or so. On run days I cannot add weight training and on the non run days I need the recovery. I have planned though to do more weight training after my race. I do a lot of hiking though beside my running and some of those a very steep fast hikes which I consider "leg muscle" training.
  • yesimpson
    yesimpson Posts: 1,372 Member
    I do weight training whilst I'm building up mileage in time for a race, and I think it helps with injury prevention. Only once a week though or I'm too sore to get in enough miles.
  • gdyment
    gdyment Posts: 299 Member
    4-5 days of running, with 1 weights on one of the easy run days. Run a slight deficit but nothing crazy.